How'd you customize your desktop, user?

How'd you customize your desktop, user?
Post software & packages related to desktop customization, discuss setups

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I don't try to rice a fucking Windows PC. Install gentoo instead

Install Funtoo, you fucking winbaby faggot.

t. macfag

Going to install gentoo when I build my new system because my BIOS is shit and installing a new OS would be a pain

ew I'm not ricing windows

Disable Secure Boot and enable whatever legacy stuff your BIOS has. If you're stuck on wangdoos, buy a laptop that doesn't have a locked down BIOS.


>task bar on top
>icons on left
I never understood why Linux users brag about their ricing abilities when it's always nothing but the exact same shit you can do on windows
Where's the real rice? I've never seen a Linux desktop aesthetic enough to compel me to install one, it's literally always just repositioned taskbars and a generic wallpaper
Not trying to argue, I don't give a shit about OSes like a normal person, I just don't understand why ricing is such a big deal for Linux when people don't do anything out of the ordinary

That's the joy of ricing user, you can make it however YOU like, it can be as similar or as different to others as you like.

I meant to say this to

But every single "riced" desktop I've seen looks like Windows 10 with the desktop icons deleted
What ricey advantages does Linux offer?

I don't.
Most of the time I don't even bother changing the default wallpaper.

What's the plugin for the directory?

i3 is the furthest from windows I've seen, all of the UI elements are replaced with keyboard shortcuts. Lots os linux people are recovering or still also windows users, so it just seems familiar to be windows-ey.


Install MacOS

Is there blackbox for win10 yet?

A long time ago.


new to i3 see

when I meta-d, I dont know what any of the stuff is except the three things I installed, is any of that important?

I edit my theme and install 9001 extensions to make GNOME usable. Plus I use good wallpapers with best girls of their respective shows. Pic very related.

Please teach me, senpai ;-;

hello is this the new desktop thread? :3

Yes, welcome

Listen to The Books and get a macbook and you will understand

post sauce on that pic plz

how do i replace the task bar on win 10 and replace it with a dock

wow nice homescreen guys

That is not my desktop. I saved from a thread to shitpost.

Well you certainly accomplished the posting shittily part

I want to costume, i accept critiques

I didn't. It's all stock.

Nothing fancy really.


>not using mostly default settings

pretty desktop btw

i generally dont.
my desktops are handled as an extended desk. i just put stuff there I need for a small amount of time and wipe it every 2-3 days.
i cannot stand if it looks unkempt.

conky is shit, tiling wm's are shit, docks are shit, anime is shit

wow rude


You should feel bad. Reflect upon yourself and commit suicide, you piece of shit.

>you can make it however YOU like
yet everyone chooses to make it the same lol im so leet terminals + haXX0r-wm + bitmap fonts + anime babe wallpaper

why tho

But that looks like shit, t b h.

Looks like a shitty ripoff of Win10.

Why do linux devs copy Windows and macOS so much, if they hate proprietary OSes?

So much hypocrisy.

no bully baka

> KDE Plasma 5 [...] was initially released on 15 July 2014

> Windows 10 [...] was officially unveiled in September 2014




That's not how it looked like in july 2014, tho.



I rice my laptop out of boredom in class sometimes but in reality I so rarely see my desktop on my desktop that it's not worth the effort.
My middle(main) monitor always has a browser or game or whatever my main task is maximized. The left monitor is home to my second browsing window and music. My right monitor is the land of communication applications, which has lately been a maximized discord.

Do you guys use your computers so differently than me that you see your desktop often?

desktop ≠ wallpaper

Why dont you KDEfags and win10fags argue able the objective quality of your WM's rather than just pointing fingers and yelling "copycat"?

What browser is that ?

Pic related.

That happens in every fucking discussion, like macOS vs Windows etc. We have to deal with it

I understand that and I suppose I should have made my point more clear. Even your OS's UI elements are minimal while using the computer. Web browsers always look the same, you should be launching your applications with your keyboard, and switching between them with alt-tab or the mouse if you are an eternal faglord. I just don't see how it matters much.

>using anything in fullscreen ever
lol winbabbies

I bought 2 extra $100 1080p displays just so I could do this. How else would you use your windows? What is the point is resizing them on a dekstop?

On my laptop I use virtual desktops, multiple keybinds for navigation, and at one point a tiling WM even but the desktop is supposed to be comfortable.

What OS is this?

this looks like shit user. Apply a theme or something. Thanks.

What's the best distribution for a winbaby such as myself to begin delving into the world of Linux ricing?

Pls no bully I am at least TRYING to give your OS a chance

What's the clock extension you used?


that's what i did

I stopped ricing my desktop and started ricing my phone instead since I spend more time on it

what's the bar, font, theme and wm?

LXLE is the best debian ive found, older feel to it(read simple), works on crappy comps too

Phones can't be consistently riced and you're a pleb for using one more than your computer.

Holy shit, I was looking at your desktop just moments ago. Pic related.

Any theme link?

I know i am user.. I can't take my computer with me to work but I can use my phone.

I am curious what you mean by
>Phones can't be consistently riced

new to linux here postin

XD whered u get that wallpaper?

here u go bro

thanks dude, you are a gentleman and a scholar

oh man please tell me what browser that is

>calling anyone baby



>straying far from the default aesthetics

It's almost like you want to have inconsistencies or spend every waking moment of your life ricing

The only problem I have with that theme is the blinding white. Should be off-gray.

Post screenfetch

Install arch + i3 and join the circle jerk



Or any linux distro, I just don't think Windows is really appropriate for any kind of serious customization

This is not true, in Linux you can change literally anything. Look, behaviour and so on. Windows can't even do 10%

>ricing wincuck

Windows can't even do this.

Hey retard, fucking retard - Windows can run all that Linux software you're talking about

Can Windows run Xorg natively?

