Why is KDE the best desktop for desktop/screenfetch & neofetch threads?

Why is KDE the best desktop for desktop/screenfetch & neofetch threads?

No loli or shota shit, I will report you.

Reported so hard my reporting hand (right, fyi) gained a life of its own, clicking my mouse rapidly for 3 hours straight with such a tenacity it became clear arthiritis was the least of my worries, so clear was it that I could lose MY ENTIRE HAND to this bizarre possession. Suddenly my mouse smashed through my floor, pulling down my report hand as a hapless hostage. Smoke filled my bedroom and I woke up god knows how many hours later in a small village south of Aokigahara.

The people of this modest commune emerged slowly from their shacks, all of them viewing me with what I can
only describe as suspicion mixed with awe. Suddenly they began throwing spears into the air and running towards me. I SHAT BRICKS, but then they GRABBED ME and LUNGED ME INTO THE AIR, praising my name and kissing me. The chieftan came down later and over a feast-for-one explained I was to be crowned The Chosen One, the Kamisama of Reporting foretold in Nihonese folklore to appear in the year 2012. At this moment an old Japanese woman - she must've been 85 years old at least - began doing some kind of dance, spinning around in circles whilst singing "Sorairo Days" and throwing confetti into the air. I was DOWN with this state of affairs, let me tell you.

For 300 years I trained with the chieftan in his private dojo, reporting shitty threads, every day becoming quicker. At first I could report 10 threads per minute. After only 2 weeks I was up to 5 threads per second. After a century my KTPM (kuso thread per minute) rate rose to and stalled at 200 per second.

On the last day he graced our planet, my sensei bestowed one last task to me: the reporting of this thread, the shittest of all shit threads.

I did not respond with words. Rather, through our eyes he knew I would obey.

This one's for you, Otousan.

why do you need a burger menu in every corner?

A what menu?

is this the new desktop thread

I think the Unity desktop actually has some potential but needs much improvement.
Some of the things that need to be changed:
Restore an application hierarchy similar to the Applications menu.
Use smaller icons, or adjust to the size available.
Don't cover the entire screen with the Dash.
Conform to the system color settings (this is not a video game!)
Don't show non-installed applications in the application menus. Keep installation separate.
Add user customizability to the application hierarchy.
Add user customizability to the size and location of the launcher.
Add the ability to turn off capture of menus on the Top Bar, probably default to off for normal desktop installs.
Fix LibreOffice to use the menus in the same ways as other applications.
Either don't require 3d acceleration or ship 3d capable drivers for all video cards.







My desktop is pretty boring but does what supposed to so I cant complain. It just werks




KDE is the absolutely best desktop ever. There are ofcourse gnome plebs, unity peasants, cinnamon lowlifes and windows retards, but when you think about it... Just imagine the great Roman empire. Would Rome be the same without plebs?

What's the deal with this akari person in every thread? Do they get off on (You)s? Seems like a sad existence. I feel for them, seek help and sunlight friend.


You certainly do need something to measure and validate yourself against.


I agree unity has some potential to be good de but it needs a lot more customization options especially when it comes to keybindings and Ubuntu needs to decrease the font size. The fonts are way too big otherwise it looks decent but not very functional.

Hi Jos.



nice. I like the mate desktop but why dont you move more to the top and just use one panel like mine?


>tfw I love Dolphin
>not a huge fan of the rest of KDE
>Dolphin looks out of place everywhere else
Why can't any other file manager have the fucking filter bar, folder thumbnails, tabs and panes all at once?

I'd like to have that wallpaper. Where did you find it?

Look what I just got...
Now I can shitpost here too right?

It's part of GNU + LINUX

It's part of GNU + LINUX + X11


could I somehow trigger cmatrix/pipes/cli-screensaver to activate in a virtual terminal after a set amount of inactivity? sort of a like a mini screensaver/privacy screen for that term?

>No loli or shota shit

It's a SFW board, user. What else do you expect for breaking the rules?

nice rice
what icon theme are you using

Post your rc.conf pls.

that looks ridiculous though. why would you ever need that stupid spinning cube?

here is my fine computer desktop

gnome is very nice

>complains about hamburger menus
>uses GNOME which takes up way too much screen space

28 pixels at the top is all the screen space it takes. Less than kde

gnome is master and commander of many hamburgers though. look at my web browser

At least we both use Free/Libre DEs?

KDE takes up less btw.

what is that web browser?

gnome web / epiphany-browser
it is a nice and lightweight web browser, about 25-30mb ram +100mb per tab.

It also respects you freedoms unlike some other webkit browsers. Ads are even disabled by default.

my only complaint is the lack of an librejs type addon. but then again even Sup Forums is disgusting proprietary software.

forgot pic

is this on autosage lol


mods == gods


antegros is pussy arch

fuck that windows is comfy as shit

nice, might come in handy for some setups.