Mfw i realize the /"g"/ is for technolo-***G***

>mfw i realize the /"g"/ is for technolo-***G***

>mfw i realize your "mom" is for ***D***

The Sup Forums stands for Guro.

The Sup Forums stands for reapeatin/g/ di/g/its

I thought the g stood for goy

I stands for somw gay weeb word

no, it stand for "shut the fuck up you pedophile fa/g/"

Isn't it because it was the 7th board to be added to the site

install Sup Forumsentoo

󠁨>mfw op is a faggot

It's Sup Forums for ***G***-NU.

It stands for "gijutso", which is just "technology" in weeb-speak.

anti greentext fashion statement AND DUBBERS!?

this guy knows whats up

reason in a sea of faggotry


[spoiler]At least get it right when you're spoonfeeding.[/spoiler]


when you realize 30% of Sup Forums are generals and the rest are "X on suicide, BTFO", Maximum apple shill threads, none tech related anime threads, and wojak/pepe threads.

Is Sup Forums leaking?

It's Gijutsu you fucking retard.

Since this thread is complete shit, imma use it to check this. Dont mind me.

welcome to g

Swing and a miss.

with a little bit of Sup Forums