I just learned 6502 Assembly, what do I do now?
I just learned 6502 Assembly, what do I do now?
$1000 JMP $1000
forget it and learn something useful like PIC, AVR, or MCS-51 assembly
A Nintendildo Entertainment System
install gentoo
I'm gonna go do that.
Learn 6800 assembly.
just kidding.
learn x86_64 or whatever it's called and make an OS (not ganoo/loonix distro) :)
or MSP430
>Bothering to learn an assembly language before you need it
I just learn them as I need them desu
Write C64 demos.
I have 20 of these and they're surprisingly heavy.
NES homebrew / build a homebrew computer and make a custom OS for it
>can't use launchpad on linux
create your own nindendo gaem
Tickle ur arsehole with one fonger until u get a stiffy
>Write C64 demos.
C64 used 6510 IIRC.
6502 was Apple ][ and Atari.
But you needed to start somewhere and that took the longest/ most effort
Why did you post a graveyard?
6510 is just a 6502 with 6 GPIO ports accessible at 0x0000-0x0001.
back to lainchan
> "I just learned"
No you fucking didn't. You read a one page tutorial and think you know everything because because you're a retard.
Travel back in time to early 80s.
Write a Vic 20 emulator in C
Learn a useful programming language. In my collage we learn it in our freshmen year so that people could understand how machine language works. It literally has no practical implementation
Write sick demos for the Apple ][
learn something less deperecated
or write a 6502 emulator
Write a Libretro compatible C64 emulator
Write "Hello World" in assemby, give to Mommy for Xmas 2017. You should be able to finish it by then.