Thoughts on NixOS?
Thoughts on NixOS?
My thought is that it is gay and no one will use it like OP's dick
Nice logo.
Special snowflake.
Great idea.
Great implementation.
But, it does make you re-learn how to write configs for various packages.
It has systemdick.
It's nice in theory but modern configuration management and containerization tools already does everything NixOS does
can you guarantee reproducible deployments with said tools
Yes, as much as NixOS can.
GuixSD is better
this lisp is better.
NixOS would be a great distro if it was easier for retards like me to use it.
It's not archlinux
>declarative configuration
Anyone care to elaborate on that?
>no software
>time consuming to learn
in the trash it goes
>no software
Search for guixsd technical document on its package manager. There's a fantastic paper the guy wrote on it.
>he compiles all his software
>not compiling and studying the source code of all the software running on your systems
Have fun with your backdoors, proprietary-cuck.
>he trusts his compilers not to insert backdoors into compiled code
>not bootstrapping your own compiler to ensure maximum security
thank god
>assuming I'm not
What next? Assuming my gender?