Don't you miss the old hacker culture?

Don't you miss the old hacker culture?

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>mfw my dad worked for Microbee

Missed it, so can't really miss something i didn't experience.

fair enough

Things are better today. Single board computers are dirt cheap. The Internet has tons of programming tutorials and pdfs at your fingertips. Software is freely available so you don't need to pirate. If you're stuck on a problem, you can find the solution without visiting computer clubs or asking teachers. These really are the golden years.

No, in the golden years only those who knew how to use a computer could use a computer

Never was part of it... I was a child in the 80s

I surely miss that.

>normies celebrating literally all around the globe that it will read 2017 in the right side of the Windows taskbar in a few hours


Too young for that, but I do miss the mid 90's.

>everyone can program meme
Now today's kids can only do easy things, it isn't surprising if they were spoiled with fancy GUIs and muh sjw culture.
Most so called tutorials are dog shit on the internet, web is just full of normie stuff and it's getting worse with the everyone has to be able to program meme.
Also look at this ;

>muh sjw

can't you communicate like a non-imbecile, user?


fucking kek
>tfw fizzbuzzed

no, but i do miss riding motorcycles

>tfw mom worked for apple in the late 80s
>still have an old apple mug and a power strip from apple

times have changed but at least we have beanbags now

>easy things

>my phone speaker wasn't working
>looked it up
>held reset button

Forced reset on my phone, sudo up in this bitch, fixed it.

>can't program
>easy things

itt: assembler / hardware OG wizards


What you say is true, majority of CS graduate can't program. Somehow the interview questions I get asked are implementing a hash table from scratch rather than fizzbuzz.

When, irl, are you going to build your own fucking hash table?

Want a hash table?

Dictionary dict = new Dictionary();
dict.Add("FUCKING NEVER", 1);

I enjoyed it taught me lots about web security for free. I couldn't get past the first programming challenge when I was younger though.

So you're disappointed in the normie invasion?

Can you summarize what you learned from it? I know this seems like a broad request, but I am genuinely curious. I played with it to the point where the password was in the html comments, but then it went into some Python shit and I stopped.

>a designer girl can't program


>what is eternal september
