Can anyone really learn programming?

Can anyone really learn programming?

I think it's a meme. I tried for 10 years but cant get further than editing some scripts in some games.

Stop playing games and find a project that interests you

some langs are harder than others. I could never get into C++, and object oriented stuff took me a long time to wrap my head around (and I still don't understand some of it).

Yes almost but it will take time, some will learn it faster while other learn it slower.

When I was younger I was very intimidated by the complex of coding.

But today I'm currently learning and I slowly understand the concept of programming. Currently learning Java and some Javascript and Python.

In the future I want to learn C#, C and C++, and maybe Assemly or Machine Code.

but what if you just suck at math

i can do some logic gates in gmod but nothing more than that, maybe a bit html

programming in black and white just makes me dizzy

Anyone can learn programming. It doesn't mean you'll become world class.

Think about it like Basketball. Anyone can learn it but Michael Jordan can still kick your ass.

Iv'e been doing purely Java for 2 years and cant do anything other than create shitty games. I feel like a complete dumbass all the time because of it.

I suck at higher levels of math (trig, calc), but you don't NEED to know that stuff unless you're wanting to make 3D games or be a engineer or something.

It's not that hard, it depends how you learn and if you are OK with learning by doing.
If you can learn by doing things just go through the Kivy tutorial and start from there, make a basic calculator. Then build a reverse polish calculator.
I think the problem most people have is they think that they just need to learn, but studying is much more effective after you are understanding what you are doing.

You don't need to be math genius to program. I'm quit slow when it coming to math but I still able to program something.

Try to take it very slowly, take a very short steps and try to get used to typing in editor.

Ten years is the biggest bull I've ever heard. Did you try reading a single book or article on it?
Most people will "try" once looking up a C++ tutorial, get to hello world, then stop when they figure out they can't make a video game in a day. I would suggest you find something you enjoy and put in a solid week. You'll easily learn all the basics to be able to start on any language or take many any course. I guess I'd suggest trying out something like Unity if you have no patience for learning. Otherwise make a text adventure or write a little program to do math for you.
Just read a book, nigga

Sure, here's a quick wya

> go to minimum wage job
> stash at least 2k$
> buy adderal, modafinil, energy drinks, a lot of sugar
> rent a room
> don't read any books, buy bootcamp materials online
> proceed to code on drugs
> profit

There is something wrong with the picture.
Way too many faucets for an electronics workshop.
This must be a stock photo.

If you don't know how to problem solve then you can't learn any effective programming.

What the fuck is happening in that photo OP jesus christ

Have you tried wearing cute girl clothes?
Its a common beginner mistake not to dress cute when trying to code, it happened to me too.

diversity, you misogynistic pissbaby.

Modafinil worth it then?

I have seen more women soldering in a 2 hour visit of a large manufacturing facility than I have seen men soldering in my entire life.
And I didn't even need to go to a chinese sweatshop to see it.

Modafinil is cool.Noopept and adderal when I started learning though.

Fuck off back your safe space faggot I don't give a shit about '''''gender'''''

HTML isn't programming; it's an over rated grocery list.

You can't gender them, shitlord. They probably identified as sexy females.

>being this unironically problematic


>HTML isn't programming

>markup language = programming language


Modafinil is ok when you have to shit out some sub-par code as fast as possible, but I personally can only code boilerplate code that doesn't require too much thought. Usually it's helpful to plan the architecture when you are well rested and than pull a few all-nighters with Energydrinks and Modafinil to shit out the code. I quit using Modafinil because I get horrible body- and urine-odour when I take it. It's especially bad because I can't smell it myself but my work colleagues start to complain about the smell. Yerba Mate, good nutrition and some PE works better for me.

>not being sensitive to those with headmates

Were _literally_ shaking right now. We just can't even.

Not everyone can learn programming. The Tabula Rasa cult that believes in the unlimited transformative potential of education and hard work is one of the greatest evils in our society.

I spent ten years teaching math (which exercises the same "circuitry" as programming) and every year some students picked concepts up as intuitively obvious while others labored intensively all semester and still never grasped them.

Now I work as a software dev and see the same thing.

The ability to program is rooted in general intelligence which, despite the marxist propaganda you've been immersed in your entire life, is not uniformly distributed (everybody isn't born with the same amount of intelligence).

Hard work in any pursuit will help you improve, but if you landed too far to the left on the IQ bell curve there's no amount of effort that will make you a good programmer. This doesn't mean you're a bad or useless person. People with a 90 IQ can be perfectly decent human beings and live fulfilling lives as valuable members of society.

>math teacher
>doesn't know what a uniform distribution is

It's been a while since I did probability. Is there a different term for "Discrete uniform distribution with n=1"?

I did introductory calculus at uni as a catch-up subject, only ever did basic "general" maths at high school.

I make a living as a programmer and don't use any of those skills.

You don't need math to be a good programmer, just a great one.

She is holding the soldering iron where it would burn her hand. Its blatantly obvious that it's fake. That's the whole point of the picture being posted dude.

Stupid brainlet.

C++ is easy mang, just read the tutorials sequentially. Like go the cppforums and then do the tutorials step by step and read the stdlibs.