What's Sup Forums's favorite terminal emulator?

What's Sup Forums's favorite terminal emulator?

Terminator + Guake master race over here.

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I use Guake

huh? OP just wants to discuss terminal emulators you fucking retard.

I like termite and rxvt unicode OP, although I exclusively use termite now

Urxvt or termite

Son of a bitch wrong thread, sorry boys.

LXTerminal, all day.

iterm2 is da bes

anyone try hyper?



What's the advantage over Terminal?

Ease to use

ConEmu... Because I have to use windows

I really don't understand why you'd use anything else.

besides your terminal looks like shit, i'd say urxvt + tmux is the only valid answer.

cool-retro-term master race

Any reason to switch from konsole?

i knew before i even looked that a cuck like you would post a fucking javascript shitzombie fuckface html5 terminal bullshit.



Sup Forums

I loved Terminator when on gtk. After I switched to plasma I found out that all the things I enjoyed in Terminator are in konsole.

Yeah that was my first reaction, but I've grown to love Atom and its package ecosystem. Would be cool to have an easily hackable terminal

ok you have a point here.. I tried atom and it failed miserably opening a larger evaluation file > 1GB.. that was like 2 years ago i guess.. maybe it' not even true anymore. I switched from vim/sublime to vscode

Can i make something like css background in konsole? I know i can use image