Electronics thread

Electronics thread

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why did anyone make this

It would make a good teaching demo maybe..




Heat is all I can think of

that's a big resistor

4 u

Anyone designing their own?

Is that a PCI soundcard ?

For fun.

It's a bunch of half watt resistors all soldered together and then to the ends of two rods and covered in plaster. The guy made a few of those but I don't have the other images on this computer.

I'd like to but where I live it's a pain to buy components, no IRL store.

ebay has the finest electronics components made by suicidal Chinamen.

>tfw too much of a tard to into ultiboard

I know. But as a beginner I always forget some part. Which makes my projects stalling forever.

Not an excuse though.

Uprising soon


its clearly 100 ℧

That's eagle, and there's a lot of schematic and CAD software out there. Just futz around with it some and watch some videos. That's what I did. Picked it up in a few weeks in my off time from work.

Absolutely that's no excuse. You can get cheap as fuck components from China that ship free.


False. That's it's resistance

sorry my mistake

I decided to do something for the Moog circuit challenge this year. It's an NES Zapper controlled drum machine that controls a bunch of kids toys.

any tips on stripping small ass 26+ gauge wires? Was trying to repair my girlfriend's lightning charger but I kept tearing off the wiring in the teal and white lines. Red and black stripped easily but I am pretty sure they were a bigger gauge.

Sequence of analog values manipulated with the zapper. There's no microcontrollers, just old school discrete components.

>all the bare copper

a lighter and nail file should do the trick

Do you literally sand the tube off the wire?

Can anyone link me a good starter tutorial for electronic basics?

Jesus fucking Christ, user.



Also, I just bought a bunch of breadboards and components to toy with. Comp Org and Arch books are great too.

eagle is a bitch to use compared to kicad.


Not pretty, but it works.



It's hard to tell if it's PCI or ISA as its not hard to build ISA card's.

It's obviously 0.01℧ user

I really need a collection of vintage build-in volt and ampere meters

What does it do?

Lets see how much I understand. The circles at the top, connected to a 220V, supply are for Nixie tubes. The four chips below them convert a binary representation of a number into the correct signals for the corresponding display number. These four chips and everything else besides the Nixie tubes are powered by a 5V supply that's regulated by some kind of special regulator chip. The four capacitors below each of the display driver chips are to keep the supply steady. I don't know what the fifth capacitor between the two middle ICs is for. The 74HC595D chips are shift registers that are hooked up to the display and the larger microcontroller chip to the left of them. And there's a crystal or something for the 16Mhz clock? I'm not really sure anymore. Is the power jack at the right powering all of the system including the displays? Are the sets of four contacts at the bottom of the screen for USB?

Pretty much yep. The two contact pads in the upper right goes to a 200V power supply.

I have to change the lower left hand contacts which pins they go to and add one more so I can upload code directly to the micro controller.

Why is it so hard to find .110 quick disconnects?

No, you use the lighter to burn off the insulation and the file to take care of the soot

are you fucking trying to get us all killed?!

Holy fuck.
Nice work.

that's really impressive, especially with no micros!

that's 8bit ISA

Reminds me of superhot for some reason
Nice job

It's a bsiab distortion pedal



Hey Guiz. I just repaired a set of Earpods for a friend. Rate my skillz.

I want to get like 8 of those, put them at my bar, and make them start counting down from 99999999. When people ask you what they're counting down to, you just smile.

any of your motherfuckers actually studying EE?
I'm in second year trying to figure out what the fuck I'm going to do with my life. life's getting really real really fast and I still feel like a dumbass 16 year old kid on a mongolian transistor market forum.

Tried to make a DIY speaker amp yesterday, it failed miserably by making no sound at all.

It was a presoldered chink thing and a complete waste of my precious shekels.

Still decently mad about it, but eh. At least all of the other shit I made so far turned out bretty gud.

Cool as fuck, like a candy store.
However, I'd still prefer to use Digikey for professional work, since buying the correct specced components are more important that anything else.

So I bought a few of these to try and make my own power bank. Could I limit the output to 1A somehow to increase efficiency? Could I replace the components with better quality ones from laptop or desktops? I have access to a lot of dead computers since my family runs a pc repair shop.

Would have preferred something like a maxim 1709 or 1763, but those are pretty expensive for me at the moment.

user what is this shit. Is it a reliable server or do I need to get these books in my drive?

>David J. Kuck
can't make this shit up

Final soldered version looks a lot cleaner.

It's easy to make a protoboard circuit look nice when you're just copying someone else's design. If you're experimenting and working things out as you go it's wire spaghetti. You gotta figure out the circuits before you can figure out the optimal positions for it's components.

So Sup Forums if I wanted to build a very basic analog synth or a guitar pedal where should I start?

Atati Punk console is where most people start.

>Could I replace the components with better quality ones from laptop or desktops?
As someone who designs and builds buck and boost converters, that's all top notch components, probably better than what you have in a laptop.
If you want to increase efficiency, you need to go to a version that uses a switched mosfet instead of a flywheel diode.

oh, wait, 'Bonens', ha, got me. Looks just like a Bourns cermet trimpot, it almost nails it.

Is there anything else I can do? Add capacitors?

It's a continouous-mode buck-down. It doesn't really need an output cap, but you can add some if you want to filter noise... It's not going to have much noise to start. The litter ceramic caps are going to take care of most of it anyway.

Could i limit the output current?
I want the best efficiency, within reason.

Thanks for the answers though, and sorry if anything is super stupid, I'm still learning.

>yfw some madman actually made this

this used to be the place until shenzhen and the rest of the pearl river delta took over

On one that simple, you either limit the output voltage or the current, not both. Looks like a voltage model, yes?

It's probably current-limited already otherwise it would be really easy to blow up.

I'm not sure user. For 50 Australian cents I'm not sure what I should be expecting...


electronic "engineer" here
i finished school 4 years ago and remember absolutely NOTHING...used to like designing etc but got into another line of work after finishing so...whenever i stumble upon electronics related stuff (circuit design for example) i get horribly frustrated not understanding from just looking at it


It's for audiophiles. They need really big resistors to go with their really big capacitors.

I can't hear the difference though.

Let's hack Dark Knight !! Fun to be had.

That's the T500. Just three generations to go.

That's how it goes.
I used to be really into it during my teen years and obsessively worked on little projects every free moment I got.
At least I still know how something is working when I look at it. Almost nothing seems as impressive or futuristic once you've been in the guts and know 90% of this shit is the same basic circuitry of the past 50 years tied together and tweaked in different ways.



any better resolutions for this?


Well duh. Electronics, be they analog or digital, are nothing more than regulation of volage potential/conversion to another enegy form. It's like building a mathematical equation out of components based on their properties.
The cool shit is when some madman comes along and stirs up the pot with shit like pulse width modulation.
The hardest part is making sense of the abstract. People want to visualize the electricity flowing around a designated path, which is ok for following a wiring diagram of a car but doesn't work at a hardware level. You gotta let that shit go and just accept things work the way they do because of shit way over your head and math is always the answer.

that is pretty fucking cool.

I bet his wife's son enjoys electronics too

That's not messy.

This is.

Whats going on here my man?

A STM32 board connected to 8 multiplexed seven segs and a key matrix from a cheap Casio clone using 2 shift registers.

Planning to make my own calculator but currently it just displays the key code of the last pressed key to test the hardware.

Cool calculator, Ahmed. Want to bring it to the White House?

Is that one of those ARM based micros? How do they compare to 8 bit ones? Im currently playing around with an 8051 based one.
I would love to try out an ARM based one sometime

Extremely powerful in comparison. You would only come close of their full processing power with calculating complex stuff like filters.

Yeah, it has an ARM Cortex M3 core running at up to 72MHz.
And this a dirt cheap board that you can get for less than 2$ on ebay/Ali.
And you just need an ST-Link clone (also around 2$) to program it.

It is harder to program for than simple 8-bit MCUs (I'm using plain C with libopencm3). But since it's so powerful you can get away with fairly inefficient code.

>have solid state stereo
>can hear a hiss (I don't know if it's new or not, but I'm definitely aware of it now)
>some people say hiss is normal
any advice? I'm thinking of deoxit, since I've heard that can help. I'm sure hiss is normal, but I don't believe the amount I have is

I don't know if this is the right place, but I'm really bad at electronics and I have to mod the NW-800 microphone. What guide shouldn I follow? This one? (Pic related)

Or this other one?

Ask someone over the age of 40 if they can hear it.

Tell me more
What can it do compared to HAL and SPL ?

I am. I feel lost too it's okay. As long as you aren't like actually failing everything.

Find people to study with, it makes things easier than doing it yourself.

For ST ARMs it does less and is a bit less abstract.
But it's FOSS, supports non-ST ARMs, and I prefer their API over ST's with their pseudo-OOP style.