>And why should we hire and train you when Pajeet will work for half your salary and is already trained?
And why should we hire and train you when Pajeet will work for half your salary and is already trained?
I'm sorry i thought this company only wanted the best
great another faggot who thinks the world of themselves. Next.
Because Pajeet only produces 1/4 the work I do, and his 'training' is only on vendor products and not on software development fundamentals.
Because I'm wearing your glasses.
>only wanted the best
they want the minimal cost.... most profit...
they dont give a shit if youre the best
You shouldn't, I'm not here for some pissant job, I'm here to contract you, but, now that I know you hire Pajeets, I will not.
You could do that, but for programming, as with other things, you get what you pay for. Half my salary will be half my quality. I understand that it's not just enough to have code run, but have it run well. You want to deliver a reliable product to X, and I'm here to make sure you have the soft resources to do that most efficiently.
Let's talk about the reality of software hiring:
1) Employers only want someone who has exactly the skills they are moving toward. Never mind that the entire fucking role of a software engineer is to continuously learn and apply new technology. Missing one out of 50 "required" items? Sorry, we need someone who can "hit the ground running". Never mind that this is exactly how you've hit the ground on every fucking project since you first touched a keyboard.
2) Prospective cow-orkers are looking for *any* reason to assume you're an idiot. Fundamentally, they're looking for a clone of themselves. Generally speaking, software engineering types have absolutely zero self-awareness or perspective on the big picture. They're just formerly bullied kids who are high on power.
3) HR are a bunch of fucking retards who have no business anywhere near the interview process, yet they force themselves into a filtering position. Often times they're the first gatekeepers, misinterpreting things and rejecting excellent candidates, and passing on incompetent imbeciles because they claimed to match the aforementioned 50 "requirements".
4) The majority of questions being asked are actually social signalling. Ivy league kids want to hire other ivy league kids. So, they'll ask how to implement malloc and free, since you do that in CMU's CS211. Never mind that it's wholly irrelevant to the position.
5) Manager fuckwits are either clueless MBA douchebags with no clue about software, or they're former worker-bee software engineers who entrenched themselves into the company by writing spaghetti code and never documenting anything.
6) Your manager's manager doesn't know why these four-eyed dweebs cost so much, and why can't they just do a bunch of free interns for the next project? You're an expense, not an investment.
Fuck tech work.
I have a 4 year degree business admin with a concentration in information systems with comptia a+ and network + certs
Could I get a networking job with at least 40k a year with no experience?
Maybe Cisco tac
this is an illegal question, they wouldnt ask you this
What the fuck are you going to do about it? Call the police?
Because I speak the language and have basic hygiene?
I'll take "what is a state labor board" for $500, Alex.
You're kidding yourself if you think businesses won't subvertly line their PC-safe questions with this point.
You're also a fool if, despite detecting this, you take the job anyway. Employers with this mindset aren't worth working for.
I am Pajeet.
Ask me anything, and fyi I poo in loo.
Because I have a toilet installed in my home.
Something that's been cucked by corporate lobbying
There's enough loopholes in worker's rights legislation to built a themepark in
if you're self aware enough to call yourself a pajeet you aren't a pajeet
you also poo in the loo, pajeet don't do that
Because I don't shit in the sink.
Want to know how most of them get qualified? They pass by a store were you can read "become a developer in one day", they go in and watch videos on YouTube all day, then they get a work... Hopefully some are really great, but most of them no. We are working with an Indian team and it's horrible, they only use deprecated methods explained in old videos...
So no, they won't steal our jobs.
This is why I always get a salary expectation before going in for the interview. You don't need to waste your time with shitty companies like these. Though if you stick with the big names like Google/FB/MS instead of some no-name startup you'll usually be fine.
The street just outside this building won't require as much cleaning.
We don't that's why we're interviewing you, the adequate.
Because Trump will punish you for hiring non Americans.
Sir, I'm here only to deliver pizza
It will be $25.99 plus tip
Our company outscourced and had to bring everything back interal because they no speakidty the proper engrish.
Seriously though, they have NO analytical skills and follow a scripted path to resolution. When that breaks down, they are lost and the customer is jerked around for an hour or days without a solution. When an Advisor cant access his shit and time is literally money, they threaten to leave the firm and that matters when they have a billion+ book.
Because Pajeet will stink the work room up every day with curry and shit in cubicle.
>implying pajeets think for themselves
what kind of shit company is this?
>still moaning about "pajeet"
>What did Pajeet say when you asked him that? Did he respond in broken English, misunderstand your question and blag a nonsensical answer hoping you would leave him alone? I thought so.
Cause I know English.
nice try Pajeet
you can't escape your Pajeetness
3) is why 80% of my """""colleagues""""" are pajeet. They lie through their fucking teeth (and it helps everyone from HR to the hiring manager to my manager is also pajeet )).