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except IBM salary is shit.

friend just turned down a 45k offer. garbage.

45k to clean toilet is garbage?

Better than the money going to some shitty country that won't do anything with it

pretty good pay if you ask me

I like how you don't mention what the job is.

same as "the girl i fucked from another town"

Where is the job, and what is it?
Though I'd also demand more for working with shitty IBM products... (Having to use Lotus Notes is a red flag for me, and IBM is one of those places...)

Same company that drained 15k jobs down the toilet not long ago, it's just because muh moral

I think i would prefer to talk with William Fish from Tennessee rather than pajeet rajaresh from India, even if William is underpaid.
Also, even if unpaid, those jobs are staying at the USA instead of some 3rd world country.

*even if underpaid

thats cca 7,5 years of salary in the dump i live


>trying to take this thread off topic
fucking shill piece of shit get the fuck out of here

>mfw H1B pajeets will soon have to go back to their designated shitting streets and call center scamming careers for 10 rupees a day

Translation: They will bring 25000 more pajeets.

the most conservative company in the tech industry is backing the republican president elect

who'd a thunk

b-but I swear I'm not a virgin anymore!

conservative = back when the world wasn't shit

The article doesn't say they will hire Americans. They will just hire 25,000 more Indians who are already in American universities.

Can't wait for the salt in Sup Forums when first pictures of the new hires appear online: Rajesh, Pajeet, Muhamad, Panjit...


Good joke.

Well, since you started an enumeration, why won't you finish it?

You need to write a function that converts the DOM elements into an array and write a for in loop

Did they say what those jobs are and how well they are paid?

I kind of feel the companies Trump has fetched into government make a daring bet on how much they will profit from public contracts.

They'll get a greencard because the domestic education systems can't meet the new job's standards.

Dont worry about them, they'll be a super power by 2030 and have all the white servants they'd ever want.

The companies saw tax cuts and regulation cuts and are flocking back in.

You can't get a 15% corporate tax in many places in the world.

Also tariffs play a part as well ?

Wow-wow, more like Comrade General Secretary Trump, amirite :^)


IBM is not a competitor to any of these companies. In fact, IBM relies on them.

the world was always shit

not western society post-WW2

> IBM is not a competitor to any of these companies.
That's the beauty of it. Even thought IBM is not a competitor to any of these companies, it will eventually outperform those campanies in theirs fields. Trump will make sure of it.

your not funny

Wouldnt that be the best job at IBM.
Its not like there is anyone that poos in the loo.

what the fuck is the "old" keyboard layout? I REFUSE TO RELEARN HOW TO TYPE

No you can't get that for reasons. Because you still need to pay as a society for these subsidies somehow. The tax calculation of how much will come in from "returning" companies if you lower the taxes is fishy at best. Productivity is so high that maintaining a high number of jobs ends up in competing on foreign low paying markets with companies that still produce in foreign sweatshops. And those markets won't be very happy if you constantly fuck with them.

Germany went that way some time ago. When all the European economy suffered, Germans kept up because they were cheap. Poverty rose, debt (of all kinds, infrastructural maintenance, financial, societal) rose, real wages stagnated in all lower classes while inflation drove prices higher, the rich got richer and money still left the country.

This is already the current state of the US society. There is not much room for experiments like that anymore. Except perhaps for the fact that Germany wasn't able to lower environmental standards because they don't have giant plains of nothing to dump. But that alone won't help much.

At least I hope he's somehow successful, even if I have to lower my standards of success to "doesn't fuck up completely"

That is far from impressive.
Especially when 20,000 of those positions will be sales and service related for products produced and assembled outside the US. Hell, in most cases, designed and developed, too. For every 1,000 US workers IBM hires, they're going to contract out another 10,000 Indians to write the code these guys are going to be shilling.

Oh, that other 5,000 positions? Management, supervisors, and translators.

This is far from impressive without any foresight on what these workers will be doing, what sectors/departments they'll be working in, and what the end-goal is for these workers.

McDonald's hires 1 million US Citizens every year. Should we be praising them, too?

>what the end-goal is for these workers.
Looking good in an employment statistic.

She lives in Canada and I'm on a no-fly list but we have phone sex so I think that counts. She still won't skype tho

At least you tried.

IBM is great to break into IT. I got a Data Center Tech job with little experience.

Why do internationals even hire people in high-wage countries anymore?

I know someone who got a job from IBM in Switzerland. A Pajeet would have done the same job for one eight of the pay.

Sometimes you need local infrastructure or proximity for research and development cooperation.
Apart from sales, obviously.

> aye-bee-erm
I think I remember them, they produced nice tabulators some time ago

Does this mean I'll get a job as soon as I get my CS bachelors at the end of next year?"a")).forEach(function(a){if(a.href.indexOf("babyname")>=0) console.log(a.innerHTML)});
Aarav Aarush Aayush Advik Akarsh Arnav Aniruddh Bhavin Chirag Darshit Devansh Dhruv Divit Divyansh Eshan Faiyaz Gurkiran Hansh Harikiran Himmat Hiran Indrajit Indranil Jayesh Lakshit Lakshay Madhup Mitul Neerav Nishith Ojas Pranay Priyansh Rachit Reyansh Ranbir Rohan Sahil Samar Shaan Shlok Shray Shreyas Tushar Uthkarsh Vaibhav Vihaan Vivaan Yakshit Additri Adah Advika Alisha Anaya Anika Anvi Bhavya Charvi Drishya Eva Ira Jivika Jiya Kashvi Kavya Keya Khushi Kiara Mahika Mishti Myra Navya Neysa Nitya Pari Parinaaz Pihu Prisha Riya Saanvi Samaira Sana Sara Shanaya Siya Tanya Tara Tiya Vanya Vedika Vritika Yashvi Zara

Made me giggle m8 thx

my fellow brother!


IBM fucking sucks though. Chinese import products are better than US made anyways

Link to the article? I've never heard of the term "Tech Boss" before. If it's the CEO they are all notorious Republican shills these are the same people that made the previous employees train their low wage replacements.

Have a friend that just retired but used to work at IBM has nothing but disdain for management they should be shot for the hell they put the workforce through but since our government is corrupt and just elected one of the worst businessmen in the world to the Presidency coupled with the ignorance of the American people no one bats an eye.

shill piece of shit. go buy your shitty chinese products while you can until the emperor puts a stop to it

25k for a tech company ain't nothing.
>20k will be sales and service related
According to what, exactly, your gut? Most of the new jobs at my company are qualified tech jobs which pay quite well, and we're at IBM's level.

>The other 5k - Management
Alright, now I KNOW you don't have actual career experience. Management is on its way out in this sector - it's all about team leads and coordinators. Why don't you start whining about marketers too and fulfill the cliche?

I'll tell you what at least 6k of those jobs are - Scrum Masters. Not contract Scrum, full time scrum. It's the not-so new thing from Silicon valley that everyone is copying. And it pays very decent for the required qualifications anywhere from 55k to 100k.

>Why do internationals even hire people in high-wage countries anymore?

They don't whenever they can get away from it, racing everyone to the bottom.

That's why protectionism is preferable to globalist capitalism.

Well, if you love IBM that much, you're going to enjoy hearing from Mr. Tesla for the next eight years, too.

I don't understand the point you are trying to make could you clarify please?

>name a protectionist country with a high standard of living


>BREAKING: Trump vows to bring back the ThinkPad laptop to IBM, Lenovo objects.

ya I already knew Trump is having a meeting with these guys I saw the article earlier today. I still don't understand the point you are trying to make. Are you saying it's bad or good I don't get it. I'm kind of indifferent towards Musk he makes rockets cars batteries and solar panels for houses so what?

China's meteoric rise is model protectionism. They massively export, they buy land and companies all around the globe, but if you try to do that in China you get dicked by the government.

>praising trump's blatant attempts at quick political points so that attention off his disastrous cabinet positions is diverted
Pajeet thanks you guys for being such idiots

>IBM is not a competitor to any of these companies
Not yet :^)


could you please elaborate on this? did you just made that up?

Fair point, to a certain degree.
Firstly they left space to circumvent their own rules in places like Hong Kong and over Taiwan as a proxy (one of the biggest investors in mainland china).
Also you see as a parade example what their increasing protectionism currently leads to. Other people start shitting at them now that they're no longer the cheapest producer but a general pain in the ass and only a market, that's why China changed their strategy lately and started acquiring foreign companies.
Europe takes their buying less and less, China themselves producing in for example Africa to cut costs also led Europe to bypass them as a proxy and invest there themselves.

Read the article, one of the main agreements was that if Trump didn't destroy them, they MUST bring back the old keyboard layout for the new thinkpads.

Did kek do it or did kek do it?

>super power
I think you mean super pooer

nice, 25000 more indians master race. you all whities have your days counted.

holy shit

I'm praying for kek as we speak


>turning down jobs
>on Trumps planet
Good luck with that.

I'm a bit excited now that the election is over. We probably won't have a major war and I got first row seats to watch the US do whatever. Good or bad it's gonna be a good show.

I wish the protests were a bit bigger and more dramatic. Are they still going on?


I wonder if Trump can do things other than marketing. I hope he listens to the big wigs.


>I hope he listens to the big wigs.
This guy and the entire council he's announced is so damn focuse on economy that he will have to once there are real political problems arising.

Once Russia fully invades the baltic states he will have to make a move.

Keep in mind that they're just saying that they're going to hire that many people, but declining to answer that are these going to be new hires or just hiring people who quit or retire
>Company that has literally thousands of job openings at any given time
>With it's roughly than 80.000 U.S headcount they'll achieve this already trough regular employee turnaround if it's about 7.8% annually, which as far as employee turnaround figures goes it pretty low for a silicon valley company (where well over 10% is common)
>Also for some reason talking about employment training programs, i.e the usual diversity hire nonsense

I do the U.S' sake hope that ether Trump can see trough this or then some of his aides can and explain this to him so that he can chastise the dishonest IBM leader for trying to mislead him and the public when they're clearly not planning on actually expanding their workforce.

You don't know what you are talking about, grampy.
Nostalgia != Good

People were still breathing lead then.


December 19 will probably be a big deal because that's when he gets elected by the Electoral College.

And I think it will be January 20 or 21 not sure that will be when he gets innaugarated(idk how the fuck you spell it) and people are definitely going to protest that but they already announced they are keeping the protesters separated in special areas. I assume you want to see violence and the chance for that is probably the highest on the January 20 date.


>I do the U.S' sake hope that ether Trump can see trough this or then some of his aides can and explain this to him so that he can chastise the dishonest IBM leader for trying to mislead him and the public when they're clearly not planning on actually expanding their workforce.
I hope that Trump knows and/or cares. That he mislabeled an already set japanese investment as his very own first big win for america allows for two interpretations: Either he knows damn well what he's doing and doesn't care, or he just believes what pleases his ego. In the latter case, he can still dismiss all the warnings as personal attacks (he also won with media bashing, so hey why would he care). No one in his council will tell him the truth.

>announcing things that would have happened anyway under the political umbrella
please tell me you're not delusional enough to actually believe this was a decision IBM made after a political influence

but user, the timely correlation is just too perfect to ne be a cause-effect-thing!

it's called twisting events into politically oriented news. Megacorps enjoy political alliances. It's good for business

meanwhile, in reality IBM has been outsourcing for years now and will continue to do so until it's no longer profitable

you need to get the fuck off my posts you fucking shill

how much you getting paid?


stop posting your cancer in all caps in multiple threads

Why not just go back to Facebook? You can get a better following there


>except IBM salary is shit
actual IBMer here
I work in eastern eu at IBM
our job is to maintain mainframes and software for giant banks
my monthly salary is $600 (six hundres burgercoins) after taxes
should I just kill myself?

Mostly people being upset out of their minds actually. People rambling incoherently in microphones. Obvious Agent provocateurs.

i can multitask better than you

why not get a real job instead of getting paid to shill around Sup Forums?

is 600 USD actually good for your COL?

is that what you call shitposting your pseudonews in ALL CAPS like you do on Sup Forums?

You're doing nothing that would be even worth calling a "task"

if by COL you mean cost of living then no
rent is $300
food is $150
also every tech piece is at least 30% more expensive than in the US
and I live in poor conditions
but I should "feel grateful" because I earn three times as much as my mother who works for minimal wage
guess it's not really IBMs fault but my countrys

fuck, you make three times minimal wage and are still in poor condition living? That's horrible. Find a country where you can live normally with your skillset

God I just want to pay you to come over here so I can hug you poor person.
I could probably afford to hire a personal hug-slave if i could just give you 600$ a month.

Maybe it's just a stupid rich country perspective but it looks like you should move.


I love IBM.

thanks bro

You are entitled to your own opinion.
And do you have a problem when someone uses all caps? You keep bringing it up, you seem pretty triggered about it. Do you hate people just because of the way they type? Not very liberal of you. But it is liberal of you to veer away from my original point and make an opinion about me because you don't agree with what I said! Fucking libtard



Not that the guy you are talking to but I was wondering. I've voted mostly Democrat most of my life.

I've never considered myself a liberal and only really hear the term online used in a derogatory fashion like you are using it. Do you consider me a liberal? Do you also listen to a lot of talk radio and do you happen to post on facebook a lot?

This also had nothing to do with Trump.

IBM had announced in May that they wanted to fill 25k jobs

oh look it's more cherry picked megacorp news with a political spin