What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

Just letting everyone know he's mentally handicapped.

Remember the Surface Studio?
Me neither

MS did throw some absolutely shite hardware into those things. But yeah the guy in the OP is a faggot.

>twitter screencap
>Sup Forums meme spam

he meant you should kill yourself.

He is complaining because he wants everything for cheap.

The Studio is a specialist device, it was designed to fill a purpose and that purpose isn't to be a desktop or standard workstation PC. For what it is designed to do it is adequately equipped, but still expensive. You're mostly paying for that screen though.

>if this device that has a barely visible profit margin was 33% off and included a free graphics card that was expensive as half the result, it would be a vidya game changer!!11
Who is that retard and why did you bother posting it here?

He is just like most Sup Forums posters : fat, white , autistic ,cheapskate , hates Microsoft and was cucked so fucking hard by pajeets

these are the same people who complain
>why doesn't X game cost $5, have no dlc, and have all dlc content on disk?

it's not like making a game in 2016 costs more than in 2006 even though the asking price is the same $60, even though today's $60 is worth less than the $60 of 10 years ago

hopefully he is being sarcastic

It's a Sup Forums meme isn't it?

What is it with pajeets and not being able to pick up jokes?

to put simply it's a niche product
will it's first version, it's going to be hard to enter the market

Yes, that user is stupid and just blames Sup Forums for everything.

>hehe i only see computers as gayming devices!!!

OK, but what exactly is a "Specialist device"? Does it mean "underpowered desktop workstation"? Like those iMac all-in ones that are meant to look very sleek and professional. You can pretend to be a specialist-professional using one, but it's really the same as a regular desktop PC, just nice looking.

Is there anyway to hook the surface studio up to another computer and have it be a second/primary monitor?

It has a massive touch screen that is designed for creators, like kind of like the Cintiq but more of a fixed workstation.

Buying one without using it for that primarily would be retarded because that is primarily what it is for. That's why it is a specialist device.

iMac all-in-ones are just general workstations. They have no specialist purpose.

Because the development cycle for it probably missed out on the 1080. Also the 1080 might not have fitted the thermal profile. It should have an ssd instead of a hdd though.

If Apple devices all costed $1 I'm sure they would corner the market share like never before!

If he had said 1060 instead then that whole tweet wouldn't have been a giant pile of fucking stupid.
(it still would be anyway because "I wanna pay $1000 less WTF")

I'm a creator-imaginationaut, but i use a Cintiq with a good desktop PC. And as such, i'd rather invest in a digitizer monitor that will outlast said desktop PC for many years after the hardware in it becomes obsolete. Those pen-screens are expensive AF and i'd rather not have to throw it out or sell it off.

Honestly, if my dick was 10cm longer, 3 cm wider and black it would be a game changer! So close!

If it was white it would be an even larger game changer though

You'd be average size?

He has a point though.
This thing has laptop parts in it.
The new Wacom 27QHD Cintiq costs 2200$
The i7 model of a surface studio is 4200$
You can go and buy yourself the fuckhuge 27 inch Cintiq and still have 2k left to blow on 2x more powerful 1070 + a desktop tier i7

Cintiqs are considered damn expensive too, but this thing takes the cake of being retarded level pricey.
And like user here said these "all in one" solutions will grow old, where as a proper digitizer monitor will last you over a decade.

>1440P screen
Clearly different market segments.

Microsoft sets their devices higher so oems have room for their products to compete .


>not 14 likes 88 retweets
Step up the shitposting senpai

Time of introduction rather, Surface Studio is a brand new cutting edge product, whereas the 27QHD has been on the market for years now. If you're only comparing resolution-penises, the Surface Studio is a clear winner. It actually wins over most monitors on the market today!

Which makes me rather curious how they're pulling it off with a GTX 980M - since even a 4K monitor of the same size has less PPI than what the 3:2 screen on the Studio is touting.