>Install Mint
>it's a meme
>Install Solus
>it's a meme
>Install Arch
>it's a meme
>Install Gentoo cuz Sup Forums
>it's a meme
should I stop playing around and finally install Ubuntu to get things done and not spend all the time troubleshooting?
>Install Mint
>it's a meme
>Install Solus
>it's a meme
>Install Arch
>it's a meme
>Install Gentoo cuz Sup Forums
>it's a meme
should I stop playing around and finally install Ubuntu to get things done and not spend all the time troubleshooting?
Other urls found in this thread:
Just install ubuntu or debian and call it a day.
i dont know but im about to just install ubuntu and not change any settings because everything is just fucking broken everywhere all the time they are just trying to fucking kill me. every time i fucking change the settings everything is just fucking broken its all shit every fucking DE
Solus is pretty hassle free, and I actually came from funtoo and gentoo.
Look, you're obviously too dumb for GNU/Linux so I recommend that you install Windows 10.
install Windows 10
Get windows, Ubuntu will trouble you as much as the others and debian may as well be arch with an installer to you. If you actually want to use Linux, install arch and get serious about educating yourself. And when you finally have a working arch Linux, delete it. You'll now be informed enough to try out Linux from scratch and you'll truly be at peace with yourself.
What's good about Fedora? Not to trash it, but I've never looked into it. I've always avoided it bc of its name
How was Mint and Solus a problem?
Reasons to get it:
>natively ships with Wayland
Reasons not to get it:
>everything else
Don't get memed into installing Fedora, RPM is absolute garbage and Fedora ships with a faulty Perl package which makes it impossible to compile mpv yourself (this has been a problem for a while now); RPM doesn't have an mpv package either. Literally no reason to get this piece of shit distro unless you plan to work with Red Hat.
Just install Windows lad.
It's ok.
>should I stop playing around and finally install Ubuntu to get things done and not spend all the time troubleshooting?
wtf why haven't you already?
Maybe you're just stupid. I can't recall ever having an actual problem tbqhfamalam.
i3 for lyfe
get ready to break your fingers!
Maybe if your life wasn't a meme you would have been able to use at least one of those distros without being a complete retard.
What are you even looking for?
Only a handfull of people on Sup Forums is SO dumb that they install windows 10
Install gentoo again
Just get a Mac senpai
>a good reason
Nice meme
Systems analyst here:
All the engineers I've worked with that used Linux as their main machine used 4 different distros and 4 different distros only.
Centos (Literally also Red Hat)
Suse (these were all Europeans)
Why do you fucking spergs spend all this time fucking around with distros? You are supposed to do actual fucking work with your machine not just constantly install different distros.
>>Install Mint
>>it's a meme
>>Install Solus
>>it's a meme
>>Install Arch
>>it's a meme
>>Install Gentoo cuz Sup Forums
>>it's a meme
Wasn't that obvious?
>Suse (these were all Europeans)
Crazy fuckers
Well Ubuntu will more than likely work just fine out of the box, so yeah go for it user
It's just a distro that's popular in Europe.
My buddy who is all about freebsd uses ubuntu as his daily driver.
Linux isn't really much of a desktop OS, I keep having to do Linux training because I keep forgetting shit because every linux server I deploy just fucking works forever with nearly no issues.
>You are supposed to do actual fucking work with your machine not just constantly install different distros.
For consultants that IS work... Just put "Architecture engineering" or "System optimization" on the invoice you send your client.
>Why do you fucking spergs spend all this time fucking around with distros?
because all my shit breaks even on those 4 distros so i have to reinstall or try another distro or DE to see if it doesn't break
Don't lie to me about something I do for a living.
It even looks very much like you are doing something really high tech and complicated. Everyone else sitting on facebook or twitter, but every time they look at you they see some commandline stuff going on, or something that does not at all look recognizable.
I am a consultant myself, you autismo faggot. It's a joke
If you're looking for a distro for Sup Forums approval, you're doing it wrong. Find something you can use and stick with it. Fuck the memes.
>install ubuntu
>just works
>isn't a meme
>install arch
>just works
>isn't a meme
It's true. But babies are too lazy to read the installation guide, don't know how to install xorg and then get buttmad about being being dropped to TTY on boot.
b-b..but t-those distros are so b-bloated
b-but i have mpv and i use fedora
..it just werks
>install slackware
it just works
>get sick of windows 10 after a year of using it
>install Debian as my first Linux distro because I like the name and the logo better than Ubuntu
>it just works
you'd be hard pressed to find a bigger normie than me because I have an IQ of 90 and trying to read a manual gives me a real actual headache and mind blanking, and it still just werks
debian is nice
This is true.
>being you
>you're a meme
>Install Mint
>it's a meme
Mint is the ultimate comfy "just werks" Linux Distro.
We aren't in need of enterprise OS? We want to learn about operating systems? Ground up philosophy? Less bundle? More control? I've used dozens of distros over the course of 16 years. I'm not too good for an Ubuntu on my VPS. But I'd prefer something minimal in most cases. I came to linux because I always had old hardware. I'd rather invest the time in optimization than computing. I waited 3 days on dial-up for my first distro. I can wait a few more minutes to see a desktop because I started with a CLI installer. To each his own.
For when I have something that absolutely needs to be lightweight I spin up an OpenBSD vm.
Debian just werks and it lets you install whatever the fuck you want
You can even opt out of systemD if you are autistic enough
>Opt out of systemD if you're autistic enough
thank you so much I thought I was alone here
Just because their desktops had a DE doesn't mean that 99% of the linux systems I deployed weren't terminal only.
Since when is Mint a meme?
What does it mean for a distro to be considered a meme on this board...? Does meme status imply that an entire OS and the community surrounding it is a meme? Are you fucks serious?
>Everything I'm too stupid for is a meme
What's the likelyhood of Debian testing breaking down? I'd likek to try out Debian, but stable is old.
Not OP but I used to use Manjaro. It was a beautiful and stable OS but it had a fatal flaw for me: no deb/rpm support. This prevented me from installing printer drivers. It was said that I could use stuff from AUR but that shit didn't work.
Well it is a meme. Meant to be a "it's so simple anyone can use it" distro... thus the entire philosophy (official or not) is a meme. Not to mention the "we aren't Ubuntu" meme.
The best distro I ever used was crunchbang. Sucks it got abandoned :(
You can literally get the same thing by installing debian and openbox. Crunchbang was pointless.
I remember having tried Crunchbang and how my first impression was an error dialogue that would keep reappearing after seconds of having closed it. I don't recall what the dialogue was but it was truly annoying to me.
They have a very particular definition of unstable
I've had my main PC running Testing for 3+ months without any interruptions or things breaking.
Had the best logo and name of any OS ever tho
Cool. But you asked why the neckbeards insist on OS shopping. Testing, tuning, different hardware configurations. I obviously don't give a shit about billable hours. I want all my money's worth out of some broken laptop I fixed. If have a backup strategy migration is simple. My config isn't what usually comes bundled either. The closest I had was crunchbang and it is retired.
I never had any trouble out of CB
>implying all of your time won't be spent troubleshooting in any particular flavor of linux
Nah. It had your openbox and conky configured and the postinstall script was good for developers.
Configuring openbox to be unique is the funnest part.
solus is indeed a "g/meme"
all the others are hard to deal with because they are developed voluntarily
with ubuntu you are the product
fuck, i wish there was a just a band of geeks working under a single $10 linux, its priced low enough that any 3rd worlder could afford, but high enough to sponsor a team working on making it usable for all sorts of semi-current and current setups
idk perhaps even new features for ppl that want to use the latest gaymen hardware could be paid $10 yearly for the beta kernal release channel or something,
all in all, with no actual DRM enforcing the license, pirates can still pirate, but im sure too many ppl would pay, and poorfags could just pay once to have access to trusted download sources and redistribute to all his poorfag 4rd world friends, its not like in solomon island you can just download 3GB on a whim, sneakernet is still strong outside of the judeo-christian-western-fiber-optic world
I'm using awesome now but I haven't gone far configuring it.
suse enterprise desktop
but they want $50 yearly, i wonder if thats for personal support or to allow the OS to keep running without DRM shuting it down
how do redhat, suse et all even enforce licensing of enterprise linux?
1 can you pirate that shit?
2 can you buy once and keep updating forever?
3 or pay per year and distribute updates to all friends?
last laptop i bought came with linux, the partition is still there, but i figured with cellphone manufacturers fucking my butt with their modification of android, how can i trust a pre installed linux?
perhaps if i copy the drivers, list all packages, and reinstall excatly that same distro (how do i discover the distro, it did came branded as "laptopmanufacturer" (TM)) from the officcial distro website, reinstall the drivers, and re install all packages, should i have it just as workable as when it came pre installed ?
(im just asking if this makes sense, i realize this isnt the place or thread for someone to give me actual instructions)
All you pay for is extra support.
OpenSUSE and Red Hat both have free versions (CentOS) but if you don't pay them money they won't keep supporting your shitty old hardware.
you mean just suse for the paid one
the $120/y includes 12hx5days /week support
the $50 is called "Self Support" and includes nothing, judging by the video, its supposed to have tools for a better experience, even if i have no ideia what that means heh.
>Download: Free 60-day Evaluation
>Get a fully functional copy of SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop
>Free 60 day evaluation with patches and maintenance included
>Supported on all major server and desktop hardware
>Experience first hand how quick and easy we make it to patch and update your systems
i guess it means they DO use drm for at least access to updates.
I don't see why people use linux anyway. What can it do that Windows can't, that I'd realistically need it every single day?
i'm not learning a new OS for nothing, technology ain't THAT interesting.
crunchbang was fucking dope. good times. it's what I mainly learned linux using
>but they want $50 yearly
honestly I would gladly pay that if they promptly fixed bugs whenever I found them
Theres dpkg and rpmextract on aur
>install win 7
>It's comfy
I make $50 an hour at my day job, $150 an hour when I consult on nights & weekends, it's cheaper for me to get a computer that just works than to get some jenky shit and spend all of my time tinkering with it like some homeless person.
pffftt, this. don't mind bloat on on my 32gb, i7x2, 8gb vram, whatever the fuck workstation the company gave me. whatever i rice is going to get flattened by IT every 2 years anyway.
half these nigger 3rd worlders are trying to squeeze out shit on a duo core. fine, call me when you gotta have something work without fucking with configs to go home at 5 and throw that workstation under the couch until monday.
>should I stop playing around and finally install Ubuntu to get things done
any Linux distro is a meme
Just install Windows if you actually want to get shit done.
Wait isn't xorg on the original arch installation guide?
This. Once you go Mac, there is no way back..
The only thing I know about Linux is it has a "kernel", according to the bash.org quotes I used to read. Do you really have to like, work on the operating system to get it how you want it?
And that sounds awful, reinstalling is a chore and losing your data, fuck
>What can it do that Windows can't
oh no, its what does it NOT do that you cannott make windows NOT do
just look at a fresh laptop + windows 8 + locked UEFI
it doesnt matter how feature complete, spyware-free, virus-imune, and bug-less windows 8 is (lets just assume for argument), if no one but microsoft can change it, and if they can get away with leaving normies like you with no other options but to shop for a new hahrdware locked into windows, that you even get to a point of thinking " why people dont use windows anyway", theres something very wrong here
they could do as they pleased
>freetards still don't realise that there are only 2 real linux distros. While the rest are just skins.
Debian and Fedora?
Just install Ubuntu. It works out of the box and doesn't require you to do these time-consuming workarounds for things that ought to just work because it doesn't strictly adhere to the idiocy of the FSF.
Yes, Ubuntu "just werks" although I'm not sure exactly what problem you had with Mint. Most of the hate Mint gets on here is more of a meme than Mint itself.
Ubuntu is a non-free OS. You might as well stick to Windows if you want that easy-to-use, ram-that-spyware-up-my-ass-bubblegum.
Install puppy linux.
At worst you'll be called homosexual dog.
Ubuntu is a meme.even the wifi won't work whitout dickingaround. And other things.
Fuck, it appears I'm retarded.
>professionals use enterprise oriented distros only
really makes you think
arch just werks on my machine with about 600s packages
And I installed a whole DE, I could have way less if I chose a wm with selected software if I was that autist about minimalism
Just pirate windows 7 like everyone else Senpai
>i'm not learning a new OS for nothing, technology ain't THAT interesting
you don't belong here
Fuck off redditor
Install Solus it is not a meme.
It's between Google and Facebook
If you want a non-meme OS pick Debian or one of the Ubuntu derivatives (my favorite is Lubuntu) cuz Unity is shit
why isit shit?