Secretary of Dongles

>Secretary of Dongles




it looks like he has a display adapter but he could just use a miniDP to HDMI cable if he wanted. the other guy has an ethernet adapter, but that's the case for most laptops these days.

poor woman behind the TV. like what is she doing there?

so thats how all the lies are made

What the best dongle company to invest in right now?

fucking l m a o


looks like a blackberry sitting on top of an iphone which is housed in a case.

user that's just a book

do you actually not see the thing between the book and the blackberry, or is there a joke you're trying to make?





lemme prepare myself for the bizarre conspiracy theorists who claim there was a lot of thought behind putting him in front of a macbook, as if they didn't just grab the nearest laptop or (even more likely) that he just incidentally owns a macbook but doesn't give much of a shit about what laptop he uses.

you guys are so obsessed with what people use. people at nasa, people at spacex, the president, people in silicon valley, etc; just use whatever you're productive in. nobody likes a whiner. whatever you use, don't be a drag on others. if that's a mbp, fine. if that's a thinkpad, fine. if you somehow are most productive with a toaster, fine.


Obama is a hardcore Nigberry fanboy.
Too bad it wasn't enough to save the company.


It's crazy to think that when he first got into office, the iPhone 3G was hot shit.

The world has changed so much in 8 years.

Nvm I didn't saw that white case, I'm retarded

>you guys are so obsessed with what people use. people at nasa, people at spacex, the president, people in silicon valley, etc; just use whatever you're productive in. nobody likes a whiner. whatever you use, don't be a drag on others. if that's a mbp, fine. if that's a thinkpad, fine. if you somehow are most productive with a toaster, fine.
Who woulda thunk it

a lot of working people are/were. for a long time blackberries were the only even remotely viable "smartphone".

you really can't appreciate how garbage smartphones were before 2006. they existed. they were just so horse shit. i used to have a sony ericsson p900 and god damn that was terrible.

blackberries, by objective terms, were fine. but when you looked at your options, it was much more starkly contrasted. add to that the hardware keyboard being objectively okay/good (compared to "oh my god please drop an atom bomb on me" bad), and a lot of career travelers gravitated toward it over the years

no worries. i didn't see it until i glanced at it a second (or maybe third) time when you asked what it was (i'm assuming the blackberry the first time). i definitely wouldn't have noticed it in the OP's image

I wonder if it has crossed their minds how retarded it looks with so many dongles when they sit there.

It was just a sarcastic question since there's barely anyone using anything other than iphones or androids and that blackberry is dying, but they still are great bussiness phones.

>that nigga with three blackberries

it's a lot more likely that they're just annoyed with the cables, which prevent them from just giving another person their laptop without first checking to make sure the transfer won't catch another person's cables and drag that second laptop with it.

i mean, this is assuming anyone in the room with the president of the united states is so airheaded as to be thinking about video and ethernet adapters.


he meant backwards right? or did he not know he was taking america back

back to what?

You need to go back to Sup Forums, Sup Forumstard.

back to pre-civil rights racial tensions

sounds like you're tense


>blackberry in 2017

>t420 in 2017