so what does Sup Forums think of brave browser?
So what does Sup Forums think of brave browser?
I'm going back to IE6 if i dont find a good browser
It's shit
" It claims to block website trackers and remove intrusive internet advertisements, replacing them with ads sold by Eich's company."
A literal scam.
completely idiotic concept. a solution to a problem that doesn't exist. shoehorns bitcoin into yet another space where it doesn't belong, immediately poisoning the whole project in the minds of anyone outside of the bay area
>he is mad he did not come up with this
>people complain about ads being annoying,and being malicious
>create a browser to replace those ads with your own, which are vetted and not annoying.
>fucking install ublock origin
>no ads at all
>buzzfeed goes bankrupt, god willing
People who complain about ads being annoying and malicious install ad blockers and then stop having ads. Giving them ads again is a step backwards, and nobody wants it
>he thinks the normalfag market installs ad blockers
>he thinks the normalfag market knows about Brave
Normalfags don't give a shit about ads or this scam of a browser
>he thinks normalfags are going to DOWNLOAD YET ANOTHER BROWSER and to PAY BITCOINS for SOME NEBULOUS REASON
Normal fags are willing to pay for YouTube red. Brave is the same shit. Tell you'll get non harmful,non annoying ads if you pay they will eat that shit up. You think the know you can have an ad free internet?
if someone is going to download some weird browser no one's heard of, then set up a fucking bitcoin account that's not really a bitcoin account, to "donate" pennies to shitty clickbait websites, real-ass ad blocking is on their radar already
yes, we know. brave shill is back at it again
>javascript enabled by default
>https not enforced
>replaces ads with other ads which make you connect to Eich's servers which possibly fingerprint you and make money off of you in the process
"Privacy" browser
Blocking ads was enabled by default as well as blocking third party cookies. You can choose whether or not you want to use the brave ads, all ads or no ads.
I prefer my browsers botnet and spying free i.e. just an application that helps me surf the web. such an application should be under
I use Brave and I have yet to see an ad.
somehow I stumbled to another brave shill post in the catalog
go back posting in that thread.
This. Told my college class about it and it wasnt a big deal. Literally a switch on the front page of firefox addons. They were amazed kek
>what are shared libraries
t. mactoddler
This. Have any of you mongoloids even tried it? There are ZERO ADS unless you allow them. I've run Brave with sheilds up and Firefox with adblockers and NOScript , while Etherape was running and I can safely say there is no funny business going on in Brave Browser. The only downside to Brave is the lack of granular control in the settings, i.e. it's all or nothing versus allowing exceptions.