/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Previously: Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.
Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread. ***

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0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or Mac.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

* Resources:
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$ help

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Part III: Part II: archive.nyafuu.org/wg/thread/6767536/
Part I: archive.nyafuu.org/wg/thread/6743571/

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I want to switch to Linux. These Distros are what I'm rooting for?
Which one should I install?
openSUSE seems to be pretty user friendly, since it has one of the best (graphic) package managers


Was also considering it. Are the "outdated" packages really that much of a problem?

use testing or sid

You can choose how fresh you want your packages, only "stable" has older packages. Check out: wiki.debian.org/DebianUnstable

Yes if you're using the stable version but you can always just install some software from source should you need a newer version although I personally don't like Debian as a desktop distro, been rocking it for solid 9 years on servers though and I cannot complain other than every major release the distro will brick itself during the upgrade.


you shouldn't make threads so fast.
mods might clean out 60 posts again.

Who is this semen demen?

all of thats bloatware shit garbage except debian , fedora, and sabyon

fedora = systemd sellout shit noobs
debian = alright
sabyon = gentoo for babies

you decide

i want to hug him :3

>sabyon = gentoo for babies
That's Calculate linux...



>neo Sup Forums GETs

Out of those Fedora or Manjaro are the best for beginners, followed by debian and opensuse

>still butthurt that loonix is getting standardized

I'm planning on installing a second distro to my laptop for the sake of trying it out in the most realistic settings possible. The laptop already has two OS's on it, W7 and another Linux distro. Is there going to be any sort of grub fuckery I'll need to deal with if there's three OS's for it to handle?

(It's openSUSE, in case that makes any difference.)

ur shit will get fucked up i bet


Can I dualboot Gentoo with Gentoo?


Think about it for a while

don't. duel boot it.

Anyone got the link to the (You) counter userscript?

you don't want it

Can we start posting Linus instead of RMS? Fuck that guy is disgusting and useless

Linus is boring.

Do you have the (You) userscript? You look like someone who has it. Please share!

you don't want it

I'd basically just surf the web, watch JewTube videos and use LibreOffice.

Where are configs for ricing and stuff in archy kde?

I'm using Arch, just letting you guys know.

FYI, so am i

>not using blackarch
you call yourself a hacker kiddo?

Is Antergos any good?


>red logo

No. It's for noobs that can't maintain their own system.

for starters corrupted binary logs, system hangs forever on reboot.

It's just the metadata that can be corrupted, it still has all the information a you would expect from a text log file.

It only hangs with you.


Source on what? It's just a fucking file with embedded text. Do you even know what a fucking binary file is?

Do "strings logfile | less" you shitlord.

What is the best free as in freedom gnu/linux distro? Trisquel?

Source on it not happening to somebody else and source on it being just the metadata.

>hangs con reboot
I had that problem forma a while but with the latest update it seems to hace been fixed

>just the metadata
not to me, when it happens it fucks everything


Fedora and Debian may also be considered free as in freedom. Just don't use the proprietary repos.
Parabola is a free arch spin off.

Trisquel is good but doesn't have a very big or active community.

outdated and security issues

>and source on it being just the metadata
Do you know what a binary file is?

>Source on it not happening to somebody else
You claimed it hangs on boot. So you provide the fucking evidence, you fucking deepshit. If you male a claim and don't provide evidence there is no reason to believe it you retarded memester.

>not to me, when it happens it fucks everything
It is. The text is still there. Use "strings file.log >> log.txt" or something like that.

security issues where

Actually, it's not.

They introduced a security issue in OpenSSH.

Ok. What happens when you run the command?

you used plural on issues

>You claimed it hangs on boot
No, I claimed it hangs when rebooting, it doesn't shut off

Are you really tryng to help or you're frustrated with something in your life so you came here to fight somebody over something you don't even know about?

If they introduced a security issue in OpenSSH what have they done to other software which are less critical?

Debian is a plague.

What are some cool software from the AUR? All I ever use are fonts. Why does everybody love the AUR so much? The official repos have plenty.

it outputs

strings: 'file.log': No such a file

>No, I claimed it hangs when rebooting, it doesn't shut off
You understood you fucking deep shit.

>Are you really tryng to help or you're frustrated with something in your life so you came here to fight somebody over something you don't even know about?
Still waiting for evidence to support your claim.

You have no idea of what you are talking about. You just repeat memes. You are everything that is wrong with any online community.

And you think others don't make errors?

I have been memed.

>Why does everybody love the AUR so much?
I don't know either

Other don't fiddle with OpenSSH. They can make errors, but they don't touch the critical software. Debian are filthy pigs which have learned nothing from that CRITICAL error.

Still no evidence? okay, you're here to be an epic troll, good to know.

I don't have provide any fucking evidence you dumb memester. BECAUSE I DIDN'T FUCKING CLAIM ANYTHING. YOU FUCKING DID.

can you help me or are you here to meme?

yes, you did, see Do you know what a claim is?

file.log should be replaced by the path of your systemd log file.

If you didn't know that, better yet, if you couldn't come up with it yourself, you don't need to read logs.

but I have a symlink to it, I thought it would work.

You are not very intelligent are you?

The claim about metadata is evident if you know what a binary is.

The claim that it only happens to you, is the only thing that can be logically assumed if you don't provide evidence that it happens to other people.

I'm even being a nice person and not assuming you are lying.

What do you mean? "strings /path/to/symlink" ? I think it should work.

>I'm even being a nice person
where? what do you want? a video of me rebooting the computer?

But it doesn't.

No. Because I'm being a nice person and believing you. I want evidence that it actually happens to OTHER people.

Note that you said "it hangs on reboot", meaning it's a frequent issue. You didn't say "it hangs on reboot for me."

A recent bug report on the systemd master branch, and not a super edgy case, would be fine.

*stable branch

works on my machineā„¢

Ok, how should I fill it? "My system hangs when I try to reboot, I can't access the log file so I can't paste it here"?

Ok. Then read the strings man page to see if it has a problem with symlinks or use the direct path.

What error does it give?

>systemd develping team in a nutshell

You can. Just extract the ascii characters from the log file. If it is really corrupted.

gnome is a fucking buggy piece of shit and I won't let you convince me otherwise after using it for 6 months


Pretty sure he's trolling, no one can be that retarded

I got double triples plz respund

That's the thing, I can't.

>answering tp yourself

Don't do that, that's sad.

Why not? How are you doing it? What error does it give?

> (You)

(S)he is not me.

Found this idea interesting so I made one myself.

// ==UserScript==
// @name Sup Forums (You) Counter
// @include boards.Sup Forums.org/g/*
// @include boards.Sup Forums.org/g/*
// @require ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.2/jquery.min.js
// @grant GM_addStyle
// ==/UserScript==

$("body").append ('');

checkWordCount ();

var wordChkTimer = setInterval (checkWordCount, 5000);

function checkWordCount () {
var matchRez = $(document.body).text ().match (/>>\d+\s\(You\)/gi);
var wordCount = matchRez ? matchRez.length : 0;

var countReport = '';
switch (wordCount) {
case 0:
countReport = 'No (You) found!'
case 1:
countReport = 'You got one (You).'
countReport = 'You got ' + wordCount + ' (You)s.'

$("#youCounter").text (countReport);

GM_addStyle ( " \
#youCounter { \
background: #111 !important; \
border: 1px solid #000 !important; \
box-shadow: 3px 3px 5px #050505 !important; \
color: #ddd !important; \
position: fixed !important; \
bottom: 10px !important; \
padding: 5px !important; \
right: 10px !important; \
width: 150px !important; \
text-align: center !important; \
text-shadow: 0px 2px 3px #555 !important; \
z-index: 1 !important; \
} \
" );


You forgot to license it under GPL.

Licensed under GPLv3 or later!

Oh shit, you're right, It was me all allong

damnit user stop forcing freedom on us


anyone know about VxWorks ? i connected to my ftp in a local adress and it says
230 User logged in.
ftp> ls
200 PORT command successful.
150 Binary data connection for directory list (3232235785,50787).
550 No such file or location.
226 Program flash successfully

shit, I forgot the most important part