Do you own a Mac?
Do you own a Mac?
Eww Why would I?
>macross 82-99
I'm not into the fag life so no.
3. All PPC. I have a hackintosh thinkpad though.
No. I'm not gay.
What makes someone post such a predictable tired reply? Or is it a reflex you have no control over when you see Macs being mentioned?
Oh Crap i just shit myself, brb
Ya. MacBook Air :^)
I do indeed
Spoken like a true homosexual.
>not naming the file cute loli holding a gun.jpg
it's like we're back in 2011
this show is great btw
No sorry I'm not a gay fish.
I got a 2012 Retina today and feel intense guilt for not getting the standard. Did I goof user?
Are they much less trouble than a PC?
I like things that 'just work' and my PC usually does but can I have the opinion of people who have used both?
yes. macbook pro 15 inch 2015. also a thinkpad and a desktop pc. i like computers, all this elitism about whether or not you dorks like macs or not is stupid.
Pretty sure the retina's released in 2013. Im happy with mine, but the low res does annoy me sometimes. Is it worth the extra $300+, probably not, especially if you have a desktop with a decent monitor.
>Do you own a Mac?
Yes, I'm also a huge faggot that loves dick in my mouth&anus
They definitely started in 2012
Very end of 2012 they put the first 13" Retina out.
Hard to say, if you're not on a tight budget it's worth it for the lightness and crispness alone, if its going to be a casual second machine or you don't have an extra few hundred to spare I'd say just pop an SSD in an older Pro
I only know this because I'm frantically looking for a 2012 non-retina 15"
Mine is my main laptop, but i also own a desktop that I use for more serious stuff, the Macbook then just becomes a light browsing and shitposting Machine.
I put a 500gb Samsung 750 Evo SSD in mine and I love it, it makes the machine quite nippy.
Yes. I run a Plex server from a Mac mini late 2012 + 4tb external drive. Don't use it for anything else. Works well for my needs. Picked it up cheap brand new from a buddy that was hard up for money
yes, 2012 model, probably get myself a 2015 or beforefaggotrymemebar2016 model later on when they drop price.
You're probably at a sweetspot Pre Retina then, maybe play with one in a mall sometime just in case it blows you away
Yes, it's fucking shit.
It was alright in OSX Mavericks, but Yosemite and later is just such a bog on it.
Haswell Retina 13 here.
I've seen and used them before, but I cant justify the cost for the upgrade, even if i tried to flip this one to subsidise it. Getting one with high enough capacity for me would be costly also, as i would need the 512gb, as 256gb is just not enough for me. When this one eventually dies, ill probably replace it with a Dell Latitude, as the cost of the new pros is slightly beyond my budget.
Get fucked, wanker
Nope, I got something far superior, the Dell XPS 13.
>t. mactoddler
No, I use real technology instead of nigger faggot cuckware.
wallpaper please
Yes but with Arch on it.
I have a Pinebook with Elementary OS and Apple sticker.
It's Tetons at Night from SimpleDesktops
If you like the minimal aesthetic, they have a nice selection of wallpapers.
sweet thanks. sometimes i lurk /wg/
Me too, i should dump some of mine at some point. My wallpaper folder has 1,185 items in it, and takes up 1.47gb
Thanks I downloaded a lot of wallpapers from it already/
Yes, 2015 rMBP 15" with R9 370X.
show wallpaper you slut
Maybe I do?
>t. mactoddler
>$3500 mac
>can't even watch youtube without overheating and throttling
>fruity toddler toy
>no games
There are quite a few games that work in macOS. Most of them run significantly better in Windows 10 via bootcamp but simple shit like Half-Life 2 runs fine on even a MacBook Air.
>t. mactoddler
Yes. A MBP mid-2012 With BootCamp of course. The Windows side takes up more than 2/3 of the hard drive since MacOS a shit. Kind of want to sell it for a Windows laptop but the configuration of my device (besides the GPU) is too good to ditch it for lower-spec'd ones. 8GB of RAM, Intel Core i7, and 750GB HDD. I wonder when I will really get a new device....
Yes, it was great when OS X was great. The past 3 years for my 2011 Macbook have just gotten worse and worse. I now dualboot it because I am still stuck with an iPhone and am married to iTunes still. The whole direction Apple has been moving in since Steve Jobs croaked has just been horrible. Their build designs on their newest laptops are abominable. Also their OS's for their Computers and their phones is just garbage. Their desktop OS is not stable. It is riddled with bugs if your machine is over a year old because their developers do not care about the older models. Most problems, if they are ever fixed, take months to get resolved. When I do run OS X it is basically stuck at running around 3 gigs of ram with nothing open. When I boot into linux it is about 1.5 gigs. Also Gnome is so much better than Aqua can ever dream of being. You can actually customize it, which is something apple can't accept. They don't understand that people aren't content with a boring, cluttered UI.
Not personally. I have to use one for work, though.
Quite a few
I am soon to ditch my macbook for a Thinkpad x230 T. I am so damn excited to have a laptop that doesn't leave red marks on my skin from overheating.
>t. mactoddler
Why I don't own a Mac and never will.
Forgot to mention that I got it in early 2013 for just $850 which was a hell of a deal back then. I have a clear case on it so the heat isn't as apparent.
I have 2011 15" with 500GB SSD, 500GB HDD, and 16GB RAM. I use it every single day and it has not slowed me down.
>t. mactoddler
I do. I got it for 300 bucks off a friend after the HD drive. Replaced the cable and the HD with a 500gb SSD and I gotta say, this is the best laptop I've ever used. I would never pay full price for one, but they're great laptops.
wow im an idiot. After the HD failed***
>t. faggot
>t. mactoddler
Yes, a 2015 rMBP and I set up a Hackintosh install on my desktop for my primary OS.
what hardware/software combo are you rocking?
>t. mactoddler
please post your wallpaper, it's legit
im not using a macbook air tho
>spending this much time arguing over other people's purchasing decisions on the internet
must be fun m8
here ya go. it's the same wallpaper that was on my mac performa 6300CD, which was my first computer.
late 2011 MBP: i5, 8 gigs of ram, 1 TB harddrive. 3/4 of my hardrive is running Debian. I use linux 99% of the time. It is the only thing making my macbook enjoyable to use for me. OSX is still on here because it is the only way I can get the photos off my iPhone.
Yes I am a hypocrite, but I will be ditching this computer soon. It is starting to show it's age and the replacement battery I got a year ago is starting to swell.
>t. mactoddler
ty user
I have an imac g3 rotting away in an old trailer, so I guess I technically do.
I own a PC running macos x el capitan
It's a fucking pattern. Cut one of the faces out and recreate it yourself, you worthless sack of shit.
t. communist freetard
>t. mactoddler
Yes, it's my first, bought two months ago. Not quite a convert yet, but it's not bad. Looking for a new laptop last October, I wanted something that had good screen resolution (I actually had to scale the screenshot because it was over 5 megabytes) good graphics capabilities, ans was portable. I also wanted a traditional laptop, without a touchscreen or a ton of gimmicky shit I didn't even want that would break anyway or become unfunctional if I switch to Linux or even just reinstall the OS. The 13 inch Macbook Pro was everything I was looking for, aside from being a Mac, so I thought I'd give it a try. It even has GCC, Vi and Emacs as well as some other tools I'm familiar with from Linux.
Yeah, it's alright. Upgraded from the non-touch version, had a 2013 air before that.
>t. mactoddler
>t. mactoddler
You should probably learn was terveisin means before you try to use it. You just look stupid.
>You just look stupid.
>t. mactoddler
>t. mactoddler
>t. mactoddler
>t. mactoddler
>that image