Why do Sup Forumsentoomen and Sup Forumsnimals feel the need to shill which of these are best...

Why do Sup Forumsentoomen and Sup Forumsnimals feel the need to shill which of these are best? Why can't you just install all three and use which ever is needed when needed?

Because autism.
mpv is superior btw

But that's exactly what I do
Though I use mpv 99.99% of the time

I have VLC, MPV, MPC-HC 32 and 64 bit.

The 32bit MPC-HC is setup to automatically interpolate frames to 60fps and smooth things for anime.


I only use it for certain things, which is why I have the other 3 installed.

memepv is shit

Because if you install mpv you don't need anything else, all the other options are inferior.

Even in fucking Windows.

you're either retarded or simply not able to use computers at a high level if you think MPV is shit, it's objectively the best video player out right now.

Most actually do, you're only going to hear from the people who want to argue about it.

MPC-HC is better and libass is shit compared to xysubfilter
>you must be retarded if you don't manually edit config files
eat shit and die retard

>Why can't you just install all three and use which ever is needed when needed?
Used to do that for educational purposes, though now i only use one: mpv

I don't get it. Why would I have multiple players instead of one?

since that's the whole point of MPV if you aren't modifying the config dont bother using it, just use VLC or MPC, MPV is actually customaizable which babies can't handle.

>MPV is actually customaizable
>the point of a vidoplayer isn't playing vids but being a timesink
I bet you run arch faggot. Enjoy your no linked mkv support and shit ass subs rebdering.

>linked mkv
>throws out niche use-case almost never encountered.

Kek, I have VLC and MPC installed if I need another player, MPV will still be my primary as it's simply better than the others.

What are you talking about? Rendering is great in mpv.

Does MPV have something like madVR for mpc? I might make the switch if it does

>no linked mkv support
Just admit you don't use this. Seriously, this is one of those features that faboys love to trot out that a competing product can't do, but they never use it.

I've been using MPC-HC for like 8 years or so, and I've never, not fucking once in all that time used something as superfluous as fucking useless as god damn linked .mkvs.

Even setting aside mpv vs mpc-hc for a moment, there is literally no reason to use VLC over either of them, and certainly no reason to use two fucking video players

everything is already built into mpv

>Why do Sup Forumsentoomen and Sup Forumsnimals feel the need to shill which of these are best?
“Me vs them” complex, it's part of herd mentality

Look around you and you will find it literally everywhere in life. Video players aren't exactly the exception

So, as a long-time VLC user, I can just download mpv, and it will run everything fine without my tinkering with it? Because, that's what I love about VLC. Also, I'm using Windows, if that makes a difference.
