What does Sup Forums use to comfortably browse this hell hole?
Sup Forums app
I use the 4chanapp
i browse using the mobile site with no ad blocker cause iphone 5 doesn't support ad blockers
Nothing on malware ridden fdroid. That's for sure
Clover for years now
Clover is the only answer.
Firefox 28 with Greasemonkey script
This is some disgusting windows cancer. But it's kinda neat. How good is this?
>app to use a web site
Chrome on desktop, Clover on mobile.
>How good is this?
it's perfect with just a mouse. a keyboard helps though. and it's strickly for browsing (no posting ability).
Second for clover on android
You disgusting shill fuck
ban phone shitters
>browsing hellhole
>not using dark theme
>not using text based browser
waste of bandwidth and ram
Sometimes when I use clover I dont have to fill out the captcha. Does this happen for anyone else? What is this magic?
>Open source is botnet
I see they only let the highest quality shills on Sup Forums these days.
A desktop computer you fucking degenerates.
Yes, but which app do you use on your desktop?
I use a script called 4chanX
i use a web browser to browse websites
I recently started using Chan Burauza on Android. It's breddy good.
this picture crashed my chrome 3 times when i hovered....
Floens child
The browser is sufficient.
>inb4 wasted space
It's very comfortable on a giant tablet.
Wrote my own app for it
Use a real browser, queer.
anyone know what user-agent shows up when you use clover?
clover on f-droid.
I started using it becuase it ran well on blackberry.
I still use it because it's the only one that rarely fucks up Webm downloads
Clover but I like Dashchan a lot too.
Clover is the best mobile app in my opinion. Never had a problem with it and its material face-lift it got a while back is /comfy/
I use clover on my phone and tablet. Is anyone else getting those IP or IP address range banned errors a lot over phone recently though? Is Hiroshamoot finally showing his true colors and trying to extort phone posters out of money for passes?
4chanx for Firefox and Clover
Italian Clover user here.
Never had a ranged IP ban, you may be in a unlucky range or it only applies to a certain country
Mimi is literally the only way to go. If you don't install Mimi in the next 2 minutes, your mother will die in her sleep tonight.
I'm on AT&T posting from the US. Fucking sucks at least once a day I'm having to toggle in and out of airplane mode to get around that bullshit