Stealing Neighbours Wifi

How do I get my neighbours wifi password without asking nicely, just moved pls help.

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>without asking nicely
With a gun?

use one of the skiddy tools if it's wep

or try one of the wps memes if he has wps enabled

No gun, in Canada

A knife?

Canada has guns you dip

They may have guns but none in the apartment I'm in unfortunately

Visit your neighbor and push the WPS button.

What are chances of felony charges with a kiddy tools

Fuck off nigger

Literally zero.

Felony charges don't exist in Canada, I think you might mean Indictable offence as opposed to summary offence?

Anyway there's nothing that will happen unless you're using it for illegal things or downloading CP or something. No one will probably even notice unless you' use up all their bandwidth.

WEP isn't that common anymore because it's so vulnerable but if there's any WEP networks in your area you can easily crack them with a meme tool within minutes

It should be on a sticker on their modem.

Get backtrack on a cd or usb. Get wifi working (use google).

See if its wps or wep.

if wep:

if wpa2:

>if wpa2:

this will never work

If it's wpa2 just don't bother unless you try for WPS crack

Burn gentoo on a USB
Boot from it
Then type in this command ; dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=1M and wait until the WiFi is cracked

A simple search of youtube on "how to crack wpa with kali" pulls up about 20 videos...

pretty damn good

probably the best way to do it, if the output doesn't contain the password, just re-run the command

Worked for me using

It took on average 30 mins on an i7-5820K to decrypt the passwords to the wifi of 3 networks around me. I couldn't get the hash from one as nothing was connected though.

That list works really well.


never worked for me, I gave up trying lol

>this will never work

Unless those smart neighbours changed their key to some weak stuff lying in a dictionnary and OP has a high computation power and is able to operate a bruteforce attack.

Be a belieber, never say never.

Sup Forums is trying to teach someone how to steal wifi? That is a first. Whenever someone asks how to unlock a locked iphone everyone goes into nigger name calling and telling op to give the phone back.

Mods are asleep ?

is wifi cracking just a meme?

I have tried cracking wifi before. I tried WPS and could never get in range for it to actually work.. this was with a couple of alfa wireless adapters.

Also WPA2 is simply uncrackable from what i understand. or not feasible to crack.

i think it's a meme most of the time. Sometimes it will work but not so often

I just tried this on my own wifi.

Took a couple hours but my computer is a potato.

Nice hack!

no memes, just looking for sweet free wifi dreams :(

baseball bat.
after a legal warning you have none tough.

Learn lockpicking. The password is probably on the sticker like said.

This technique is guaranteed to perform a better success rate than aircrack for WPA2.

Learn how to hack your own WIFI first, OP.
You have to have a strong signal and a good computer.
capture handshake >> crack
You will need to send de-auth packets to whoever so you can capture a handshake faster.

Google you fucking retard. Modern wifi security is pretty hard to crack anyway.

Wow, are you implying that you're scared of non-existent laws or law enforcement in Canada?


Canada is the most retarded country on this planet. They literally let repeat criminal niggers who commit armed robberies and b&e keep bailing out and give them slaps on the wrists.

There is ZERO reason to not be a criminal in canada.
