
Bravo Applel

>living somewhere that reaches negative temperatures
That's your fault, not theirs


>phone poster

Pls be a joke.

Applel can't be that bad...

>one phone doesn't show a minus sign in one widget
>one phone burns your house down and kills your family

Reported to the FBI.

>he doesn't enjoy cold weather
lmao kys

Both of those phones are iPhones.


Pretty sure it's in Celsius you dumb fucking nigger.

Some still describe this shit as smartphone.

Lmao this is real. What a piece of shit phone

>now shows minus sign
so what did it show until now?

>But only a real thug can stab someone till they die

(((modern music))) for the cool goyim

Nothing. 4 instead of -4. Can't you like, think different, man?


Even worse

It's about time Americucks were dragged kicking and screaming into /metric/, great courage from Apple tbqh

Why are Europeans so fucking annoying?

retarded userbase doing retarded things is the worst, you can never foresee every dumb thing they do. it's not apple fault.

Third-worlders either trying to remain relevant or pretending that they don't live in an Orwellian dystopia. Pay them no mind.

Why do Europeans think there's such a thing as """negative""" temperature?

iPhone 4 stock weather app

They fixed it in 10.2

Underrated post.

>Ottawa, Canada

Oh, I needed a hearty chuckle. You have my gratitude.

nah one's a samsung you trolling fgt

your first day on the internet must be a blast eh?

Because they use that shit celsius faggot scale instead of Kelvin, or at least Fahrenheit.

>he doesn't know about negative Kelvin

iPhone 4 cant update to iOS 10 (or 9)

Its the simple things in life user.

exept celsius scales identical to Kelvin. 1°C=1K. Also celsius is based on the behaviour of a common substance (water) at normal preassure, which makes it easily verifiable. Fahrenheit is based on human blood, which differs slightly from person to person and a random solution of salts in cold water which is just silly. The result is not really rooted in thermodynacis which makes it just bogus.

>muh water at normal pressure

Honestly I like Fahrenheit better.

Classic american brainwashing

>some shitty pyramid to garner support by retards over the date format

stay mad

>water freezes at 32°F and boils at 212°F
>water freezes at 0°C and boils at 100°C

Metric system:

>Length: Meter
>Mass: Gram
>Volume: Liter

Imperial system:

>Length: mile, yard, foot/feet, inch
>Mass: grain (~0.65 g), drachm (1.77 g), pound (0.4kg)
>Volume: ounce (0.028 L), gill (0.142 L), gallon (4.55 L)

>flouid ounces vs regular ounces
just fuck my shit up fampai

Literally no one uses drachm or gill though.

But that's not a minus sign. It's a regular hyphen. A minus sign has at the same height and is of the same length as the horizontal bar of a plus sign. Like this: −
Compared to a plus sign: − +
Compared to a hyphen: − -


Which is only useful for water. At atmospheric pressure no less. And pure water at that. Have some salt in it? It now has a lower freezing and a higher boiling point. Wow. So useful.

Generic autistic mentioning another phone

Brazilian here. I can only dream of cold weather.

Wft are you me?

>not being on 9.3.3 jailbroken with Pegasus exploit patched

>negative temperatures only exist in celsius

It's -47 celsius outside. Convert that to fahrenheit, gay boy.