What's your favorite coding languages and why

What's your favorite coding languages and why

C (Drivers, Libraries and shit)
C++ (Qt/Boost)
D (Newbie yet, but liking the language)
Lua (Script)
Free Pascal using Lazarus (RAD env with native look and feel... killer feature)
LabVIEW (Data Acquisition and Control Theory stuff)

Go because it makes threading (for me at least) actually fun

Also nice syntax

Python but I mostly use javascript because this world is fucked. I love nodejs honestly but I feel bad for using js.

You mean programming languages.
asm probably where I had the most fun otherwise C

NASM Assembler

- simple syntax,
- one is able to write code for pretty much every platform / system
- efficient (fast and low mem usage)
- small size executables
- most powerful languages
- community is not invaded by kiddies and idiots (hurr durr minecroft java programming, hurr durr object oriented, hurr durr runs on vm => is portable [except the vm isnt portable u cunt])

And here's another language war thread.

The best tool you can use is the one suiting best your experience and the context.

Fuck off.

>What's you favorite coding language and why

How the fuck is this a language war thread

> OP use meme language instead of meme language
> listen to me, I'm the true programmer

Serpent (not the python library). Because I created it.

>programming language
No thank you, just ones and zeros for me please.

Idris, everything else is shit

when to use ANSI C versus C99 (versus whatever the latest one is)?

do you just feel bad because it's a Sup Forums meme hating on nodejs?

VBA because it just works

My uni had me starting with Java in my first class and I've heard so many annoying things about it that I want to try another language. Is java really a bad starting language?

C# CLR masterace checking in. Ahoy my VB.NET brother

>coding languages

kill me now

No java is a very safe language to use professionally

Cause I'm use to JVM
I love fonctional prog
I love object prog
I love recursivity (and there is tails recurcivity).

any link ?

I've been having fun learning Java, first computer language

Java is bloat, But Java is complete, it's one of the best option to get a nice Software run without implementing tone's of shit. Also, it's fucking everywhere so it's still good to know it.

High level of control, large number of mature libraries
Simple syntax, macros
Conceptually simple, large selection of good libraries

I wouldn't say that it's a bad language, but:
1) There are many design decisions made a few decades ago that we now realize could have been done better. Usually this just translates into a little extra verbosity, but it all builds up.
2) The language itself, and certainly the culture around it encourages a style of programming which involves multiple layers of indirection via over-thought abstractions.

I consider C# to be the better language if you only count syntax. Luckily C# is catching up with Java in the areas where it's been falling short now that the important parts are open source.

I'm a Statistician so R/Python/Ruby

I hear Julia is nice

C and Forth
Because they are very clear about what the computer is doing. They do not make abstract models for the operation of the computer, they are straightforward imperative.

I've tried into Lisp, but for some reason I can't seem to as much as find something interesting to write with it, I'm more about small problems.

for low level programs
for simple automation and scripts
>x86 assembly
for really fucking low level stuff

I love. LOVE. clojure(script)
>target JVM without having to write java
>target nodejs/browsers without writing javascript
>homoiconicity between client/server on web projects
>dead simple syntax
>concurrency isn't an afterthought
>immutable data by default

I only use a different language when i'm doing something embeded. It piggiebacks on the two most popular software platforms, while abstracting to a beautiful, clean functional language.