So Sup Forums, what r U doing to help women be more equal in field of technology?
So Sup Forums, what r U doing to help women be more equal in field of technology?
please stop posting useless identity politics derailing threads
i quit my job so a female applicant could have it
it's their turn
Fuck off and kill yourself, political activist niggerscum.
I would give u gold if 4channel had that sweet feature.
I asked them to halve my salary so that they could pay my female colleague more I would also offer to help with her work when she was on her period or not feeling well or overworked. Would offer to buy her lunch or cover for her when she needed a break
currently in the process of giving up my job so they can hire a gender coach to help the company reach even greater gender parity
U, sir, are truly the best ally women could have ever asked for.
>women are strong and independent
>need men to help them
literally lmaoing @ at their life
I support my wife who is a programmer
I stopped caring about it a long time.
What is only left is a great desire for a woman who likes it rough up her ass and gentle and spoonful in her vagina while I suck on her A-H sized tits and massage her buttocks and finger her ass while she milks me dry and begs me to kiss her.
Don't get me wrong.
I would still support a woman who is working hard in a competitive environment and be their support, but she must be worth her salt.
Which most aren't.
women can start helping by becoming coal miners, oil rig workers, roofers, construction workers, and combat infantry too
But that's the wrong sort of equality...
First things first. We have to reach gender parity in garbage collection
die shill
I let my female boss use me as her sex slave and fucktoy. Her husband is a big shot manager alpha male so I think I'm basically her outlet to be dominant and degrade a man.
I pretty much let her walk all over me at work and in private. I don't know if her husband will beat me to death or just laugh at me if he finds out .
This might seem pretty fucked up but I think it's a healthy situation. I'm just a leek submissive by nature anyway. And with her working off all her sexual frustrations , it keeps her a lot more in control and focused on her life. She is actually really effective at work and a lot less bitchy than a stereotypical woman in the tech workplace. She's one of those people that's just geared for success and just advances rapidly
I'm proud to help mistress in any way o can
But they'll just be shit at those things too and we'll just complain
where can I find such a female?
Does hitting on them in the workplace count as doing something?
Just kidding I work in tech, there are no women in my workplace!
i'm doing my part. i've been unemployed for 5 years.
Does fucking Stacy down the hall help?
I just read the article.
>Posted by Jennifer Manry
Wow, such surprise.
A couple hundred words that don't say jack shit.
I really wonder why.
This. All they want is equality! But more of it than men get!
>importance of hiring and retaining a diverse workforce
I still haven't heard a compelling argument for this. Even when I took my required university class in HR, they didn't say why any company would want it, just that they should and that it leads to better productivity. But the productivity thing was never backed up with studies or numbers, it just got glossed over.
I can even understand that in very, very large companies, having some diversity would help with tasks like translation and catching things in marketing materials that would be interpreted as being insulting or disgusting in other cultures (ex. when North American baby food companies first started selling in some countries in Africa, their food wasn't selling because high illiteracy rates meant that companies put pictures of what's in bottles, on bottles and there were pictures of babies on the baby food so...). But we're talking about programming - a task where you have small teams that need to be on the same page and be able to predict what the other members of their team are thinking to get work done. High diversity in a team that needs everybody to think alike to be productive simply isn't going to work.
I will help any woman if its going to benefit me in the career, if not then I have better things to do. It's business, not a charity.
Diversity is useful for jobs that face diverse clientele and require targeted communication.
There'd be a very pressing case for a diverse policeforce, for example.
Doesn't really make sense when you are fighting against the laws of nature, like firefighting.
I think development definitely falls into the latter category.
He is still likely some sort of CIS scum
Richard Dawkins had a great example of diversity mucking things up in one of his books
basically he said that if you have a basketball team of all English speakers they will be good. If its almost all english speakers and one german speaker, they will be less good.
If its half german speakers and half english speakers they will be bad
but if its all german speakers and no english speakers, they will be just as good as an all english team
So to the english speaker on a predominantly english speaking team, having more german speakers on your team makes things worse
and if you're a german speaker in a predominantly german team, enlglish speakers will make things worse
holy shit
fucking kek
Holy fucking kek
Back to blebit, cuck.
10/10 kek
does that make us the Axis?
lol XD
>can't discern obvious sarcasm
back to Sup Forums with you
That's a yucky job though.
>women needing help AGAIN from the superior gender
no wonder they get paid less
>So Sup Forums, what r U doing to help women be more equal in field of technology?
I tell them to home and build a PC a hundred times instead of being an activist.