Air blower

Need air blower
Don't want to pay the good goy tax on pic related and pay $100 to pick it up in person or support the Amazon botnet.
What do

You have lungs dipshit.
Or are you so fucking obese you can't even blow some light dust buildup away without getting exhausted?

>light dust buildup

Oh so you're a fucking disgusting slob living in filth then. Carry on.

I wonder what kind of person is so hostile and eager to spew vitriol online is like IRL.

The kind who can use Amazon and have the problem solved in one minute
Shirley you see how giving help to you can be frustrating?

Your pic related is great. My brother got one. It smells a bit when used, but it works very well. I think he got it off Massdrop

Amazon is an unethical company in countless ways. Surely you see how simply recommending someone to buy from Amazon would be problematic?
I'm sure it is great, but I'm unwilling to support the Amazon botnet and I don't want to pay the good goy tax at microcenter.

I wonder if it would be much cheaper to buy a 5 gallon tank, hose, regulator, and moisture filter from a hardware store and fill it at the gas station.

I literaly vacuum all my computer shit. Just make sure to not let it actually touch the components



From five feet away?

not accurate enough to get in between HSF fins then.

Trust me it's like a baby's buttocks in there

This thing be powerful yo

>vacuumed my laptop from super close distances for four years regularly
>never a slightest problem
>it still works great, hdd is in good condition despite the laptop beign +4 yo

Autism? Autism

Microcenter? Good goy tax?

The Fuck is wrong with microcenter? Got my cpu, mobo and psu there for dirt fucking cheap and a free game (that may have just been amd though)...I can understand Amazon (used to work for those dick lickers) but what the Fuck did microcenter do to piss people off?

>what the Fuck did microcenter do to piss people off?
Nothing. They just want $100 for that datavac when it's $60 on Amazon and basically everywhere else online.

>60 dollars on amazon
You can get a cordless wet/dry vac for 10 dollars more. Mine can clean any computer pretty much instantly.

So fucking what? All their other shit is cheap as Fuck...quite disparaging an entire company because of a single price you don't like dickhead

3 microcenter rewards points have been deposited into your account.

Yeah microcenter is paying me to call you a dickhead...Fuck off with that bullshit.

why do you care so much?