Is Microsoft Word 16 the worst year?
Is Microsoft Word 16 the worst year?
Actually no. Office in general has been progressively getting better.
Who is still using word over markdown in 2016?
Literally who
you should off yourself or at the very least go back to
>pajeet social media account boy not knowing how nigs speak
>I'm pretending to not know things xD
people still use word?
Back to rebbit winterbreakfag
ya, my thoughts exactly.
I really haven't found a reason to not use it yet.
pretty much the only argument against it is if you need very spechul typesetting for some reason, then you could TeX it out and will still come out better than that horrendous OOXML bullshit that word creates for you.
Yes, some people have jobs.
>thats the fucking joke
Go back to >>>/reddit/, autismo.
Anyone who needs references or footnotes.
Are we being raided?
interesting, and what job is this?
The only tool i've been required to use that is M$O related is powerpoint and that is only because of stupid corporate presentation templates.
Internal team presentations are done using reveal.js.
All documentation I write is auto-generated into static webpages using something akin to javadoc, or was written using markdown and built into static pages using pandoc and my own templates.
>and what job is this?
Not sure if you're being purposely dense or your fucking retarded.
If you can't figure out which jobs need a word processor it's probably the latter.
Markdown has you covered[^btfodfgt]
[^btfodfgt]: this is a footnote faggot.
no enlighten me.
what do you specifically need a WYSIWYG xml editor for that can't be done with web technologies, or god forbid, TeX?
Haha are they serious
You're seriously proposing that every clerical job in the world switch from a wysiwyg word processor to latex?
You're joking...
ever heard of a place called an "office"? You know, as in "Microsoft Office"? The place where 40-60 year old ladies prepare various documents and whatnot? I know you think TeX is "superior", but in real life it means nothing, Word is good enough, easy to use and has been the standard in offices all around the world since the 90s.
I'd like to say I can't believe I'm writing this, but I know some people can't comprehend that not everyone is good with computers, and not everyone must be good with computers.
why not just use flat text files, then?
People who don't want to waste time with stupid shit and need to get things done.
Because you often need text in bold, cursive, aligned, bigger, smaller, or a simple table
>I know you think TeX is "superior"
the funny thing is, i really don't.
My next project is actually going to be a new typesetting engine using modern web shit.
>I'd like to say I can't believe I'm writing this, but I know some people can't comprehend that not everyone is good with computers, and not everyone must be good with computers.
I mean to be fair, it's thinking like this why "Computational Security" is kind of a nightmare that will never end. Given our lives are so coupled with it and their security, imperative... I would think people should care a lot more about actually using a fucking computer, office monkeys be damned.
Funny, markdown is easily twice as fast as word.
not really no
hit space
>simple table
|:^) |
>not really no
Yeah, you really do.
Markdown does all that faster than word and with better formatting
no, you really don't
no, not really.
I quite clearly stated my disgust with TeX.
Mardown and latex don't have
>document reviews
>headers and footers
>smart selections
>doc combination and comparison
>>document reviews
this is true
not true, there's the draftwatermark for latex
>>headers and footers
just google this one for latex, and I'm sure markdown could use both since can use HTML
>>smart selections
this is an editor thing, as far as I know
what? you can add citations in any markup language or document engine
>>doc combination and comparison
you can do this with hundreds of tools
Yeah, I definitely hear a lot of non-IT people in the office complaining about the speed of MS Word.
Jesus, people still not-ironically type documents in comic sans and some of Sup Forums is confused as to why the most technically efficient software isn't being used?
It's the same reason Lotus 1-2-3 was used well into the mid 90s in the office setting. People hated change, and that one boss who was set on his old macros refused to implement anything new.
Pretending to be shocked at the use of imperfect or outdated software is ridiculous. It's been a phenomenon/frustration for decades.
I work at in a hospital (ER and admissions) and libreoffice is the office suite of choice on all our computers.
Year of open source productivity
you're not even right desu.
markdown is limited if you don't go full HTML5 on it, but all of the things (other than smart selections, I don't even want to know what the fuck that is) you said can be done with *TeX.
citiations are done using a domain specific language, driven by CSLs.
if you use pandoc, you can use various transforms like pandoc-citeproc to accomplish this. Citations are in bibtex or other tree documents that can be fed into a CSL.
Headers and footers... are you serious?
markdown CAN do footers as shown here however headers might actually be a shortfall.
with TeX, you're basically working with an abstraction on top of postscript and PDF and thus can use rendering primitive libraries like TikZ to draw watermarks.
for watermarking markdown, you just set a bg image for your
by document review, I don't know what you mean. both markdown and .TeX sourcefiles are plain text and can be version controlled or patch files can be made, which allows for an easier way to track and share changes.
What do you use, Sup Forums?
I use markdown (iA Writer) for note taking and informal documents and latex (tex studio with a custom template) for formal documents.
I thought about setting up latex version control with git if I ever need to write something particularly complex.
wrong wrong wrong que wrong wrong
i pretty much do everything in pandoc markdown unless I have to do some shit like two column documents.
pandoc markdown implements most of the core features I need to convey information then I use tools like GNU Plot, graphviz, etc to create embeddable images for my figures,
more complex figures can be done with inline elements and you can do your fancy animations there.
Got my copy for $10 from work. It's actually breddy good...
Office 16 is great senpai
tex would be god-tier if you would be able to use more than 2 fonts and support for raster images wasn't so shit
I use LibreOffice. It just werks. If they made the equation editor not shitty and added syntax highlighting then it would be perfect.
Wouldn't know shitter, I use latex or R markdown
people who don't want to use a reference sheet to write a fucking memo.
I'm still using word 2007 .
Pls respond
One Word: LaTeX
Could have been a bot, was the point, Lt. Aspie. Take your own advice and fuck off.
microsoft is retarded the person is clearly giving feedback in their tweet
There is literally nothing wrong with LibreOffice... if you run it on Linux that is. It has some bugs in Windows.
Regardless, I find it more user friendly and comfy to use due to its old school UI.