Thoughts on chromium?

Thoughts on chromium?


best for now.

iridium or ungoogled-chromium are both good forks but honestly even regular chromium would be better than firefox and faster than most firefox forks

It's begun

so why is Firefox inferior to Chromium?

I don't get it

Somebody started posting weebshit in every single thread. Now a couple people are doing it

Sadly, chinkchropera is the only proper browser for non casual-trash these days

I use chrlauncher so that I can play flash content on my Windows computer without installing Adobe Flash.
It's breddy gud.

You make it sound so mundane.

1) it's faster
2) no memleaks
3) what does "furrycocks" imply?

Google, although that might be a moot point now that Firefox is a SJW browser.

not a fully gutted botnet

I wish real women had such knees


Good element. Slightly toxic but looks real pretty

outdated stuff

It just werks


You're such a butthurt dumb boy. Also, I'm an intelligent beautiful woman.