Post your favourite unicode block

Post your favourite unicode block

ꔀ ꔁ ꔂ ꔃ ꔄ ꔅ ꔆ ꔇ ꔈ ꔉ ꔊ ꔋ ꔌ ꔍ ꔎ ꔏ ꔐ ꔑ ꔒ ꔓ ꔔ ꔕ ꔖ ꔗ ꔘ ꔙ ꔚ ꔛ ꔜ ꔝ ꔞ ꔟ ꔠ ꔡ ꔢ ꔣ ꔤ ꔥ ꔦ ꔧ ꔨ ꔩ ꔪ ꔫ ꔬ ꔭ ꔮ ꔯ ꔰ ꔱ ꔲ ꔳ ꔴ ꔵ ꔶ ꔷ ꔸ ꔹ ꔺ ꔻ ꔼ ꔽ ꔾ ꔿ ꕀ ꕁ ꕂ ꕃ ꕄ ꕅ ꕆ ꕇ ꕈ ꕉ ꕊ ꕋ ꕌ ꕍ ꕎ ꕏ ꕐ ꕑ ꕒ ꕓ ꕔ ꕕ ꕖ ꕗ ꕘ ꕙ ꕚ ꕛ ꕜ ꕝ ꕞ ꕟ ꕠ ꕡ ꕢ ꕣ ꕤ ꕥ ꕦ ꕧ ꕨ ꕩ ꕪ ꕫ ꕬ ꕭ ꕮ ꕯ ꕰ ꕱ ꕲ ꕳ ꕴ ꕵ ꕶ ꕷ ꕸ ꕹ ꕺ ꕻ ꕼ ꕽ ꕾ ꕿ ꖀ ꖁ ꖂ ꖃ ꖄ ꖅ ꖆ ꖇ ꖈ ꖉ ꖊ ꖋ ꖌ ꖍ ꖎ ꖏ ꖐ ꖑ ꖒ ꖓ ꖔ ꖕ ꖖ ꖗ ꖘ ꖙ ꖚ ꖛ ꖜ ꖝ ꖞ ꖟ ꖠ ꖡ ꖢ ꖣ ꖤ ꖥ ꖦ ꖧ ꖨ ꖩ ꖪ ꖫ ꖬ ꖭ ꖮ ꖯ ꖰ ꖱ ꖲ ꖳ ꖴ ꖵ ꖶ ꖷ ꖸ ꖹ ꖺ ꖻ ꖼ ꖽ ꖾ ꖿ ꗀ ꗁ ꗂ ꗃ ꗄ ꗅ ꗆ ꗇ ꗈ ꗉ ꗊ ꗋ ꗌ ꗍ ꗎ ꗏ ꗐ ꗑ ꗒ ꗓ ꗔ ꗕ ꗖ ꗗ ꗘ ꗙ ꗚ ꗛ ꗜ ꗝ ꗞ ꗟ ꗠ ꗡ ꗢ ꗣ ꗤ ꗥ ꗦ ꗧ ꗨ ꗩ ꗪ ꗫ ꗬ ꗭ ꗮ ꗯ ꗰ ꗱ ꗲ ꗳ ꗴ ꗵ ꗶ ꗷ ꗸ ꗹ ꗺ ꗻ ꗼ ꗽ ꗾ ꗿ ꘀ ꘁ ꘂ ꘃ ꘄ ꘅ ꘆ ꘇ ꘈ ꘉ ꘊ ꘋ ꘌ ꘍ ꘎ ꘏ ꘐ ꘑ ꘒ ꘓ ꘔ ꘕ ꘖ ꘗ ꘘ ꘙ ꘚ ꘛ ꘜ ꘝ ꘞ ꘟ ꘠ ꘡ ꘢ ꘣ ꘤ ꘥ ꘦ ꘧ ꘨ ꘩ ꘪ


Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw she's now a fat 30-year-old single mother with a mixed-race kid

The passage of time was a mistake.



Doesn't render in my browser so it's shit.

for real? lel post pics

all cosplayers and camwhores deserve shitty lives desu
the horny schemebags that empower them deserve to be castrated aswell


Get a browser instead of Chrome.

what shitty browser and/or OS doesn't support unicode ?

Firefox on Fedora. Every other post in this thread renders fine.

You deserve a shitty life

You probably don't have the correct fonts installed.

That's a font problem then. Viewing it in firefox on windows just fine.


What a dumb idea it was. Now we have a steaming pile of caveman tier ideograms and memes instead of a coherent international writing systems standard.

is that girl's nose frostbitten??



Turning multiculti emojis white
sub(u'[\U0001f3fc-\U0001f3ff]', "\U0001f3fb", msg)

Where do I use this wizardry?


it's period blood (no, i'm not memeing)


you have to be kidding.


Not true. Stop slandering the Sky Queen. She's married to one of her followers(white guy) that she met on the AOL chats she used to do with Sup Forums. I still have dozens of rarez that haven't been posted in years and no I won't share them.

I don't know if they had kids or not. I stopped following her after she got married.

It's not Unicode.

Still no symbol for PAX CULTURA.
Unicode consortium is shit.

I'm in 2005?
So there's Snacks?

ŢꀌĨƧ ĨƧ ᗩ ƧƤĕᑥĨᗩŁ ſōƝŢ. ᑥōƤŶ ĨŢ ᗩƝđ Ŷōᑌ ŵĨŁŁ ƝōŢ Ƨᑌᑥᑥĕĕđ.

There are snacks, user.

Pretty bad joke, user.


What font are you using to render this?

feel like pure shit just want cracky back x

Is that board still open? Do people still talk about her?

please tell me its not a nigger

Why did you have to post that picture.

I think I lack some crucial font

It became clear that they are shit when they bowed to the whim of mobile service companies, aka from the beginning.

>blocks and missing chars

Also, these

Because im against degeneracy? Lol kys liberal scum

I like the rectangular one.

but how? is that a code tag or something?

> having to install something to be able to read
Get an OS instead of whatever you have.

This is neither funny nor enraging, just mediocre bait.

I have legit wondered what happened to her. Any proof or source? I haven't seen her in like 10 years

he meant you won't suceed in life, duh

Don't use shit phones 2bh fampai