in the future, what will be the reason of having a desktop PC? eGPU enclosures will be cheaper. Why would you want to use a computer fixed in a place, having to sit in the same chair always?
In the future, what will be the reason of having a desktop PC? eGPU enclosures will be cheaper...
Hey OP,
Fuck off.
Best regards
who wants to walk around with a laptop and a heavy piece of metal that they cant drop or they break something worth >$500, then having to go sit somewhere and requiring a desk to place the dumb thing down anyways, needing two power cords, one for the egpu, one for your laptop, since gaming will kill its battery in a few hours. ok its more portable, but you dont unlock the feature to "play anywhere." youll still be tethered to a desk
eGPU enclosures cannot do SLI, nor can they support the full PCI-E 3.0 16x bandwidth needed to take 100% advantage of any modern video card.
A PCI-E 3.0 x16 slot transfers at exactly 123.125 gigabits per second. A Thunderbolt 3 transfers at 40 gigabits per second. You would literally need 3 thunderbolt 3s to even start to take advantage of a desktop GPU on a laptop.
it'll be hobbyist like an old car
>managing two OS installations is hard
Literally the only reason to use an eGPU in place of a laptop + desktop.
I don't find managing two systems hard, so I stick to desktop + laptop. If one of them breaks, I can still use the other one.
In the future a PCI-E 4.0 x16 slot has a 246.25 Gb/s bandwidth, thunderbolt 4 will have 80Gb/s (still not even close to PCI-E 3.0)
You can never put enough lanes in a smaller slot to keep up with a bigger slot. Desktop PCs may only be left to servers later on, but that's not a bad thing for us hobbyist and the like.
I like the idea. I want to embrace it.
We're just not there yet. The solutions are expensive. The laptop support is far from perfect. TB3 does not have the bandwidth for higher end cards.
nice bait
>falling for OP's bait
This year I built myself a solid desktop setup with a 35" screen for around 3.5k EUR, it's nice having something at home I don't have to compromise with. In a week or two I'll be buying a very slim gaming laptop on a budget of 2-3k so I don't have to compromise too much on the go either.
The fuck you on about lads? Have you actually looked at benchmarks about how using PCI-E 3.0 at less than 8x has literally almost no impact on FPS in a meaningful amount?
It isn't rocket science, stop being so strict about it all.
As other user said, PCIe 3.0 has more than enough bandwidth for modern GPUs, even down to x4. Latency and signal integrity are probably bigger issues with Thunderbolt than bandwidth is.
>Why would you want to use a computer fixed in a place, having to sit in the same chair always?
Because i can pack more punch in one.
For walking around with stuff and working, i can use continuum/convergence/whatever the os makers are working on, in part.
Because with a proper desktop you can individually upgrade each component. If I want more/faster ram or many hdds/ssds or a new processor or a new gpu or a better psu or a better motherboard or a new case or a better or multiple monitors I can upgrade as I see fit.
Having a lappy limits you a lot, not just because of the gpu. An external desktop gpu is cool to have at a desk if you really must focus on investing in a capable laptop for work that you also want to be able to play games, but nothing will replace a desktop setup for a good long while.
In the really future you will only need a monitor and internet connection as everything will be streamed to you from your internet provider for the low price of 10000 neo dollars a month
On the other hand, laptops can help a lot if your restricted for space. They also have the advantage of being all-in-one, so there's still a good chance your going to be able to plug it in and still be able to use it in 20-30 years time.
Also desktops can be a pain to upgrade. e.g. new cpu socket comes out and you need to replace your motherboard, reactivate windows, etc.
What kind of performance do these things get on thunderbolt? or express?
We're already there, welcome to the post PC era. Netbooks are dead, desktops are dying and laptops will follow. The iPad Pro has proven that a mobile OS can be fully productive.
> new cpu socket comes out and you need to replace your motherboard
This os Intel, which is bullshit because sockets dont need to be updsted constantly. It's only to keep the cash flowing.
does egpu through type c exist? my laptop doesn't thunderbolt but it does have type c 3.1 gen 2.
No you silly. If anything breaks in 10 years time chances are you won't be able to find parts for a laptop.
>Also desktops can be a pain to upgrade.
As opposed to buying a laptop that is impossible to upgrade, parts are hard to find and replace.
>e.g. new cpu socket comes out and you need to replace your motherboard, reactivate windows, etc.
What do you do for laptops? -> Buy an entirely new laptop which includes the cost of the Windows license.
The future is SaaS, within 10 years there'll only be terminals
Not with the terribly slow Internet connections many places still have today.
I live in a G7 state* and get 10/2 Megabit/s.
* G7 are the seven major advanced economies as reported by the International Monetary Fund
I'm gonna type my papers for classes on an ipad?
Well, if it's the new MacBook "Pro" you won't be able to use the internet and the eGPU at the same time.
>be G8
>Russia BTFO
egpu enclosures will never be cheaper by nature. A laptop without a gpu i more expensive than a desktop without a gpu. The egpu adds even more cost to the laptop. Desktops are simply the most optimal solution. Technology isnt cheap, and mobile is the most expensive platform to make technology for. That can never change. Any power offered by a laptop can be doubled at the same price for a desktop
was a totally invalid comparison.
I'm still not really seeing what's in an eGPU that we shouldn't be able to replicate for cheaper.
What're the contents really?
Random PSU
Random case
Literally all that jacks up the price is that tiny little board.
That's alot of USBC dongles.
>Why would you want to use a computer fixed in a place, having to sit in the same chair always?
Even right now the only people who actually desire a desktop formfactor computer are people who need a workstation or are hobbyists.
And because of that the future WILL BE the year of the linux desktop
It really fucking sucks that traditionally Thunderbolt was only stuff Macfags used before 3 made it USB-C.
Because i don't want my computer to sound like a 747 on take off
My chair is really comfy.