/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Previously: Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.
Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread. ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources[*].

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or Mac.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

* Resources:
$ man
$ info
$ help

Your friendly neighborhood search engine:
Try to use a search engine that respects your privacy such as qwant, searx, ixquick or startpage.

Check the Wikis (Most troubleshoots work for all distros.)

What distro should you choose?

Break out of the botnet:

Learn more about Free Software:

Try GNU GuixSD:

/fglt/'s website:

/fglt/'s copypasta collection:

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games:
Part II: Part I: archive.loveisover.me/t/post/707928/

/t/'s GNU/Linux Training Videos:
/wg/'s GNU/Linux Wallpapers:
Part III: Part II: archive.nyafuu.org/wg/thread/6767536/
Part I: archive.nyafuu.org/wg/thread/6743571/

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I like that pic.

>mfw there are freetards in this very thread using google botnet captcha to post on a closed source proprietary software imageboard

Friendly reminder: the mods are watching.

thank you based sans-salarie man

>"Free software... Free society"

But but but, in such a society I should be FREE to run whatever OS and software I want, and if that happens to be Windows then what, I get slammed and lambasted because I exercise my FREEDOM to run whatever the fuck I want.

So fuck you and your so-called freedom, and I say that because I'm FREE to do so.

Go out. It's the 1000th time you post it.

yeah i dont like the gpl either
bsd licences are better

Friendly reminder.

This thread is about GNU/Linux.

Not about software licensed and Stallman's affection to weird shit.

The name GNU is ugly and Stallman is an autist who hasn't coded in years. I also support Steam which is against what the FSF preaches. I don't think free software translates well to games. GPLed games are all terrible.

postal 1 is now gpl user

Sometimes the truth is hard to understand. The reality is, you dont haveto use gnu, it is one of a plethora of userlands you can use. Furthermore, without the Linux Kernel(which loads first) gnu is just programs waiting to be activated.

Don't feed them.



>Furthermore, without the Linux Kernel(which loads first) gnu is just programs waiting to be activated.
Well shit on mine it's GNU GRUB.

linuxveda.com needs a better webdev.

good, then stick to using that retarded name when referring to your system alone.

linux is just an application loaded by systemd

>not using proprietary software
>using """""""libre""""""" crapware
>not knowing the feeling of actually getting shit done
How can anybody be this delusional?


Ok, sure. Its a legit argument.

RMS sometimes even recommends the BSD licence when, at the end, it does the Free Software Movement more good than not to use it. Which basically also explains why is stupid.

>This isn't a sporting event, this is war.
>-- RMS

>this is war
kek, that's from the copyright talk 2 threads ago, right?

How to get reputation on stack overflow?
Every answer is LITERALLY fucking answered within minutes. How can normal men even compete?

Are you being retarded on purpose?
Fuck off to daily scrub thread with these kinds of questions.

Try to have the rare answers.

Exactly. Nice to know someone else has watched it. ( In case anyone missed it: mpv youtube.com/watch?v=LqfhSF4zP8A )

>2 hours of incoherent autistic ramblings
Sorry, not interested in your ideology.

I think you should watch it for 2 reasons:

a) either you get out enlightened or
b) you have even more target surfaces to attack him

It's simply a win/win situation.

TODAY I LEARNT i can use mpv to play youytube videos. Just intalled this application. Fucking cool desu senpai!!!11

>I don't know what it is, but I know it's shit

Is it possible to encrypt the whole drive in Linux after installing linux? Kinda like Veracrypt in Windows.

What do you have to hide?

I don't want someone stealing my computer and accessing my emails and accounts.

>needing more "target surfaces" when his entire world view is based on false premises
Nice try, cultist.
I have already watched a few of his other videos then made predictions about what's contained in videos I haven't watched yet. Most of them came true. Not interested in your ideology though.

No, Linux isn't capable of that yet. It's really shitty compared to Windows after all.

For emails you should set up GPG. Mails are basically just like post cards, everyone can read them on their way to the reviever.

encrypt /home

just stop fucking replying to him.

It's afternoon in the US and kids just got from school.
He comes here everyday and posts the same stale shit.

Stop being a newcunt and just don't reply. You'll see how quickly he leaves

it gets better


"i'm" a known kangaroo though and i'm not leaving anytime soon. Neither is the other guy.

gpg is pretty cool, you can also use it to encrypt files and shit

have some aliases for password protected files:

encrypt: alias gpg-encrypt='gpg --no-options --armour --cipher-algo AES256 --symmetric'
decrypt: gpg-decrypt='gpg --no-options'

+ alias

I'd recommend "open-with" for FF, since you can basically use ANYTHING, like, running shell scripts on the current url.
Also stop using chrome, wtf.

>Also stop using chrome, wtf.
Or what?

>Also stop using chrome, wtf.
I linked both cause I had no idea what he used.

I found that "open with" has a terrible impact on my startup performance for unknown reason

its funny how less than 2 weeks ago, no one cared. Now, anons are calling everyone 'new'.

It should be possible in principle. But it won't be as easy as it is with Veracrypt.

They way you'd go about it is to make a complete copy of your current install on a different drive (external HDD or flash drive), for instance using rsync. Then you can set up full disk encryption with dm-crypt or whatever you decide to use. Then you'd transfer the copy you made back onto the encrypted drive and set up the boot loader which will now have to decrypt the parition before the OS is loaded.

It's probably easier to just copy whatever personal files, config files etc. you have and completely re-install Linux and all programs.

Give me a ................ if you think that if not for the stroke of genius that is GPL, GNU+Linux would be just another pathetic, forgotten conglomeration of irrelevant software just like BSD.

regarding 58249086

Could you fuck off mate?

The truth can really hurt, can't it?

If you are so high struck against using closed source, proprietary software, then why on gods earth would you be posting on Sup Forums?

BSD License. (back side deflowering)


What is the point in constantly derailing free software threads with cancerous repeating bait?

so no argument? i knew you guys were just trying to fit in.

fuck off neo Sup Forums, feel free to shitpost your "> he fell for the linux meme" crap, but leave fglt alone

you're dumb. gnu is for pretentious faggots. get over it.

i think you need to learn what "bait" is, plebbitor.

It's ok to be a cuck. It's okay to like it. But don't pretend that it isn't cuckoldry.

>It's ok to be a cuck.
and why am i not surprised a gnu cuck says this?

Friendly reminder.
inb4 deep

Yeah, we all know you are a cuck who likes it. Your point?

That's why the ip count didn't increase since you posted, right?

>a loosely connected group of individuals with slightly overlaping interests
stopped reading right there.

I encrypted my home folder, but just at the end there was some sort of error, but everything appears to be ok. Is there a way to see if my files are actually encrypted?

An IP counter which increases every single post isn't very useful, don't you think?

Just stop. What ever someone says, even if it's pure disinformation, bullshit, thread derailing, whatever; censorship is worse.

He isn't able to comprehend that. He just wouldn't have made that post if that weren't the case.

Lmao, all these freetards using a propriety website with botnet captcha. Install a real OS like BSD, you cucks. BSD is maki approved and she's the queen of Sup Forums

doesn't change the fact that these thread were good before these faggots appeard
it's every fucking thread the same pasta bullshit
next thread: >is it true that bash is made by a black?

those retards need to be removed

Shitposting has never been fun. Mods, just nuke this board for a few weeks, maybe then it will be less shit.

my solution: Sup Forums needs to split into tech and consumer electronics

No wonder bash is trash, it was made by a nigger.

No, it is you who has to be removed if you keep advocating for censorship. Your kind of people can fuck off to sites where censorship is already heavily used.
>Shitposting has never been fun.
>maybe then it will be less shit.
Spotted the redditor.

You are right and wrong. It's bad for the thread that there are people who enjoy to destroy it, but it's worse to call for censorship as solution since it removes free speech.

Yeah, we should be like 8ch where we value free speech and ensure leftists are told to fuck off.

is Sup Forums being invaded?

started off with the >womyn coders and pajeet threads, made its way to /fglt/

ripip in piss

Yeah, it's being invaded by these nasty Sup Forums trolls

That won't solve shit since you still have side mentality ingrained on the most mundane shit.

You sure love your dotted lines. Shitposting is honest to goodness shit. There's no subtlety nor creativity, just shit.

>thinking tech is right wing
>mentioning 8ch on a normie site
kill yourself

>Low quality trash should be protected because muh free speech
Kill yourself back on the way to reddit

pls respond

I don't care about your feelings. Keep your censorship contained to your subreddit and don't bring it over here.
Back to your subreddit.

He's right. Also if you enjoy censorship, it's your turn to leave to rebbit.

I think that Torvalds made that clear a lot of times.

>free speech
nice one

>is Sup Forums being invaded?

Deleting shitposts isn't censorship you reddit filth.

Oh sorry, guys. I thought this was the friendly BSD thread. Guess I'll fuck off and quit being an annoying fucking smelly shitstain, then.
Have a nice day.


Then again it's hard for a person who got here with the recent wave of Trump redditors to grasp such concept.

Rule 6 clearly says

>The quality of posts is extremely important to this community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality images and informative comments.

Of course - again hard concept to grasp for a redditor since on reddit the "quality of posts made by users is determined by the amount of upvotes it gets.

>burning "bad" books to enforce your opinion isn't censorship

Can't compile; missing quote.

All posts eventually die in this site, that's a pretty shitty analogy. Also, no one said anything about different opinions. Shitposting is just shit. At least make it entertaining instead of fishing for dotted lines.

False analogy. The mods reserve the right to ban you at any time you shit up this website. Hell, on Sup Forums a while back a mod was publicly executing people left and right with public bans. Shitposting kills this website and deserves to be deleted for being low quality.

Even shitposts can cause an interesting discussion just like it currently happens about censorship.

It sure isn't happening right now. What was this thread again?

>burn all low quality humans and their opinions about tech on a tech board
surely Sup Forums is here