Eternally stagnant in self learning programming

I program games constantly. I spend about 14 hours a week programming at the absolite minimum but it feels like there is always a wall blocking me from improving. Something that I can't really grasp or begin to comprehend, and that is absolutely devastating my motivation. Most of the time to the point that I scrap entire projects and begin from scratch so that I can relearn everything. Any of you guys have any tips on how to improve while not making me hate myself?

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I should also note that iv'e had this same system for about 2 years and still feel like I'm at a basic level.

Same. You graduated uni with a good grade and now doing a dev job but still have this issue

Damn, that seems like a much worse position to be in. That's alot of pressure, how do you handle it?

>programming games

Sad, so sad.

Just be like me and program automatic buy/sell scripts for marketing programs.

Literally living the god-tier NEET life and earning more than any of my wagecuck slave ex-friends from my Technische Universitat Wien class.

Have you studied any CS theory, OP?

Taking a hands-on approach is fine and everything, but coding platform games in Gamemaker isn't going to push the boundaries of your knowledge much, at least as far as the programming aspects are concerned.

Damn, I knew Austin Evans was a goofy looking kid, but look how stupid looking he turned out.

*nasally as fuck*"Heeey Guuyyyys"

I have not studied any CS theory, didn't know that even existed as I guessed this all came with experience. I actually have been programming in Java.

Any leads on which language to use then and what sort of tools? I assume these work as plugins, correct?

Lol please leave

For what reason?

Learn lisp. Learn C. Write a library that does something useful and only uses pointers, no regular variables. Don't learn C++. Learn D. Write a game-making engine.

I;m guessing because you know jackshit about anything

No need to guess, read my first post.

you don't even know theory exists and you're willing to drop everything you care about because of a sentence on an anonymous imageboard. not only that but your first thought was "hurr what language"

exactly the kind of person cs does not need. leave.

>Technische Universitat Wien

My sides.

Thank you for the information, however, are these languages as marketable as Java or should I learn these just for the experience? I'm afraid of loosing alot of time on something that won't come of much use to me commercially. Thank you again.

Learn how things work on the level of opcodes, assemblers, drivers, kernels, file systems, and communication protocols. Then everything else is just layers of abstraction on top of that.

So because I appreciate the help of an user and would like to not be rude by completely dismissing his sentence, I have to leave? As Iv'e stated I'm self learning this, I don't exactly have a rubric on what I have to learn so that is why I'm asking here for advice from more experienced and knowledgeable people. If you have nothing informative to say I will assume you are much more retarded and unsucessful than me so It would help if YOU would leave.

yeah that's what he should learn. fuck data structures and algorithms.

Thank you for more information. I will still as the previous anons list to my own just to further explore my options. I will not dismiss anything just yet.

Take a "holiday", doing works that's new to you, playing board games, making friends.
Stop trying to program fucking uninspiring garbage that any monkey could make.
Learn some philosophy, literacy, find your inspirations, see great art.
Realise what there is to care about, what you used to do that was just redundant and generic.
Realise no one is worth shit so you choose a desire and goal and work in pursuit of it but never meeting that perfection-illusion that destroys and deludes all men if they don't have patience and flexibility.

Hey man your life sounds boring as fuck. You're also contributing to the degeneration of society with your shut in desire for nothing but comfort like a pensioner who's mind and interests have degraded. Find something that matters and look after yourself and your community.

>contributing to the degeneration of society
>an Austrian

degeneration overflow is their only hope for future

You're bringing me down a bit with that but I'll try it for a little while if you think it would help.

Eventually you'll come back to the things that stimulate you or that you feel you made workable investments in. If you've spent that much time trying to program then it's probably your best investment, eventually. Seek novelty, that matters in life and games. Novel and stimulating programming and artistic ideas will inspire your inventiveness later.

>not learning both

we both know he's an absolute waste of life who's going to learn neither

>I'm afraid of loosing alot of time on something that won't come of much use to me commercially

So what, I don't go to any workplace either, I work from my home. I can masturbate to my waifu anytime I feel like it, completely a free man.

As I read the comments I saw a post where you said you don't know much theory and other shit regarding programming.

Well, I seriously recommend learning math and learning about various CS topics; algorithms (how and why they work), complexity theory, logic, formal languages, etc.
You should also look at software engineering books, books about operating systems and networking, etc. They give you lot of ideas about how actual systems are built.
If you're interested in games then game design stuff is also cool to read too.

Apart from that pick up something else which isn't related to programming, something which requires a different kind of thinking and whatever it is don't do it on a computer. Doing the same thing over and over again tires the mind.

Hell, even if you would keep using a computer programming numerical methods and writing your own ode solver then using it to simulate (simple) circuits would probably stimulate your mind more than programming games and shitty projects. Studying logic and/or AI stuff is another good example.
If you're interested learning basic math and physics stuff then learning some proper electronics is good for someone with interests in computers.
While computers are digital, analog stuff and how actually digital stuff works can be quite interesting. With signal processing you can do nice effects. Keep in mind though that improving, especially in complex areas like this, is a journey. You won't be done in 2 weeks or months for that matter.
On the other hand building model ships or gardening is just as good. Just do something different and do it properly and seriously (to an extent).

Exercise. You need to exercise. You don't have to go to the gym. Just learn a few methods and do it on your carpet. Do it daily and enough that it can be actually considered exercise.

What exactly is the point of learning something if it wont be put to use? Is it just to get more TechPoints?

how has learning just what you "put to use" worked out for you over the past two years, faggot?

I'm being serious. This is the best advice you're going to get. Pick a different profession. Programming is way too competitive and individual for people like you. You will never break a 40k salary with your current mindset, even if you get a degree.

A. Yuh gotta learn all the things.
B. We like tech a lot for the sake of tech. Tech is the thing you can get with the money you earn at your tech job. If tech is the thing you use to make money and you don't otherwise care: Fuck you.

Sounds too me you don't have a clear idea of what game you're trying to make and just leg it along the way OR your scope is too big and soon enough you cannot keep up

Maybe even both


australians are cucks, just like germans

they had a chance in the presidential election and they blew it

What is a marketing program?

something like Metatrader i imagine

Nice dubs. Well then I suppose you're right, Iv'e bitten off more than I can chew for too long. Gonna go kill myself.

Well I didn't create games just to make em. I figured alot of different techniques would be needed to create one and so Iv'e been using that as my rubric. So far it's accomplished quite a few things for me but there's been a sudden halt in my learning. I suppose Iv'e stuck with it for too long.

I'm not doing it JUST to make money, but I do want to eventually ease myself into the field. I want to prepare myself with minimal amount of halting.

can I save this?

All yours my friend

alligator gozaimas

Chill OP, don't get your panties in a bunch. You never mentioned what it is that you feel like you're missing or can't overcome. Have you tried online resources? You can find pretty much everything you want. You can check out open courseware, they literally have entire semesters worth of material for cs, along with the assignments and everything. But the fact that you hit a wall and restart isn't good. I learn the most when I overcome the problems. Problem solving and critical thinking are two skills you can't get from a book and a good programmer needs both.

Don't worry OP, the tech bubble is gonna burst soon and it's gonna go down on white males especially.

The only rescue from getting your privileges booted is becoming trans.

Do you know why you feel the way you do?
It's probably because you aren't using and/or learning how to use design patterns. I'm not saying you need to always use them, but there are many situations in medium to large projects where you should use them.
I recommend you learn from books, but most people do not want to do that. There's always youtube
Those tutorials are in java, which I hate. However you can easily apply these lessons to C#, which I do not hate.

Also you should be aware of

When it comes to game programming, if you do not use design patterns you're going to get your feet wet and then plunge into a deep crevice. Entity component systems, though itself an architectural pattern, does not teach you how to be a good programmer and is not mutually exclusive to other patterns.

If you don't understand everything right away, do not be alarmed. It takes years upon years for people to learn these things, and you learn them best by practice. I recommend you do some basic projects with your preferred game engine (I assume you're not making your own). Once it's done, think about which patterns you could apply to make it better if you were to expand upon the game.

Glad I already transitioned.

Hoarded knowledge is wasted knowledge user, do share