>tfw she's now a fat 30-year-old single mother with a mixed-race kid
The passage of time was a mistake.
Ian Wood
Michael Baker
Ethan Thompson
Doesn't render in my browser so it's shit.
Caleb Gutierrez
for real? lel post pics
Isaiah Martinez
all cosplayers and camwhores deserve shitty lives desu the horny schemebags that empower them deserve to be castrated aswell
Alexander Taylor
Gabriel Rodriguez
Get a browser instead of Chrome.
Owen Reed
Aaron Reyes
what shitty browser and/or OS doesn't support unicode ?
Caleb Jenkins
Firefox on Fedora. Every other post in this thread renders fine.
Brody Bailey
You deserve a shitty life
Lincoln Sullivan
You probably don't have the correct fonts installed.
Cooper Reed
That's a font problem then. Viewing it in firefox on windows just fine.
Ryder Evans
Chase Brown
What a dumb idea it was. Now we have a steaming pile of caveman tier ideograms and memes instead of a coherent international writing systems standard.
Charles Price
is that girl's nose frostbitten??
Mason Baker
Cameron Price
Carson Foster
Turning multiculti emojis white sub(u'[\U0001f3fc-\U0001f3ff]', "\U0001f3fb", msg)
Jonathan Morgan
Where do I use this wizardry?
Jayden Roberts
Lincoln Collins
it's period blood (no, i'm not memeing)
Landon Rodriguez
Jonathan Lee
you have to be kidding.
Robert Walker
>ꘪ 𡦹方有什麼看法?
Hudson Parker
Not true. Stop slandering the Sky Queen. She's married to one of her followers(white guy) that she met on the AOL chats she used to do with Sup Forums. I still have dozens of rarez that haven't been posted in years and no I won't share them.
I don't know if they had kids or not. I stopped following her after she got married.
Benjamin Kelly
It's not Unicode.
Hunter Wilson
Still no symbol for PAX CULTURA. Unicode consortium is shit.