> Still has Windows Media Player and Internet Explorer pinned to their W7 taskbar
> Still has the search bar, Windows Store and Edge pinned to their W10 taskbar
Is there any bigger red flag then this?
> Still has Windows Media Player and Internet Explorer pinned to their W7 taskbar
> Still has the search bar, Windows Store and Edge pinned to their W10 taskbar
Is there any bigger red flag then this?
>still using windows
Some of us actually have jobs, homes, and families.
Jokes on you, edge is a decent browser and the store is good for free time killer games.
>Classic shell isn't installed
>your operative system defines that
How does this explain why you are still using CuckOS?
>edge is a decent browser
how is india this time of year?
How are you going to do your work with shitty free software?
>installing classic shell
Enjoy your malware.
Wouldn't know, I live in the richest country in the world per person and I've never left Europe.
>taskbar is fat
You mixed something up right there. MacOS and Linux users have this. Wintoddlers only have their DirectGoyim12 and "AAA-Games" that get shittier every year.
>What is MacOS
actual, productive adults really dont care what other people use. They're to busy with stuff that actually matters
Edge would be good if it didn't force the user to have a microsoft account to download plugins. Fucking fail.
>How to spot a homosexual
How to spot a manchild
Smarter adults know how to use qemu and/or wine.
Now go write your kids a heartfelt letter and then proceed to off yourself.
I use Linux you negro
Lucky you. I'm leaving the botnet soon.
After Windows 7 it undoubtedly went to shit.
>having anything at all pinned to the taskbar
>Having a taskbar
just ,just letting you know. like, if an os preforms all the things you need, then its just fine. if all a mac user needs is facebook, his os if fine.
if all a windows fag needs is games, the os is fine,
if all a linux user needs is ... idk what linix is even good for, honestly every os can do everything it does.shit chrome os is advancing faster than gnu/linix.
fuck i forgot nobody uses linux because its convoluted and nearly function-less. unless you spend tons of time personally getting it to do almost the same thing as a normal os.
Top b8
oh wait, if a freshman programmer in collage needs a shitty argument piece, linex is an ok os for that
Yes, because I actually use the Windows Store.
Sorry I'm not paying an extra thousand dollars to run a mediocre at best closed source BSD clone on the same hardware I can already buy myself.
Have fun paying a 200% markup for the same i5 everyone has in their Dell.
>he doesn't use the Windows store
>he doesn't use the Xbox app to play microsoft™ playanywhere™ Xbox™ games™ online with irl grills
the they i abandon win7 will be the day i abandon windows completely, i can only hope linux will get better in next 5-10 years
>i can only hope linux will get better in next 5-10 years
yeah i know it wont but i will never install 8/10, i probably will be using 7 forever, by forever i mean like 2050 and longer
>What is a Hackintosh
pile of shit, its designed for retards but still require knowledge on par to linuxfags to install it, it also works only on intel
To what end? The menu in 10 is much more useable than the antiquated process Classic shell emulates.......
There is no advantage to unpinning the search bar.
i like this
I used classic shell or some other similar piece of software in Windows 8, it annoyed me so much that I gave up and used the start screen instead and I LIKE IT.
I will tell you more - I still use IE everyday on Win 7.
Im writing this post from IE.
And I consider it the best browser right now, with the only thing lacking being no addons at all and I would gladly block ads.
If you said Edge I would believe you.
Regular IE is garbage.
lol no.
Baka, ChromeOS is GNU/Linux. ChromeOS is a fork of gentoo or something along those lines.
except its not