Let me present the future to you. Two words:

Let me present the future to you. Two words:
Wireless dongles.

Think about it.
>100% modular. - Easy to upgrade, etc
>no wires, no clutter
>your desktop is now your laptop, take it with you in a handy plastic bag

Other urls found in this thread:


Tim Cuck approves!

You do realize that the CPU, RAM, and all other PC components need to communicate between each other and that the fastest, simplest and most efficient way to do that is trough a wire ?
You think taking a disassembled PC in your bag is the future ?

>Anything magnetic in the vicinity gets instantly melted by the shear amount of power needed to transmit the information at a correct bandwidth.

That's about the stupidest shit I've heard in here.


pick one

seconded. Top-tier autism right here

They are connected through bluetooth idiot. Nothing is simpler.


wouldnt it in theory be fastest to communicate with ligth and not electrons?

You do know how much data CPUs today process in a single second ? And let's not forget that they are only going to be better, faster and thus process even more data. So you really believe that all those ones and zeros will be transmitted trough air ? A single one of those "wireless dongles" would be able to melt metal with all the energy it will need to emit
>technology not available
>technology not possible
>not efficient

The two "wireless dongles" would have to have an unobstructed view between them at all times, a view that will never be blocked
And it's not about the speed, but about the amount of data that would need to be transmitted trough air

im a different fag but i was just thinking this is how optic fiber works somewhat so shouldnt it be in theory be possible to implement this into PCs.

but yeah op is fucking retarted

>would be able to melt metal with all the energy it will need to emit
And I thought /sci/ was filled with idiots pretending to know what they're talking about.

Photonics through silicium medium. It's getting there. Access to THz frequencies.


You compress it before you send it...

Why don't we just carry a headless laptop in our bags and connect to it through a thin client like a phone?

To be able to send so much data fast you'll need to operate at very high frequencies. Wireless is nothing compared to how much data travels in and out of a CPU. Now imagine your dongles communicating with microwaves

It doesn't work that way idiot

Can't you basically do this already? The only things that currently need wires are RAM, CPU and GPU, which you can easily fit on a SoC.

Drives, keyboards, internet, audio and display can all be done wirelessly.

That is the single most retarded comment I have ever seen in my entire life.

This is something i'm trying to achieve with a toshiba nigletbook, is headless and currently using puppy on it as a backup (with monitor).

Ultimately want it to boot arch with no DE and act as a wireless device and have all if not most devices act as peripherals over wifi or just act as a wireless keyboard.

Not sure how to implement it and could at the minute but it would be a clusterfuck and probably need some configuration with a monitor connected first... or maybe not after configuring once.

All these nay sayers
>Because we don't have the thecmology right now, we will never have it

Just because it might not be feasible to do it at the moment, doesnt mean that somebody could invent a new technology that could be used to transfer singals through air

>This is the best shit post I've heard all year

that post game me cancer

well then the receiving end will spend five hours decompressing for just one fucking command

Microwaves might be a bit dangerous. Maybe one could use ultrasound speakers and microphones to communicate through air instead.

You've got to take into account that much higher frequencies are going to be needed to meet the bandwidth requirements for its respective component. Bluetooth can barely handle high quality audio. Higher frequencies are more prone to attenuation, especially with most of these components being made of metal and in such close proximity to each other. The similar frequencies will easily interfere with each other causing serious data loss. They would have to talk with the FCC as well and allocate a new portion of the spectrum for our new bag computers. This thread doesn't even deserve a reply and here I am.

This is why 2017 is the year of the wireless dongle computer

you know that you can microwave your computer parts to get free wifi between all of the parts if you put them in plastic microwave bag and put the rating of your psu on the microwave like about 600W to be sure

No, thanks. I just want some little, powerfull and modular device

Got any idea's, tips or hint's on how you would do this on tech already at our disposal?

le repurposing


It doesn't even mention a screen or power.

Charging a bag full of shit and hoping everyone has a monitor and peripheral setup for your sweet bag machine wherever you go. I'm ready for the future

Well, you can get plastic bags at almost any store.

You have to be trolling, none can be that stupid
>sound => 340 m/s
>electromagnetic waves => 300 000 000 m/s

But he's right you goddamn retards. That's why fiber is faster than copper dumbasses.

He is not proposing fiber but literally propagating light trough air in order to send information

Well, this thing would be comfy as fuck to shitpost on and with a supposed 11 hour battery life running Windows it would be interesting to see if it could go for longer any other way it's set up.

That's only relavant on a long distance, on a short distance you will lose more time converting data to RF and back.

>propagating light trough air in order to send information

Wrong, he never said anything about air. If he left some room for assumptions you should assume that he was thinking about void, not air; but in either case it's still more efficient than copper.

>inb4 some idiot claims that light is made of electrons

exactly. which is why his post is retarded

Whats great about it is if you need more battery life you just throw in another battery dongle into the bag.

I wasn't saying it was genius, it is retarded


I've already addressed this. Compression would take care of most of the bandwidth problems. We might have to wait for some future bluetooth standard, but until then instead of gayming in 4k, this computer paradigm would be directed towards the professional market.

The FCC can suck my dick! They don't own the electromagnetic spectrum. Are they gonna arrest me for being innovative? Those who try to impede progress have always failed. We will all get our bag computers.


Yes but the parts would be very close to each other in the bag, so there really would be no need for 300000000 m/s at all
Also the bag would be within a few meters at max of the peripherals so the difference would still be negligible at say 2m/340m

I already swap out my ssd from laptop to desktop because I'm too cheap to buy another boot drive for the laptop, it already has a hdd in the bay that's less easy to swap.

faggots getting trolled left and right, above and below

>wireless display
what wireless technology will you use to push 20 Gbps of pixel data?

>latency within components goes from picoseconds to milliseconds

Yeah I'm sure that'll not cause any problems. It's always the people who don't know shit about anything trying to confidently pitch something new.

I think it's funnier to encourage them in hopes of trying to get them to waste their money on it

Let me present the future to you. Two words:
Killing yourself

Think about it.
>100% better world
>no wires, just a thick piece of rope
>your staircase is now your end, you'll be taken out in a black plastic bag on a stretcher

>no clutter

What about the fucking dongle pile

But light is made of electrons

That's what optimization is for nerd

This is the stupidest fucking shit ever.


Stupid beyond belief.
There is absolutely never any need to separate essential PC components.
Why would you even think about separating RAM and CPU?

It would probably be a "nice" thing if you could connect additional storage or RAM by a just putting it close to your other parts but you loose an incredible amount of performance.

Wireless transmission is orders of magnitude to slow and even if it was technically possible it would be completely retarded.

Tech companies & the FCC btfo
Bag computer master race

This could be used: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WiDi

Bag computer prototype

You linux nerds can't appreciate good design

Don't you mean great design?

That doesn't look like it even supports 1 Gbps, let alone 20. Got a citation on those bitrates?