On my lunch break in work break room

>on my lunch break in work break room

>playing emulators on my Android phone with configured MOGA controller

>Girl walks by

>her: Oh that's so kewl user! How are you playing that? Did you jailbreak your phone?

>me: Uh, no, this is on Android. You just install stuff and it just werks

>Girl flabbergasted and stands there speechless for a few seconds

>her: Oh

>mfw iToddlers didn't even realize things like emulators were possible on a phone

And I love how she assumed I had an iPhone and jailbroke it. Like she had no idea other phones exist.

For all that is good and holy, please, let this be a joke.

nice blog

I don't know what you expected.

cool story bro

>playing video games in public

I bet you wear cargo pants

She was most likely astonished to see a manchild playing video games in public, disgusted that you're too poor to own an iPhone, and embarrassed to have even engaged you in conversation.

My sister in law was completely blown away when I told her you can just drag and drop music and photos to and from an android phone.
>y-y-you mean your don't have to load everything into iTunes and then sync your device every time???

DAE women r dumb

Nice Blo/g/

Not everyone who plays games is a manchild, really depends on how you present yourself. If you look like some unhygienic overweight antisocial loser who plays his little girl anime then it's safe to assume you're a manchild. If you are extroverted and dress yourself nice, nobody will hold that against you. I suggest going outside sometime.

>Girl flabbergasted and stands there speechless for a few seconds

The way you worded it isn't a simple "no, it's an android", which would have been perfectly fine and dandy; you had to jump at the opportunity to affirm that you think Android is oh so better than iOS to a random stranger. A lot of people here are going to share that opinion, including myself, but I'd hedge my bets on you coming off as an apprehensive asshat, and that being why she was thrown off-track.

I don't know about you guys, but most people my age literally don't give a fuck about either of these. As long as it's a smartphone and has the usual slew of messaging apps, and as long as you're not that guy from the webm with a VR headset strapped to his face in the subway, nobody is going to bat an eye towards you.

dumb frogposter

I've just moved from Europe to North America.
Here in Canada tons of people play games in public, but back in the Netherlands it was def. seen as a children's thing besides Pokémon because that's cool and hip.

>A lot of people here are going to share that opinion, including myself, but I'd hedge my bets on you coming off as an apprehensive asshat, and that being why she was thrown off-track.

t. iToddler

Technological inequality is like wealth inequality is basically intelligence inequality. A reminder that affirmative action is meant to accomplish this but so far has simply stunted white men.

Reminder that more women use ishit than guys who'll use whatever android has the best reviewed sound system like real fucking men.

I own a Moto G, first gen because I have no need to upgrade. Try again.

>I'd hedge my bets on you coming off as an apprehensive asshat, and that being why she was thrown off-track.

Or it could be because

a. Female
b. iPhone user

Doesn't quite make for an intelligent combination

This is literally the reason I've been android all the way for my smartphones.

I learned enough about iOS + iTunes syncing retardation from the iTouch 2nd gen in junior HS, that I didn't want to touch a fucking iDevice willingly ever again.

It's too bad the majority of good games are still on iOS, and not on Android. Fuckin' Hook Champ man.


No, just an average female. Kill yourself, autist.


Do you know where you are?

>It's too bad the majority of good games are still on iOS,
>bike or die 2 isnt on android yet
>cant find my palmos pda for 5 years
like is suffering.

underage b&

AT&T corporate US retail employee here...

I have and use both an iPhone 7 plus and an LG V20 every day.

I find gratifying features and nuances I appreciate from both os'

I also deal with shills, faggots, and mouth breathers using both Android and iOS every day at work. OP's experience is not unique and it goes both ways.

Are you retarded
Junior HS is 7th/8th grade.
That was literally in 2008
It's been 8 years user. I was 12 then and ricing my iTouch by jail breaking that PoS, and now I'm 20 ricing my Droid Turbo with custom ROMs.

Thanks Captain obvious, was it necessary to type all that instead of just saying "it goes both ways"?

The butthurt in your post strong; I'm guessing you fit into one of the two categories I described. Hence the important of detail.

I had the first gen Itouch when I was like 12 dude

Leave my Sup Forums, smelly 12 year olds.

I know you dont care but installing emulators on iOS is easy without jailbreak

subscribed. Waiting are you throwing a party?

>has a job
word of advice

now that you make your own income you should probably start acting like it

>a girl talks to you
You almost fooled me

>Manchild in denial

And then she texted chad about that one loser playing video games on his rip off phone.

things that never happened

user, she just wanted to make conversation, why did you have to fuck it up?

also nobody aside Sup Forums cares about phone os

>lonely girl starts conversation with you
>laugh at her for being a stupid iphone babby

all she wanted was to suck your donger, user. nobody cares about your retarded emulators.

not OP, but cargo pants are unironically a good choice due to their usefulness, if you're going on a trip somewhere (but not for everyday use)

This. I have nothing against the design of iPhones or the software, but I refuse to use iTunes and its garbage.

>girl doesn't know what android is
>but knows what jailbraking is

I think OP is lying.

Not everyone who plays little girl anime is a manchild, really depends on how you present yourself. If you look like some unhygienic overweight antisocial loser who plays with his penis in public then it's safe to assume you're a manchild. If you are extroverted and dress yourself nice, nobody will hold that against you. I suggest going outside sometime.

>Playing video games in public with a controller even lol
I'd be flabbergasted and speechless also if I saw someone that socially inept



dude you retarded
When a women says that he likes what you doing It does not mean that she likes it.
It means that she wants to have sex with you and procreate

You'd be surprised how retarded some women are. I have an S7 and my 18 yr old sister literally didnt know what it was, she apparently never heard of an android phone. then she told me I was the only person she ever met who didn't have an iphone and that my phone was shit bc something like "its hard to use"

>You'd be surprised how retarded some women are.
I'm actually surprised you bother taking this thread seriously, OP is either a troll or a retard.

She just wanted to talk to you and get closer to you. You messed up, I hope this story is not real.