Name a worse program

Name a worse program
Protip: you can't

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>he uses windows

novell client


I happen to know itunes is quite hated at Apple itself, but they're at a loss what an improved UX would look like.

>this forced meme
it was literally a set up. this isnt even funny


Boy do they cling to this shit

What's the matter, outdated memes not working anymore?

They could literally go back to IT5 or 6-style interface and functionality and people would love it.

Apple is a stupid company.


it really kicks the llama's ass

It totally isn't.
I've never downloaded anything off the iTunes store but when my Internet went out a few months ago and i tried to play a file, that retarded error is exactly what I got, and yes you can make more pop up by repeatedly clicking play.

uninstalled that garbage and went back to winamp. now I can't find anything but at least it plays music when I'm not connected to the Internet.

this actually happened to me in fucking finder

apple employees should be shot

Get on my level.

now that they're trying to push Apple Music (and by proxy iTunes) as a Spotify competitor they should just rip off their UI, just adding a clear queue button.
That way they can shout "muh innuvashun"

nvidia drivers

Don't install itunes, ever. You can have an iphone etc without using that POS. For music, use Golden Ear and FTP your cue/flac/cover.jpg files in. Easy.

The windows version of iTunes is ass.

However the program itself is pretty decent for what it does. Smart playlists are the bees knees

>name a worse program


amd drivers

I dont get you guys. am I overestimating the intelligence of people here, this being a tech board?

like, go to fucking preferences and configure it to suit your purposes. this is what my iTunes looks like. its just a super lean music player.

I uninstalled iTunes on my Mac, I have no use for it.

I don't get it either.

I just hated they removed the gradient blur thing from the albums.

iTunes is great idiots

Xilinx ISE :^)

>tfw use iTunes because it's easier for all of my podcasts

I regret updating this shit program because of that. They made the font way too big and now i have to scroll around to view albums when before they were listed in a nice 2 column format.
Fuck this gay company and their courageous impulse changes.

can iTunes even play flac?

Nope, ALAC

then it's useless

All iTunes alternatives on OS X

Convert em

You can play ALAC on anything afterwards


Vox is pretty decent, if a bit lacking in options

I use it just so I can get updates on soundcloud shit

I really liked Vox before it got bought by coopertino (?) and was just run by this italian guy
it was a nice slim player
now it's shit, I've long uninstalled it

also, vox isn't an iTunes alternative since it doesn't do library management.

>Convert to ALAC
Not even once

Old Vox


I can't.

Converting reduces quality you fucking tool

>Name a worse program
>Protip: you can't
You've never used Positive Retail manager, have you?

It might be bad but at least it isn't Apple.


ur wrong kiddo itunes is ballin apple always wins baby

apple is finished but itunes is still p good (for now)

thats actually a fff-ff-figgmentt of yo imagineiniation nigga aight

>Name a worse program
>Protip: you can't

Netscape 6.

> "Netscape 6.0 shipped in November 2000. At release, the browser was deemed too unstable for production use."

That's an extreme understatement. Netscape released a browser that wasn't even at the alpha quality level -- in other words, it was so bad that it would have been an utter waste of time for Netscape's own internal testers to spend any time evaluating it.

I spent about 30 minutes in complete "WTF??" mode trying to use it. During those 30 minutes, I came to the amazing conclusion that I was witnessing a company in the process of committing suicide. This was their flagship product -- the product that defined the name "Netscape" -- so I knew that the astonishingly bad quality of this release would completely destroy the "Netscape" brand name. And, of course, it did.

The official end of Netscape finally came on 15 July 2003, after 2.5 agonizing years of internal struggles in which some executives understood that the Netscape 6 debacle was an unrecoverable disaster, versus other executives who though there still might be hope for salvaging something of value out of the division.

Netscape 6: The product that was so bad that it actually killed an entire company.

It also made the "Netscape" brand name so worthless that now when you go to "", it simply redirects you to "".

It's one of the main factors that prevent me from entering the applel ecosystem. Needing a shitty piece of software to put music on your devices suck dicks.

Imagine if there was an OS that didn't need run everything through iTunes, you could simply drag and drop files to the drive directory. Now THAT would be innovative.

>t. mactoddler

>that blog post

tbf though, that only speaks to how terrible the iTunes music service is, iTunes is great as a music library program.

I don't understand how you can contradict yourself so blatantly and not notice.

You can use iTunes without using iTunes Music™® [the music streaming service and platform]

>I don't understand how you can
dont bring your SJWisms to Sup Forums

Sorry, Apple Music™®

>I don't understand
Now go back and read the post again until you do understand it.

I have to resort to foobar in Wine way too often


Ah, remember the times when Firefox running in Wine was faster than native version? Maybe it's still the case today.

It doesn't get more bloated...maybe emacs