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Technology #582
What soildering iron do you use?
Donal Trump is killing net neutrality and we voted him
I'm currently using Linux From Scratch but I might not have enough time to keep maintaining it on my laptop...
My gpu just died. Whats a good gpu that can run games at 1080p pretty much maxed out without going under 60 fps...
Shoul i fell for SSD meme if only play vidya and have only SATA II support in mobo?
Stupid Small Questions Thread /sqt/
All right, now that it's established that ultra wide is NOT a meme.... what ultra wide monitors is Sup Forums using?
Speccy thread? Speccy thread!
Windows 10
What do you think of the 1080 ti?
Have $1000 in fun money to drop
How often do you backup, Sup Forums?
What does he actually do at Google?
If you're not a gaymer... is there ANY reason not to use le AMD apu?
What the fuck is gookmoot doing?
MFW built my entire new PC by putting in false warranty claims
Is HVAC technology enough for you?
Tfw you bolt your processor in too tightly and it snaps
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Anyone else here just waiting for their iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 plus to spontaneously die from touch disease?
That feel when you have over 1000 movies in your collection
TFW finally got 60/10mbps internet at my house in Canada
I know that a lot of you guys have Thinkpads (or whatever laptop you use) alongside your regular desktop
American and australian internet speeds
Only just discovered kodi, what a fucking amazing program
Command prompt appears for a split second
He still on Verizon
Oracle kills Solaris
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
MPC-HC + madVR + LAV
Sup Forums loves Linux
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
/bst/- Battle Station thread. post them...
Which countries are the most Sup Forums-friendly?
"f.lux is just a meme," they said
I am done with MemeFox, this browser is a shit
Espero que consiga
Electronics thread
Mac Pro to be discontinued
Sup Forums on 2016
IRC thread
Alright you guys. Should I return a tv that I got for Christmas because it has a single dead pixle?
What's your favorite coding languages and why
Do you think SATA is likely to be phased out within the next 10-15 years? It's really starting to show its age
End of an Era
Let me present the future to you. Two words:
What VPN do you use, user? You DO use a VPN, don't you?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Mid-range 2-in-1 laptop suggestion?
/netsec/ is dedicated to everything about computer security, networks, exploits, reverse engineering...
Alternative for Gboard?
What kind of computer science is in Halt & Catch Fire?
Open Christmas present from parents while they watch
Comfy music management thread
Air blower
So what gigantic dumbass decided multiple competing standards for a single cable type was a good fucking idea?
AMD is faster they said
Reddit's new design
LaserDisc was better than VHS right? So why didn't it catch on? Also how does it compare to Video CD?
What was it like to use Opera before it became a Chrome clone?
/hpg/ headphone general
What program did you write which you consider your greatest accomplishment?
What's the best way to make macOS look?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
ITT: Instant regret
I bought a Hacker News and Sup Forums approved Shitpad
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Best programs available on the AUR?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
/csg/ - Chink Shit General
Secretary of Dongles
Linux Distro's
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
How does google still not know what this is?
How do you name your files?
New Video Card
Good looking music players for Android
I just noticed that in the pilot of Mr Robot Elliot enters in an IP of at roughly 49 minutes
Why is he always using a laptop in public?
/AG/ - Audio General
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
I am trying to overclock my i5 4690k at a frequency of 4.2ghz @ 1.14 volts and it always crashes during games...
How much do we know about Linus Torvalds' personal battle station...
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Approximately how much time does it take to learn a programming language?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Guys um... is he right? does buying nvidia actually harm the market and in the end the users...
Archfags will defend this
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
ITT: truth
I have 2 tabs open
Major Decision
Apps that Sup Forums swears are not botnets, but actually are botnets
00s desktop screenshots
Android Browsers
Google Pixel thoughts
Ubuntu is not free
So Sup Forums which manufacture do you prefer for
Redpill me on Python
Macbook Pro Unibody is the best 15 inch laptop available. Prove me wrong
Can anyone really learn programming?
Let's face it - eventually, the update to Windows 10 is inevitable
Is there a more beautiful music player available for Android?
Who has the better app switcher interface ios or android?
What does Sup Forums think of LG phones?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Is there any good KDE distro? I want some stable shit
People who use linux for things that can easily be done with windows
Things that your C++ teacher keeps doing
Say hello to your new boss user
WTF? Bitcoin breaks $1,000 level, highest in more than 3 years. yet i never seen anyone Sup Forums talk about it
Hi Sup Forums, i wonder if you can help me find a piece of software. i'm not sure if it even exists
Sup Forums humor/cringe thread
He isn't rich enough to afford Apple Products
Speccy thread, just installed my z170 board and evo 212 last night. I plan to overclock soon
Game Developement
Try to press ctrl + w to close tab
Firefox is dying they said
XPS 13 is now a 2 in 1 convertible laptop/tablet
Why do people actually use private trackers?
What can we do to combat the influx of fake news?
Did Apple fuck up?
Grandpa is not good with computer
What would make Stallman cry?
Any other gamers on this board
Is there any Sup Forums recommended price/performance AC router?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
>He Still Uses Facebook After This
Why don't they just Make C/GPUs out of silver?
Why u not using the fastest and smoothest browser on Android - Cyanogenmod GELLO?
What can you even do on Linux aside from ricing your desktop and pretending that you're a programmer?
What are some good DRM-free games for steam?
"I know a lot about hacking"
What GTX 1070 should I be getting...
I will become homeless in 6 months, help me survive, Sup Forums
I need some Sup Forums approved monitor recommendations, I heard you guys were the best to ask
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Lets cut the shit
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
This is driv(er)ing me crazy. Why is this DS4 controller not where it should be...
Homescreen Thread
Hello Sup Forums fags how do you feel about this?
Sup Forums I need some assistance with pic related
How much do you Sup Forums cucks make?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
I'm on Windows 8.1 on my gaming laptop
Mint fags will defend this
Lol how can other languages even compete?
Gtx 1070 Worth it?
Sup Forums programming exercises
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Where do I connect the cables I try to every single pen in the computer won't power on but the motherboard is getting...
Whats your Program of 2016?
2016 ended
What is the smallest floating point of your fagget language Sup Forums?
Are there any tech news sites that aren't shit? Or, at the least...
What is the fastest, highest performing Linux distro?
Sup Sup Forums, a friend fucked my processor up. So, what would be a good AMD processor for around $400?
Tfw you find 0days in a very popular router software but the company your work for won't let you publish about them
Vintage Computing 440BX or i815
Phone IMEI change
2+ Monitor ppl I have question
Do you use signal?
ITT: HDD shills try to convince me that it's acceptable to have a hard drive instead of an SSD in the current year
Post your desktop
/spg/ - Smartphone General
What calendar does Sup Forums use?
You guys don't believe all this Russian hacking bullshit right?
What is Sup Forumss favorite laptop? (portable)
Any advancements with pillows? We use them everyday, so what do you guys recommend?
Is kali a meme?
How are things like washing machines, dish washer, microwaves etc programmed ? what do they use? what languagE?
Looking for a software to sync several folders
What kind of mousepad does Sup Forums use?
When was the last time you went into an internet cafe?
Zen is DOA
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
That feel when you finally got your own computer and didn't have to use the family pc any more
Is this man correct?
I don't have a smartphone. i never have. i just use this flip phone and its very low tech and frustrating to use
Is the internet killing music?
Have any of you anons bought a chromebook pixel? How is it now? Do you regret your purchase?
People who willingly put microphones in their home so they can be recorded 24/7
Edward Snowden
Is Void Linux a good distro for Desktop or is only a meme?
Sup Forums
What's your hacker name?
Lol @ these """benchmarks""" no way does intel give you that much more performance increase year over year
Is USB type-c a meme?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
How to become a programmer in 2017?
So Sup Forums, it's 2017
Wife wants me to make a "sex tape" with iMovie
What the hell is Firefox devs' problem? Are they trying to make the least functional browser in history?
It's 2017 and Sup Forums is still trying to meme me into installing a server OS on my Windows desktop
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Someone send you a zip archive
Just riced my desktop, and I was going to post more shitposts but I noticed something
Why do Sup Forumsentoomen and Sup Forumsnimals feel the need to shill which of these are best...
Why is Kodi so based? Is it, dare I say it, one of the coolest and best executed open source projects ever?
How useful is it to hold onto old technology...
We elected this man right here as the leader of our country
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
What is Sup Forums's preferred e-reader?
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
Thoughts on the Sapphire Radeon RX 480 Nitro?
I have a suspicion that my employer put spyware on my smartphone I received as a part of benefits in my company
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Powerline fuckery
Should I get a sound card...
This is the peak of UI design in OSes. When will we get rid of the flat shit that it's ubiquitous right now?
Any other MSIfags here?
Why is zsh better than bash in every way?
/BST/ - Quality Picture thread
What is your New Year's screen resolution?
2017 GUTS
Install Mint Linux
I can finally buy Dildos without having to worry about the packaging showing up on my doorstep in a obvious state!
Men need to be a part of the solution to reach gender parity in technology fields
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
What can you even do on Linux aside from ricing your desktop and pretending that you're a programmer?
Is this guy on /r/Linux right Sup Forums?
Just finished downloading Linux
/wdg/ - Web Development General
AMD Radeon Vega Announcement in 3 days
Use nouveau drivers
What laptops do you think FBI, NSA or other high budget/ tech literate organisations use?
Libre GNU/Linux Distributions
Alright you fucking nerds, if you think you know all about computers I want you to explain to me how this shit works
Why the fuck is 16:9 the standard aspect ratio for laptops...
Hey Sup Forums
Name a worse program
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
/csg/ Chink Shit General
ITT: Sup Forums approved apps
Fuck Firefox
Webm (vp8)
How to improve Sup Forums
Microsoft Bashing Thread
Those weirdos who clung to Windows 98SE for years after it was discontinued
Why shouldn't I go back to nice OS 10 from ubuntu in glorious prime year 2017?
Mfw 8gb of ram isn't enough nowadays
2017: year of the linux desktop
Why do people use Telegram?
The Xiaomi Mix is apperantly mess : I fucking knew it
/fpt/ - Functional Programming Thread
Why do people think Zen cores won't have similar IPC to broadwell? They're quite close in hardware resources
And 10 years later it still hasn't recovered
Name a card more powerful for $220
Late Night Audio Thrud 2.0
What's a better program to show your specs besides speccy? I guess speccy thread
Are there any decent Macbook Air alternatives that don't use a fucking touchscreen?
/netsec/ - Net Sec General
Friendly reminder that this kid literally dreams in code and you're still a scriptkiddie sitting in ur moms basement...
I'm getting a new phone soon, and can't decide between an iPhone 7 Plus, or a Google Pixel
Happy new year Sup Forums - Technology!
MacOS shills
ITT: software redflags
Tfw I built a computer 2 years ago and already I want to build another
How have you celebrated your new year's Sup Forums?
Sup Forums judge me first ever build
Reasons to use Linux:
2017 will be the year of GNU/Linux on the desktop
/wt/ watch thread immediately shows [a] bittorent download history for your IP address when you land on it...
“I have a boy who’s 10 years old; he can do anything with a computer...
So my girlfriend and I live 2 hours away. We do watch a lot of videos on various streaming sites together...
What mouse are you using right now?
New year netbook thread? New year netbook thread
Retarded buzzwords thread
So, Sup Forums, it's officially 2017
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
This thread is pathetic. It is not about programming...
Install Windows 10
I found this laptop cooling pad while on the job. Anyone else have this brand? Is it good?
Technolo/g/y in 2017
What is the difference between =! and != in C?
STOP! Post your desktop as it is right now. No cleaning!
Sup Forums app
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Good enough at programming and maths to tell that when matrices are used for the vertex shader in OpenGL...
ITT: We post code from our programming languages and other anons have to guess what language it's from (what language...
Is 2017 the year of the linux desktop?
It's that time again
So I'm going to reinstall Win 7 on my gaming PC
I've missed all of the CCC 33C3 conference because I was visiting my parents and now that I'm back...
For 2017 I want to learn Python and Django web framework
Which should I "downgrade" to?
Facebook is finished. How long until people realise and start selling their shares?
Why does Linux lack professional software?
ITT: Free Software replacements for cucked (proprietary / nonfree) software
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Anyone else taking up programming in 2k17?
Alright Sup Forums I want a computer case for my next build but I don't want any faggoty flashy cases like the pic...
Windows 7 only has 3 more years of support left
Guys, it's time
When are quantum processors coming out? are they going to support x86 architecture? will we need new OS's on these?
Guys i got a stolen iphone 6 with locked icloud ios 9 is this hardware hack legit?
Why are U.S. citizens okay with data caps? It honestly baffles me/
ITT: commands that changed your life
ITT: technology you will buy in 2017
Video Players for Animu
What are these even for?
How do we fix timezones? Why is there no internet time, which is the same for everyone?
Spent the new years on Sup Forums
Why is it the best?
Homescreen thread
2017: Year of the Linux Desktop
It is now 2017. How much longer must I wait for my robot wife?
Microphone Advice Thread
What is the IT equivalent of "spitting in your food"??
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
It's AMD's fault nvidia and intel are able to be uncompetitive and jew people out of their money...
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
I can't stop using it
I've always been interested in artificial females, as in female robots and artificial intelligence...
This year will be the year of functional, lightweight and simple design
L3 l337 h4ck3r 7hr34d
Dear Sup Forums
When will technology kill the oil industry
Best graphics card under $300?
Sup Forums, how do you completely say "fuck you" to google and other botnet trackers?
Bought iShit G5 for $5 at swap meet
Had the phone for 45 minutes
What will you be doing when 2017 strikes?
Wake up in the middle of night
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Sites that still use SQL
Give me one reason why cinnamon isn't the best DE
Are we in a functional revolution for programming?
Cyanogenmod for i9305
Will AMD ever be able to compete with Intel?
Minimum Required Knowledge To Work As a Junior Programmer
2016/2017 (depending on what time zone you're in)
How many of you are actually Vim users, how long did it take to learn it...
When you finish installing pirated software
BSD and other things
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Is my build absolutely trash?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Thoughts on NixOS?
Retina > every other display
So what does Sup Forums think of brave browser?
Reminder that this is the only Sup Forums-approved web browser and if you use anything else you are a filthy botnet...
What's the best mouse out there?
Ryzen overclocks to 5Ghz on air
Why do murrifats and auslards need air conditioners...
Retro Virus Thread
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
What will be the next trend in technology in 2017?
Mini PCs
Why doesn't everyone here understand that 4chins is a containment site where the government keeps all the undesirables...
Terry Davis wrote a complete JIT compiler and kernel in Assembly on a single 640x480 screen
How true is this?
What was your search engine of choice before Google entered the scene?
Why fuck rutorrent don't have a windows version?
Screen tearing
Looking at a 2015 macbook pro. 13 inch, 3.1ghz, i7, 16 gb ram, 1TB. all for $2,000
/mkg/ Mechanical Keyboard General
Show me a prettier music player
Can i program a gf?
Intel is on suicide watch till late 2019. thanks AMD and ARM
Your country
/Os/ - operating sys
/AG/ - Audio General
He's still not using Arch
How can i be a programmer and still work as an artist?
Where to get a flip phone like true nip?
Can linux look exactly like what's shown in pic related?
Applel TimeMachine
Oh look, a battery
Hello Sup Forums
/bst/ - Battlestations
Need an alternative to thunderbird on windows. Must be free and support an infinite number of mail accounts...
End of 2016
What is the equivalent of foobar2k on Ubuntu?
/ p t g /
Anybody else here a gamer?
Don't you miss the old hacker culture?
/spg/ - Smartphone General - Didn't update the news Edition
Oh shit Sup Forums please fucking help me, i lost all of my precious porn
Find a better IDE
Your mom wants a computer for her birthday, what do you gift her?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Ryzen Benchmarks
Windows 10
In the future, what will be the reason of having a desktop PC? eGPU enclosures will be cheaper...
I have recently bought this. What can I use it for?
Laptop recommendation
STOP with the /ptg/ unrelated OPs!
Does anybody want a 25 dollar amazon gift card?
Let's contribute thread
Hey, I really need some help right now, trying to find a fucking error that keeps escaping...
Is C a meme?
Hello. I have cum with a simple question, what is the best Linux distro in terms of beautiful and easy to use UI...
Arch-anywhere doesn't have working wifi configuration
Want to introduce younger brother into PC gaming
Thoughts on chromium?
How can the best programming language in existence fall so hard?
Military Tech Jobs?
Anyone have Zowie FK1? Is it worth?
You couldn't just take a picture? It's probably a keylogger
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
There isn't a single laptop available new today that isn't seriously flawed...
Wallpaper thread?
F-Droid essentials?
Pic related is what happens when you change the song on the latest version of iTunes while not connected to the...
What major is better and why:
Reason I'm not using linux
Monthly Malware prevention day
Please talk me out of this, Sup Forums
Acer releases ARM-based Windows 10 ultrabook
Name one thing you can't do with a Mac that you can do with Linux
I just learned 6502 Assembly, what do I do now?
Why is the photography community all "DURRR IT'S NOT ABOUT THE CAMERA IT'S ABOUT THE PHOTOGRAPHER" when it very clearly...
ITT: Things nobody has ever used
I am being monitored by a US counter terrorism task force. I notice them every time I go outside...
Watching video
2017 Will be the year of Rust
/dpt/ daily programming thread
What does Sup Forums think?
Load up keygen.exe
Sup Forums memed me into buing AMD hardware
I give up, Sup Forums. What's wrong with it?
Decide to update gpu drivers
40686 users
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Problem: Windows is the standard
Hello. I need to completely wipe a hard drive and make the data unrecoverable. How would Sup Forums approach this issue...
Is there even a Mac advantage anymore?
The "trust Google" meme
Stealing Neighbours Wifi
The Invention of the Century
Best affordable GPUs on the market right now?
Give me ONE, JUST ONE reason NOT to learn Based Python?
Whats your new years resolution?
Just installing this on laptop
Why is KDE the best desktop for desktop/screenfetch & neofetch threads?
Alright Sup Forums i fell for the meme, here it goes
Hardware wise
Is Microsoft Word 16 the worst year?
Is this monitor worth it...
A 20$ Laptop?
Software engineers over 30
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Can Internet movie and music piracy ever be justified?
Why don't you own the single best laptop on the market?
Ryzen will be the biggest failrue of AMD that will drive them to bancrupcy
/waht/ - Weekend Apple Hate Thread
Install some software to control my fans
So, which search engine do you use?
What kind of job/salary can someone well versed in html/css/ and moderately competent in javascript/php expect?
Why is this included?
Speccy and guts rate
Help me choose a Linux distro to replace my current install
Such a fucking waste of time. I should have learned something USEFUL instead like Java or Python
How many of you actually run gentoo as a primary distro?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
What is the unironically nicest phone right now
What is the best messenger that has clients for both mobile and desktop? I'm currently on Telegram and It's pretty good...
Order a new motherboard
What are some Sup Forums approved headphones?
He doesn't own a quantum dot display monitor
ITT: Websites you're surprised still exist
Is Xfce decent? Someone told me it has a problem with tearing?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Am I making a mistake?
Should I do it Sup Forums?
Do you have enough storage for 2017?
Firefox or Chrome? Opera
How did the Russians become the greatest hackers in the world? Is there any way we can defend against them?
What do you think about Iridium Browser?
70-year-old mother considering the move back to Windows from Apple. Any advice?
Sup Forums doesn't agree on much but can we agree Finder is the best GUI file manager? better question...
Where can I find these games nowadays? Like where can I trade other games for them? Any suggestions, Sup Forums ??
What's the greatest hack you've ever pulled?
What are some REALLY good music players for Linux?
What a cutie
/fpt/ - Functional Programming Thread
What's the best bang-for-your-buck Android tablet?
Thanks Sup Forums, i expect enjoy your lifestyle of unemployment
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Earn good money as a developer
OS X and Linux friends, you do not need to worry. The grass is most certainly NOT greener on the other side
Browser wars
What keeps people from just printing their own money on a high quality printer to use on these machines that accept...
Russian hacking
How come you're not getting paid 110k right out of college, Sup Forums?
/alien/ general
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Post benchmarks
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
What does Sup Forums think about this?
What does Sup Forums think about USB dead drops?
Got a win10 computer
I'm getting real fucking tired of this Sup Forums
/csg/ Chink Shit General
"So I see you are running Gnome3, I am a KDE man myself"
/own/ own cloud general
What is the most redpilled distro?
If communism is so bad why are communists so good at making Linux distros?
Why would you own any other non-ssd hard drive besides pic related?
Why is Sup Forums so obsessed with INDIANS?
Superior Laptop Thread
Reminder that 8GB of RAM is literally the perfect amount
Why does plasma still feel cheap and windows 95 tier? despite being the most advanced DE on linux...
It's official, I'm not Autistic. Where do you stand Sup Forums?
Almost 2017
Why you are not using your taskbar o the left side? It's more comfy if you're using a 16:9 / 16:10 screen
Another feature Nvidia dropped after selling millions of GPUs
AMD RYZEN CONFIRMED DOA - 5GHz just 1-core with huge air cooler
Why do AMD users attack Nvidia whenever they can...
Germany ISP
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Harddrive thread
Why isn't there a universal programming language?
Let's play a game, Sup Forums
So according to some redditcuck Telegram and Signal aren't good enough and we should use instead...
I got this shit unexpectedly on Christmas. It was over 500 bux...
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
What's the name of this USB thing? One end is a male end USB and one is female
What is the most meme tier programing language there is?
2017 Kaby Lake i7
What's the point of switching to Linux if you're gonna install DRM and anti-cheat software...
Previously >>58222436
ITT Immature Technology
How can I prevent a Tempest attack?
What is the best laptop ever and why is the slim, stylish, and super affordable Xiaomi Mi Notebook Air 13.3 inch...
What usb does Sup Forums use?
Recommended this book to start learning C
Why does the clover app default to Sup Forums?
TFW The 12 Year Old Pajeet Who Replaces You Is Dumber Than You
/wt/ - watch thread
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
Bought this expecting to do everything, now I don't know what to print. Ideas?
What the fuck is this shit, gookmoot?
/C++ General/
Hi, I was wondering if I could find an LGA 1151 to USB adapter somewhere? I couldn't find any
On my lunch break in work break room
Build my first computer
He doesn't have a standing desk
Charge your phone
Emulators on Android are awesome, but touch controls for gaming are fucking awful...
What browser should I use?
Best Mid Tower
So why does/g/ prefer MPV to VLC?
How often do you change your computer's oil?
I just called Terry and asked him about languages...
Sticker thread
Strog Password
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
I chew through all of my headphone cords. I need to buy a new headset...any suggestions?
What resolution is 4k on a 720p monitor? 720p? but it's better resolution than 720p video
How the fuck is pic related not a meme here yet Sup Forums?
My friends claims he overclocked his intel 6800k to 8ghz. Is that even possible?
Welcome to Sup Forums-XDA Developers!
Also note that going all the way to A3 for retail is very unusual, guess AMD wanted those high clocks at any cost...
Since mint is cucked by a backdoor what distro should I use
He does have a point
Post yfw people ACTUALLY fell for the AMD meme
Hey Sup Forums
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Where the fuck did the (You)s go? I don't want this dotted line shit
Why does the average pc gaymer fall for nvidia/intel marketing ?
Is Watch Dogs 2 a Sup Forums-certified game?
What is a Sup Forums-approved smartphone?
People need terabytes and terabytes to not be insane
If I buy a DSLR will I go outside more
Rate my pc specs
How many hours a day are you on your computer, Sup Forums?
Be me
What antivirus is the best?
"linux is secure"
Was $200 too much to ask
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
How'd you customize your desktop, user?
DHS/FBI - Russia Hacking Report Released - GRIZZLY STEPPE
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
What is a good search engine?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Is there a more JUST company than Sony ?
Speed and price
Talented 11-Year-Old Joshua Ngoka Builds Computer:
Lets settle once and for all
How's your day going?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
I got this shit for Christmas. Wat do?
This is the zenith of linux development. No other desktop environment even comes close
I got a 2016 space grey mbp 13 inch for Christmas...
Share your story
Which is best?
I want to send a few GB worth of files to a friend who's a internet noob
Has anyone ever been asked by a Chinese seller how much you want them to put as a value on the customs declaration form...
Recently got pic related. What do you think about smartwatches? I know
SSD failure thread
/spg/ - Smartphone General
What's the best Xperia to get today?
Nobody is safe from 2016
What went wrong? Frontend madness general
How do I train my ear?
ITT: Tech "reporters" to stay away from
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Power Station?
“I think we ought to get on with our lives. I think that computers have complicated lives very greatly.”
Mint backdoored again
Depressing thread
How can a company be so shit?
To non-gaymers
Thought I was smart enough to avoid any and all e-tricks
What do you have on your hard drives Sup Forums?
What VPN service does Sup Forums use? I only trust you guys
Go to YouTube
Tfw 64GB of ram
Best Browsers
Hey, Sup Forums I've got a puzzle for you!
But user, they're much faster and don't get viruses! :)
Explain me why aren't you using slackware right now
What software does /g use for planning their programming projects...
E-reader thread
Kill me
Tech stories thread
Where can I find a brand new z3 compact white?
Carders are making tremendous money
This piece of shit runs like absolute ass, what should I go back to? Windows 7 or 8?
Which style do you use?
Hey Sup Forumsuise, what's the best option to download a win7 iso?
/wdg/ - Web Development General
What should I do with my old S3?
Grandpa is not good with computer
Gets rid of (you)s
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
/csg/ Chink Shit General
$160 earbuds
I've been using the Arc theme for months in my ubuntu, but I might change it soon. What GTK theme do you use...
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
I am 22 and I've never had a mobile phone VNC Roulette
Sup Forums Useful Stuff
I remember the keynote last year, it was all about deep learning, not about any gpu's
Which smartphone has the best camera?
No time for love
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Is the ASUS VG248QE a good monitor...
I absolutely adore these things
Looking for a word to describe non-ai digital intelligence
I need a search engine that is not watched or anything like Tor
Convince me not to get into carding
Please explain the practical difference betwee MLC and TLC ssd's...
What's really the point in spending an extra $150 to OC (CPU + Z motherboard) an Intel CPU when you can just use...
What have you programmed to automate your life/workflow?
I am trying to stay awake around 30 hours to fix my sleep schedule...
Discuss FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, DragonFlyBSD
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
He calls his computer a workstation
I am trying to make a program and I am failing. The idea is that the user has to enter 2 values to get a :) in response...
Install linux distro
Did I get lung disease?
I haven't changed my thermal paste since I first installed my CPU back in 2013
When will installing an os be outdated? in the future, you will be able to stream a os right?
ITT. Tech news
What is the point of a tablet?
How did they do it?
Pointer meme
What happened to him?
I want to ruin a cell phone without people knowing it as sabatoged, how do I do that? Cont
Rice cookers are technology
Which OS does your family use?
What did he mean by this?
Tl;dr stick w/ w7 or go back to w10
Should i buy this
/AG/ - Audio General
How long do you guys leave your computers on? Do you shut them off after every use?
Bjarne general
Literally any software combination in 2016
Desktop OS discussion
What linux distro should I use?
Does Sup Forums use prepaid SIM cards (maybe for emergency/throwaway phones)...
/wt/ - watch thread
Overclocking Issue
How does Xiaomi do what they do and still make a profit?
Picked up a PowerMac G4
So, Sup Forums, why don't you own the best laptop on the market?
Doesn't own a titan x pascal
NVIDIA Quadro P6000 Faster than Titan X (PASCAL)
What are your favorite Sup Forums related youtube channels?
Windows 10 will soon come with 'Game Mode' which will speed up games
Studying on my thinkpad in the university library
I'm at my wits end
The _______ is the thinkpad of _______
Have a small, freedom-respecting LAN party today
Press back
Eternally stagnant in self learning programming
What are some /news/ sites that are accurate and most importantly, respect my freedoms?
In an age where private trackers are the norm, who even gets put on these?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
So which browser should I use? Everything's a botnet according to Sup Forums
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Iphone 6 bypass activation lock
Cleaning up years of old downloads that are taking up hard drive space
KDE Love Thread
Anything embedded/low level/performance sensitive
Can't safely eject USB device
Sumatra PDF
Homescreen thread
Best linux distro and why?
Newfag to Sup Forums and computer repair in general here, this is from a monitor, the capacitor on the right is busted...
Why does Sup Forums think Windows is written so poorly?
Sup Forums programming exercises
Why does Windows still install on C drive?
Arch Linux
Still maxes out most games at 1080p
It's not just rose-rinted glasses. BBSes were just better than the internet. You can't recreate that cozy feeling...
/fpt/ - Functional Programming Thread
Mfw retards think this piece of software is called Cah - Lee - Bray
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
I'm sorry, Intel
Programming basics
33C3: Works For Me #3
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Macbook Pro 2016
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Daily tribute to the man that fought against the NSA and the US government, for our freedom
Show me your phone and tell me one good and one bad thing about it
Why do Audiophiles use vacuumtubes? Is there anything they use that isn't overly exaggerated?
Google pixel master race thread
What tech related purchases are you waiting for?
About to build. Just wanted to share this
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
Wired mouse
Are modern alienwares any good?
What text editor do you prefer to use?
/fpt/ - Functional Programming Thread
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...