Is windows 10 as cancer as vista

I don't trust (((online reviewers))). What do you guys think of it?

Wouldn't this be a online review

I figured someone would be autistic enough to take the bait and spew their opinion anyway. Props on the catch; as a reward, here's a cool image from set theory.

Haha cheers

Forced to use it at work.

It is ok. I hate it for the spying, and would rather give my $$$ to someone else who does not log everything I do... but in terms of functionality, it is ok.

I thought you could just turn it off from settings.

Do you trust Microsoft?

No, Windows 8 is. 7 is better though.

After learning C++ on windows as my first experience in programming, no.

Windows 10 is/was definitely more usable and has better performance than vista did at the beginning of its lifespan. Vista had really bad memory leaks and quite often came installed on prebuilts that didnt really meet the minimum requirements, there were also tons of driver issues if yours did.

Vista had no where near as many automatic updates, or advertisements (which in all fairness are easy to remove), or cortana shit (which is sometimes kind of useful/cool but its still shit).

If you dont really care about privacy or neckbeard stuff, windows 10 is perfectly fine and you'll probably really like it, and I say that with absolutely zero irony whatsoever. It performs extremely well, and pretty much 'just werks'. I also like the w10 ui a lot more. I always thought the glass, bubbly shit was fucking gay, I hated it with xp, hated it with vista, hated it with 7 even though there was a lot less of it. 10 has none of that shit and basically no design whatsoever, its just 1 fucking colour, maybe with a transparency, its basically perfect (in my eyes). I could totally understand how you'd like the style choices from past versions though, and the flat design would bug you. The action center/notification menu in 10 is also way better than any of the notification menus from before

Vista was great
Specially if you compare it to 10.

Nope. You can reduce the scope a bit, but outside of shelling out for an enterprise edition or whatever it is, you can't turn it off.

I don't mind it that much on my PC, but that's because literally all I do with it is play a couple of games. Literally all other computing tasks are done on my Linux partition. Family and friends of mine almost unanimously agree that 10 is shit and went back to 7.

Well there you go, install gentoo faggot

Vista is actually better than 10.

I'm pretty sure /fit/ would have saged and/or shitposted me into oblivion if I were to make an equivalent thread over there. Thanks Sup Forums

Windows 10 is more suited to Sup Forums. Also: Deadlift form is very important! Maybe even more important than squat form.

>more important than squat form
No, that did not come out right. Let me rephrase:

Good form is important in all exercises, but you probably can hurt yourself the most with bad form when you deadlift. Maybe bad-form deadlift will hurt you even worse than bad-form squat.

i think you're doing a disservice to vista by comparing it to 10

It's much worse than Vista

Haven't used Windows since XP. I've been running Debian for like a decade now. Windows is shit. Always has been, always will be. People always bring up that GNU/Car meme but Windows is the most cobbled together, half assed, and broken operating system I have ever seen. I often wonder if the devs even have the source for if they lost it in the late 90s and just kept adding new applications, skins, and drivers. Not even Arch is that much of a broken mess. If GNU/Linux is held together by duct tape and glue, Windows is using dollar store bandaids. I fucking hate Windows so goddamn much, and not because of freedumbs. I hate it because it holds back the rest of the tech industry and it's an unstable piece of shit that comes with two settings apps and candy crush. Microsoft needs to die.


So Windows 10 enterprise > windows 7 ?

Also, what is windows 7.1?
the one with service pack 1?

If you use enterprise, grab classic shell, disable as much of the botnet as you can (manually or with spybot anti beacon) and use 3rd party software to control wangblows '''''''''''''''update"""""""""""""""""" it's OK.

Windows 10 is an absolute TRASH. TRASH.

If it didn't spy on you and didn't force so many automatic functions on you then win10 would be the new win7.

Mechanically it is fairly sound and the UI isn't too inconvenient.

>Mechanically it is fairly sound and the UI isn't too inconvenient.
>he measures an OS's performance by their UI

for me it's great so far
> multiple desktops