Reasons to use Linux:

Reasons to use Linux:

Doesn't spy on you
Doesn't read your email
no telemetry
Better for programming

Not really a valid reason. When it comes time to bury the hatchet linux shits all over itself before deleting itself.

Try running enterprise-grade software like adobe illustrator on it without any problems.

>protip: you can't

So how can I run adobe illustrator on this "loonix" with 0 problems?

It's Windows 10 Pro and it's updating to the insider preview. I use Adobe software and Sony Vegas 14 and I do gaming.

Cry more.

That didn't answer his question m8.

escape BSOD

I've been using linux since '08 (damn, time flies), and I can tell you that yearly I spend more time on linux upkeep than on windows.

Cry moar.

Sony Vegas Pro 14*

I use Solus on my laptop. Windows 10 Pro for the desktop.

Lol get good kid keep whining with ur shitty "open source" freetard shit. Ur compiling kernels while I'm fucking Stacy lol kid shouldn't u be crying urself to sleep

>primary monitor on right

into the trash nigel

it's GNU/Linux, you don't really only use the kernel


Ew, (s)he probably has a dick and is a sluzza

No reasons to not use windows 10

meant reasons to not use win 10, exhibit a its full of assrape bloatware and rape telemetry gay shit. Why not make a windows 7 update jesus.

you forgot

>barely works properly

Hurr durr
I don't know how to use an operating system
it's not me
it's the operating systems fault

Only retards can't run it properly.

no Linux just shits the bed all the time

reactos is the true master race

so all meme reasons, ok.

you get what you pay for (garbage)
so is windows
of all the window managers you can list, you pick the literally shittiest wm
exists on windows
more memes/fallacies...

That's Windows

> Reasons to use Linux

All of them.

Linux inside of Windows. Linux is not to be used as a primary os for advanced users. People like to believe it is an advanced os(linux) but it really is more limited. Albeit it is limited because the greater adoption of windows as an os but that in the end points to the better os and further proves the point of how linux is not as useful.

>supporting totalitarianism
>actually believing Linux is bad
>actually believing Windows is good
You've never used anything than Windows and are just repeating memes.

It supports Facebook messenger better
Has a better "app center"
Has much better updates
Has much better out of the box support
Has drivers out of the box
Has software out of the box
Is diverse enough

>Better for programming
That's bullshit and you know it.
None of the SDKs I've used FOR ACTUAL WORK are available on Linux, except Visual Studio.

Face it - linux is for teenage geeks who want to be leet_haxors, not real programmers.

You don't play many video games

stability and not being shit

>Using arch linux
>networkmanager breaks once
>downgrade package
>upgrade a month later
>just werks. no other issues.

>Using homosex el capitan
>lockscreen hangs
>reboots while trying to restore system state from disk
>keyboard input randomly becomes impossible until sleep/wakeup
>finder crashes
>mail randomly pops up
>preferences is insanely laggy to come up
>rice is gone
>all issues persist except the mail thing
>oh god my eyes
>kill me

>using windows
>stable but everything is shit
>i don't even play video games


Yeah why would anyone have a job other than programming or program for anything but a job

Absolutely crazy

lol faggot you don't even have a job, and no making logos for your aunt's blog for free doesn't count.

you probably pirated that shit anyways nigga

>enterprise-grade software like adobe illustrator

please kill your self


"but this 1 piece of software won't run on linux, and only 0.005% of users will ever use it"




>None of my proprietary libraries work
Your fault for choosing shitty libraries.

>I've never held a job that doesn't target windows because I can't be trusted to do anything but glue frameworks together
>ignore my opinions because I am literally the person who writes a blog post complaining about fizzbuzz in tech interviews

None of the programming I've done at work ever needed Windows

>ignore my opinions because I am literally the person who writes a blog post complaining about fizzbuzz in tech interviews

How did you know? And fizzbuzz is bullshit, when am I ever going to do that? It's 2017, there are libraries for that. No need to reinvent the wheel.

you spend more time because you're mentally challenged.

There are people who spend 0 seconds per year on upkeeping their Windows installation (since they don't ever update it) but do you really think that's a good thing?


pacman -syyyyyyyyu
sudo gofuckyourgirlfriend

>adobe illustrator


Xen and Kemp load balancers are enterprise grade.
LAMP, Hadoop, CEPH, etc, are enterprise grade.
Even PF is enterprise grade.

But not Adobe Illustrator.

>linux is absolutely flawless and any problems with it is because the user is stoopid: the thread

No. You autistic spergs need to admit it's not perfect. Nothing is. There are times where shit as easy to use as fucking Ubuntu will crash anytime you access the task bar, have fonts not even rendering correctly or have vital drivers just completely missing and it's nothing to do with the user. Grow the fuck up already.

Reasons to not use Linux:



Bonus round for "Year of linux on desktop" memers.

Some of us choose not to be outsmarted by the likes of Shantanu Narayen. You are obviously a person who doesn't have that choice.

You shouldn't believe every shit you read on the Internet

> In 2016 there's still alternative to Windows Network File Sharing

Actually, this is bullshit. The SMB standard originated as part of the NetBIOS spec from IBM in 1984. In 1988, Intel and Microsoft released OpenNet, and the rest is as they say - history.

Samba handles SMB / CIFS just fine, right up until there are Active Directory requirements. It can still do it, it just requires an LDAP query, much like CIFS in AD.

Linux is shit at a lot of things. That's not one of them. Get better bait.

2.5/10 - Bad troll, made me respond.

Literally never happened to me. I honestly don't know if all those issues that Nvidia/Intel/Windows 10 supposedly have are just falseflagging memes or if I'm just not illiterate enough to encounter them.

I use both Arch and Windows 10 frequently. Win10 when I'm playing games or when I'm at work, and Arch for smaller games and general home usage.

From my experience like this I've found Arch to be:

Faster on worse hardware
More efficient workflow because I customized my own hotkeys and small bash scripts
I'm using OpenBox and the alt-drag/resize is an actual godsend. Tried alternative on Windows and it barely worked
Easier to locate and install programs, especially obscure ones
Faster to do updates, especially major ones
Applications crash less frequently

>I honestly don't know if all those issues that Nvidia/Intel/Windows 10 supposedly have are just falseflagging

Likely a little to a lot of both. I'm having an issue with an update that screwed up Edge in one of my testing VM's. I'll try it again in the morning, but if it's a problem I'll exclude the update from the rest of the systems.

Is it major? No. Is it annoying? Yes.

But it's a computer. Shit happens, regardless of the platform.

it's true though

> Too many crucial business apps are mising, like Quicken: A Personal Finance Manager.

If this retard uses Quicken for his business and not something professional grade like Visma, I'll feel completely safe in disregarding his shitty opinion.

It's misleading and just has some partial truths in it.

VM with GPU passthrough. Pic related

That's not running it on GNU/Linux

gcc is shit on windows

don't use it if you are a pleb :^)

>alt-drag/resize is an actual godsend.

>i3 wm
I saw fglt and they seem to have the idea that you never actually use the tiling. You just have each application on its separate workspace and that's it.

Tiling is useful when you work with terminals and don't like tabs.

VEGAS Pro 14*

Couldn't resist the bait. Less than 1/4 Windows users even have anything adobe installed, other than flash player and probably their pdf reader.
Linux is 100% fine for daily desktop use, even for some production.
>too many distributions
>choice is bad
Sure, everyone should just eat chocolate ice cream and nothing else.

There is none. It's technically inferior, tailored to run on servers instead of desktops, can't even play 1080 videos without having issues with hardware acceleration on most computers, lacks commonly used third-party applications, its kernel is incredibly insecure and gets more CVE advisories than Windows nowadays, it's worse for programming due dependency hell in package managers and each distro ships different versions of all libraries (not an issue for most NEETs here as they don't share their 10-line fizzbuzz projects with anyone), etc.

I guess it's good for tinfoil retards and pedos that believe Microsoft is spying them or some shit. Who cares, these people are already out of society.

No citation for any of your bullshit... I wonder why.

>It's difficult to use open and closed source software in new distros (in many cases it becomes impossible due to changes in core Linux components like kernel, GCC or glibc)
This is satire.

mpv on linux is comfy for watching chinese cartoons.

Because three hours battery use is more than enough.

>implying people cite things on Sup Forums
holy shit get real nerd

all of these and:
-much more stable(if you know what you are doing).
-smaller OS size
-dont have to accept any faggot EULA
-dont have to download an illegal shady windows ISO full of malware.
-better terminal(only autists like me care about this one)

-no gaymes.
-no high-end productuin software like photoshop.

the sad thing is even though linux is superior it still not gonna get a big userbase because of those 2 big cons.

Woah calm down there little buddy, don't wanna raise that blood pressure too high.

Have you actually tried running it on linux? I have. I could. It works. No problems.

>abloo bloo, I can't google, spoonfeed me!

>Sword art Online
>How school little jimmy

Updating never happened to you? Are you high, mate?

its for smart people

You don't. You just use a native application to edit your hentai.

That's Adobe's fault for not supporting an operating system.

Aahhh, I see what you did. You said "loonix" instead of "linux". Like using linux is looney.
Shit, I never thought about how close "linux" sounds like "loonix". How can I ever use linux again now? Your argument has convinced me to never use it again. Your logic is flawless.

>Can I do X?
>That's not a proper answer!

You're running a server
You're running an embedded device

No it's not. Nobody wants to support 3948592930502625 different distros and versions.

He asked HOW can I do X?

WINE, virtualbox, qemu/kvm.

>It supports Facebook messenger better
Facebook? You lost your argument before you began. What a joke.
>Has a better "app center"
Debian has like 50,000 programs in it's repositories. "app"? Yeah, keep calling 'em that, grandma.
>Has much better updates
Youre joking right? Love to see your data on that.
>Has much better out of the box support
Support for what? ARM or Raspberry PI? Does windows even run on ARM? IOT runs on linux, not windows. Car automation systems run on linux, not windows.
>Has drivers out of the box
True, but for me, for the past 5 years on 7 different computers, linux has had all the drivers I need.
>Has software out of the box
Straight up wrong. Windows does not come with much software unless you like to use MSPaint. But you can download windows versions of linux programs like LibreOffice, GIMP, and Blender.
>Is diverse enough
wtf do you mean. Diverse as in able to run on processors other than x86? How's that windows software working out for you on mobile phones?

those are all perfectly good reasons and you're just shouting
at him like a mad man

>waves blank paper

you wind blows fanfucks keep getting stupider by the day lol

>no stability
>OS of choice when it comes to servers and supercomputers including TOP500 ones

Sure thing rajesh

>he's ACTUALLY MAD at a person who runs linux MORE THAN WINDOWS
holy shit im crying

I read that as "I've been using linux since '08 (damn, time files)" and I subsequently googled "linux time files"

First fuckup of 2017!

Nice argument that you literally copy-pasted and couldn't BEAR to do some research on the topic first before calling everyone a retard.
Reminder that Linux users have larger IQ's than Windows users.

>argument is literally made up of variants of "LOL WTF ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?" and "YOU'RE JOKING RIGHT?"


no IE and no Edge

what has that to do with linux time files?

You know nothing about Linux.

It's great for keeping normie friends and relatives from installing shit from pop-ups on porn sites.

Have autism

being 13 years old