What is the most redpilled distro?
> tfw hate commies
> tfw too intelligent to use windows/osx
What is the most redpilled distro?
> tfw hate commies
> tfw too intelligent to use windows/osx
Forget about GNU plus Linux and use FreeBSD
There's Apartheid Linux made by Stormfront if you're stupid enough to be racist
i agree
while it is true that there are certain physical differences which simply can't be denied (not even trolling, one for example is blacks have lower IQ on average), the issue is more of an ideological one than a racial one
look at murrica for example, why is it that (some) asians assimilate perfectly, and interacting with them is no different than with anyone else? however this is usually only the case with the 2nd generation
This looks like a distro for people who want to LARP as a wizard on their own computer
>stupid enough to be racist
You have to be fucking stupid not to be racist
>all blacks are stupid
>i know because racism is correct
>BLM is literally a racism organization
Top doublethink my goy
>all blacks are stupid
>most blacks have below average intelligence
Now try to disprove this. Keep in mind, despite being a racist statement it is still factually correct.
>hate commies
Spotted the uneducated imbecile.
Facts are not racist
your choice of typeface is abysmal
Gentoo mother fucker
Install Solus
Isn't Apartheid Linux just Debian with a bunch of edgelord wallpapers
>rejecting the destructive and incoherent ideology promoted by those who could only survive in the fairyland of academia
Reality is racist as fuck, it shows a clear preference for whites, Jews and Asians and seems to hate people with darker skin complexions.
Spotted the dimwit who couldn't finish college.
It's PCLinuxOS plus the wallpapers
You really can't go wrong with a massive sponsored projects like: Fedora, Debian, Ubuntu or even Arch
I don't recommend "server" distros like CentOS, Enterprise Linux, etc... since these distros take stable to obnoxious levels. Doesn't help that a lot of EPEL packages have broken dependencies, but they aren't officially supported so no one gives a shit.
It doesn't help that pretty much any good software you'd likely want is in EPEL.
Just because you don't understand something doesn't mean it's incoherent. You do have to consider that you just might be dumb.
Linux for niggers