
Can someone please explain why (You) was gotten rid of?

In a pathetic attempt to discourage shitposting.

If you really want to get rid of shitposting on Sup Forums, get started on disabling posting from mobile user agents, that alone will massively increase post quality on here.

Or how about proper moderation and preventing ban evasion?

Useless nonsense that only appealed to redditors who missed the validation provided to them on their home site
good riddance

I think it was useful in huge treads but don't see how it would encourage or discourse shit posting. I've seen maybe once someone posted a screenshot with their (¥ou) to prove they are OP or something but that is way better than encouraging trips

yeah trips are for faggot redditors who need attention. The only reason I don't filter them is because they sometimes have good info.

Lots of idiots used to post meta-bullshit about (you) please etc. The smart people use Sup Forums-x anyway so I think it was a good move.

no the quality of posts went down significantly once phone posters started to show up.

Its pretty much common knowledge here unless you're new.

Implement shadowbans for shitposters.

whats the point of banning people on shared/non static ips?

Shit posting was here before the app generation.

>Hey here is this very dubious statement I made
>You basically have to agree with it or you're new

And here is your defunct (you).

people who use phones are stupider than people who use desktops

It was with the introduction of the catalog, literally made for normies.

Sup Forums is almost as bad as Sup Forums . I bet that has something to do with it.

Wait when did this happen? Does this affect 4chanx and clover as well?

And he just proved it.

Anyone else occasionally turn off wifi and try to post, only to get an IP that had a CP ban?

Mobile posting is probably the main culprit for the obscene shit posting.

I wonder who could be behind this post?

>Trumposter resorting to logical fallacies





libtards blown the fuck out

>Hillshill trying to shift attention elsewhere
Wtf I love Hillary and her missing emails now
I'm just #MentallyHill

MAC blocks



Hiroshima removed you based on 1 (one) single spammer.

It's like the filtering of to be honest, family, and shaking my head

Fucking gook getting trolled single posters and shitting up the site.

So, if I spam /qa/ for 2-3 months with exactly the same whining post he permabans makes you think/wtf I hate/love x now/btfo and kys?

Sounds like a plan.

the catalog is the shit. fuck changing the page or hitting refresh, that's for idiots. Does convenience="normie shit" to you?

I came back to Sup Forums after a year and-a-half break and it really pissed me off to learn that to be honest was filtered.

Family and shaking my head annoy me as well, but come on, to be honest isn't doing anyone any harm.
Also I fucking hate what they filter to.

Filtering obnoxious nigger ebonics doesn't piss anyone off.

well they pissed me off, racist weebshit

Being offended by obnoxious nigger ebonics is racist now?

I think you are just anti-white.

It will come back as a pass-only feature in a few weeks.

i live in the whitest city in america famalamadingdong

Do not reply to attention seeking tripfags.

White kids act like niggers in white communities, isn't anything new to me. Hate those obnoxious little pricks.

2-3 months ?

We're talking days, yep DAYS

Has Hiro posted ANYWHERE else but /qa/? At least moot was sometimes spotted on Sup Forums and other boards.

I have yous added back in with a.quotelink.ql-tracked:after
{content: " (You)";} but I can't ctrl-F or select them, is there a way to add that back with CSS?

...huh, just realized I can't ctrl+F mine either.

Over the years you've changed quite a bit, haven't you? Is it Sup Forums?

I remember you being a pajeet sympathiser

Sup Forums x doesn't have this problem
I've gotten like 350 yous today

>just install botnet x
no thanks shill

Feels good, though harder to search for responses on your posts.

You're new is showing. 4chans has always been shit.

It has absolutely gotten worse in the past 2-3 years

You got some nice trips though.