I chew through all of my headphone cords. I need to buy a new headset...any suggestions?
pic unrelated
I chew through all of my headphone cords. I need to buy a new headset...any suggestions?
pic unrelated
Stop chewing.
Idk if you mean wear, but i used to literally chew on them.
I had to focus on not taking it into my mouth until I only do it from time to time without noticing.
I broke like 3 cables like this.
What's even wrong with her face?
Oh that's easy. Instead of chewing on cords, just invite someone over and suck their dick
buy speakers or wireless headphones.
no more chewing you manchild
t. a fucking rabbit
>Pass user
>Recommending gay technology
Checks out.
>can't afford appleshit
>can't afford Sup Forums
>supreme poorfag detected
chex out
I can afford both of them. Are they worth my money? No. Besides, I'm not a flaming homosexual.
She has autism.
>I can afford both of them.
clearly a lie, one is affordable, one is not, you have neither.
>Are they worth my money?
no, because you can't afford them.
>not a flaming homosexual.
jury's still out on that
Being a smart buyer doesn't make you a poorfag. You should learn to be one, macfag.
>Being a smart buyer
how's the paycheck from google for pointless work for them on sites that don't belong to them? oh you don't get one? such a shame.
don't own an iphone, retard. get a better job.
Same here. How can I stop myself from doing this?
Just buy new cable
>muh assumptions
Don't forget, you're the one that called me a poorfag.
don't see a clover on you, google employee. tell moot i called him a faggot for me.
>there are people who purchase things and destroy them habitually
>hurr durr he doesn't want to give money to hiroshima nagasaki, known and hated for selling out personal data to dataminers
>hurr durr he poorfagg ayyy
By necking yourself. What the fuck is wrong with you people? Chew on gum or something, not your fucking cables.
not impressed
>memes instead of argument
such as expected from the voices of the lowly non-pass users.
>Needing proof about Hiroyuki being a sellout
Jesus, how new are you?
Buy headphones with a detachable cable, the ath-m50x has one.
buy electrostats.
What a great thread. Saved.
Include me in screencap :^)
get cordless headphones you fucking retard.