What did you do in high-school?
Tech stories thread
When I was in high-school I did three things mainly:
I hooked people up with games
I hooked people up with "proxies" (I was really giving them TOR but they literally did not know the difference)
I hooked people up with funny malware.
I wish I could have been as industrious as that picture, OP.
Holy fuck that story.
>tell friends about AES
>they give a fuck
Already blantantly false story from the first post
there's no way that you can find that many high school students that aren't too tech illiterate to pull that off.
>Use school internet to download metric fucktons of illegal shit
>literally nothing happens even though the school's administration claimed to monitor everything you did online
The school also used really obvious username and password schemes which students couldn't change so I could basically do anything in any name I wanted.
Almost all of the teachers had 6 character passwords which they always typed in extremely slowly with students watching so it was trivial to disable any filters for shady sites.
Most of the kids used "free" VPNs with an EULA that says it can sell the full contents of your communications to third parties but nobody cared
I also rigged an online game our school made because you could submit a score just by making a request like score.php?score=9001&name=faggot. All it took was just searching the JavaScript on the page for the word "score" so I started submitting fake ones in the first 10 minutes after the release. I never even played the game.
Most teachers and students were completely retarded when it comes to tech. When my English teacher's hard drive failed and the boot screen fucking told him that that was the problem, he unironically thought he got hacked by the Chinese and so did every other student in the class.
top kak
Holy shit that story was amazing
And people wonder why the cops can't catch real pedos
Nothing. Even though I am a programmer, I'm still shit at computers. Couldn't even bypass restriction on game/porn sites. Was caught twice lol.
>high school in Poland in early 2000s
>Slow internet connection at home (only 115 kbps)
>School has 2 mbps (that was fucking insane back then)
>Prinicipal wants to buy server, so the school site will be put on it.
>Me and my friend go to principal, tell him that he can set up the server on one of the school machines, he has only pay for a domain
>Principal asks if we can help him do it
>We gladly accept his offer and set up a server, park a domain, and the site is running
>We want to torrent everything we can
>Torrenting isn't a problem, but we can't download files from servers hdd during lessons (would be too suspicious) and the classroom is closed on recess
>We make a "Linux enthusiast group", so we can preach linux to other students after school
>Few of them show up, one teacher is assigned to have an eye for us (but he knows very little about modern computers)
>We are preaching linux hard while downloading stuff we've torrented earlier
Good old times
In my highschool, everyone was retarded
>Go on the computers
>The browsers are crammed full of adware
>Slow as fuck
>Homepage is set to some malware-tier search engine that injects ads into your search results
>People were installing shit-tier Pakistani "proxies" so that they could browse facebook at like two kb.
>My face when this is normal
>At my school, the computers in the computer labs all had this spying software installed so that someone (a teacher) could watch what everyone was doing on their computer
>To fuck with the teacher, I would remove the Ethernet cable from my computer
>Teacher would lose connection to my computer
>Go apeshit
>"What'd you do user?"
>I kek softly
>Another time I run my signature annoying-ware. It's a program that opens two more instances of itself when you close it
>I leave it on the computer
>Teacher tries to close the program as I'm leaving
>It keeps spawning new instances
>Teacher logs off
>Instantly a few hundred instances spawn
>Hundreds turn to thousands
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Windows;
namespace Hydra2
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
private void Window_Closed(object sender, EventArgs e)
meme meme
hello newfriend
this works even when ending the process from the task manager, pretty cool user
One time I made this VBS script where the script would keep opening and closing the CD drive, kept spamming "donkey balls" over the text input, and kept shouting "hello." My friend found this trick where if you pull out the ether net cord of the comp at the right time, there wouldn't be any reactions on where you could place files on the computer. He put it in startup and the computer was fucked.
Also one time i had this USB filled with fucked up memes that got confiscated and "lost in the system."
Also ultrasurf was great. It was pretty much the only proxy games worked on.
One of the best green texts i have read 10/10
>Windows 7 school image
>If you hard reboot the computer enough it goes into recovery
>possible to open up windows explorer from prompt
>Rename cmd.exe to stickykeys
>sticky keys before comp is fully rebooted
>opens admin cmd
>have admin on school computer
>change things
>make all of the printers read feed me kittens when out of paper
I was pretty dumb desu
>implying any of this shit is real
>he unironically thought he got hacked by the Chinese
>add "shutdown -s -t 00" to autorun
>edit shortcuts so they point to a forkbomb
>in high school
>have to print out some WW2 pictures for a history project
>go to the computer lab
>computer lab babysitter isn't there
>all computers have the most draconian safety filter around
>if you look for anything deemed "inappropriate", you get locked out of the internet for 30 minutes
>Hitler, Mussolini, Axis power, and Kamikaze pilots are all deemed inappropriate
>Every time I would do the google search and find an image, the computer would lock me out
>get the smart idea to just move to the next computer
>do this until I run out of computers
>computer babysitter comes back with an entire class
>all of the computers are still locked for inappropriate content
>get sent to the principal
>have to explain that I was just trying to do my damn homework
Whoever installed that filter was an idiot.
>opened mutt to read my emails
>got suspended from school for being a hacker
I talked to /fit/bro at school about password strength, and he was legitimately giving a fuck.
What a faget
t. sdd master race, 96 score
>tell friends about AES
ipt = Information Process Technology class iirc, so he's with other nerds
>>Another time I run my signature annoying-ware. It's a program that opens two more instances of itself when you close it
You did this too!
I just used a small .vbs script I nabbed from the internet. Loved me some msgboxes.
a fag
>there are people on Sup Forums that will actually believe OPs story
I was never able to do anything fun on my school.
>I had 3 tech teachers that all was really into tech, network and programming.
The only fun thing was to go onto the aids pages of tumblr and see those fellas getting pissed at me.
Everyone at my school played halo against each other over LAN, at any given time there was a server with people on it
Eventually they cracked down on saving it on your "school drive" so everyone just ran it off a USB stick
>>there are people on Sup Forums that will actually believe OPs story
As an Ausfag in the same state as OP-pic, his story is easily plausible.
You can't seriously have cops that won't think someone with a clean install of Hannah Montana Linux didn't recently wipe their drive
i failed robotics but passed drafting. also i sold weed every now and again. fuck your long ass gay stories.
used the screen sharing program through the school network to "hijack" kids computers and google porn and then open Photo Booth to see their reaction
got caught eventually, the IT guy seemed to find it more funny, the principal not so much
Good point; if OP was stupid enough to do a clean install it would be very suspicious (but not incriminating). You're right there.
BUT keep in mind that Australia authority is famous for being shit at technology:
or the easier-to-read version
>"The report into the pilot trial of ISP-level filtering demonstrates that blocking RC-rated material can be done with 100 percent accuracy and negligible impact on Internet speed"
How the fuck could anyone say that with a straight face. I knew politicians say things which are blatantly false but holy shit.