Rate my pc specs

rate my pc specs

>league of legends


breddy gud

is this the new desktop thread

Just post your loli collection allready

Do you actually play Fallout: New Vegas wit those specs?

Nice T42.

its pretty rad

wew another one

Is that your girlfriend?

Also these are my specs.

Hello Kevin.


>8.1 meme

hey kevin
looking real nice today

Am I looking buff today?

yeah senpai

Do screenfetch -t

Shitty background user

best background user


I did not know you could run windows 10 with just 2G of ram. Now I do. How slow and sluggish is it?


r8 no h8

Temporarily away home, don't have the normal drives/monitors with me

would work like lightning if you installed gentoo

rate my specs sure, I used to have a AMD card, but then it stopped working. Also added more RAM and of course more storage. I am not good with money.

>less than 64GiB RAM

lmaoing @ your life

I ran Windows 10 on a thinkpad x41t once

1gb of ram and an ULV 1.5ghz pentium M
It was aids

just got an oculus with the controllers, works alright

That wallpaper is beautiful. Could you please post it user

can you open the explorer the we can laugh are how blind you are

Ratings are in:
OP is a huge faggot.

Here you go, I love cyberpunk wallpapers so those are all I use

Not sure why that uploaded as a jpg instead of png, but if you want the original just google "cyberpunk wallpaper" and it should be the second result

basically the same thing.

Thanks m8

finally free of shit connection speeds


r8 my new laptop


here comes a new challenger

hey whats your roblox account bro

what theme is this ?

"Abisso 2014"
i have windows 8.1, and this theme is for windows 8.1 so sorry if you have windows 10 or anything else

oh ok, now it make sense... i can't wait for the day when ms finally ship their DE for win10

Suck it poors


>Not the 2015 LTSB



Good for a laugh

Nice desktop thread

Looking sexy kev ;)

manjaro, my nigga

i only rebooted my pc just to take this