ITT: we make a linux distro

ITT: we make a linux distro

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I'll make the logo

Call it Chantoo or Gen-Chan

Make Midori the included browser.

I'll work on the catch phrase

How about archan

im down for this but what would make it stand out?

openRC preconfigured?

rice manager?

loli anime already in a folder?

It would have a custom "control panel" like Windows that would make stuff easier, we should also use mate desktop with custom theme and wallpeprs

nah other way man. you should have it be minimal if it's going to be a Sup Forums based environment. something that utilizes console programs like ncmpcpp, feh, vim, but isn't hard to learn. like it has a preconfigured setting for them, while giving you visualization of your files and manuals to learn how to use it through Ranger. it's not too presumptuous that the user is capable of loonix commands, but it doesn't use a full blown gui system.

it should have shit like banard that lets you use mumble through the console too. the reasoning for console shit is that tmux lets you open them up in a nice way, plus you can modify them how like. if the rice-db thing is revived it can be super valuable in making arch accessible to everyone.

once that's tackled i'd say taking out systemD for openRC would be nice and making that a default install option for the auto script. like arch-anywhere but more options.

then, if it's possible, push it onto the hurd using arch hurd as a base. it'd mean porting everything but if it's polished up to the point that base-devel is available then rebuilding wouldn't be impossible.

once that's done, i'd say it'd have the best traits of an open source system. modular kernel, modular init, and a flexible repository. it'd be unbeatable. I like Archan as a name too.

this is what i'm talking about

>A simple, portable configuration file manager.

Use openbsd as kernel. still call it a LINUX distro. Ask stallman if he aprooves.


What if Sup Forums-os was not a actual OS but a abstraction layer disguised as a bunch of scripts?
Because Linux is nothing more than the kernel, GNU utilites, a package manager and some customized settings.
What if the installer gave you a choice of what package manager you want?

I'll sign the packages

Call it lo/g/os

i don't get what this is supposed to imply. TCP doesn't care about anything unless it's able to connect while UDP always does?

tcp is requesting a connection
udp replies without first establishing a connection
tcp ignores it and continues looking for a connection

tcp is like walking up to someone, shaking there hand, and then conversing with them, while confirming what each other said

udp is like yelling at someone across the house with headphones on

i thought udp was like a fast chad quarterback who doesn't give a fuck while tcp is a beta who struggles making a conversation until someone else engages. isn't that why games use it?

this gave me a good kek. thank you user

P.S got a fucking calle captcha again.

games use udp because it has lower latency, it has lower latency because packets don't need to be confirmed on the other end
it's a tradeoff, udp is faster, but if a packet is lost, it's lost
tcp is more careful, if a packet isn't confirmed, it's resent until it is

real time stuff like games and live media tend to use udp, and just deal with missing packets in their own way (games may ignore or guess updated remote player positions, videos may display partially-garbled imagery)
for real time stuff, it makes little sense to resend stuff, as packets become outdated immediately

Musl, Clang, LibreSSL, Musl, Portage, GCC for kernel only, Grsec patches by default and a good default kernel config but you need to enable your hardware manually, MuQSS/BFQ/UKSM/wb-buf-throttle patches/ SECURITY extension by default on every application launched.

Did I miss anything?

Made a logo

Shit I forgot, busybox/sbase/ubase/toybox userland.

That is soon to become an OS, prove me wrong

Get the one from Linux Lite !!


Hahaha, I came here to post this..

Loli folder must be included. It should also have pretty pre-riced themes. Pink, white and that sort of thing