Laptop recommendation

Hi Sup Forums can you be nice for a moment and recommend me a good laptop preferably with good screen quality? Macbooks screens look great but apple stuff are for about twice the price I'm willing to pay. I will probably run some linux distribution on it and use it manly for webdev and some programming. Feel free to recommend distribution as well.

When is g not nice?

not never

Any recommendations then? Please Sup Forums I don't want to waste money on macflap.
Why it's so simple to build your own PC rig but when it comes to laptops you need to choose from already built company branded laptops.

XPS 15 or 13.

Mid range or base model? Mid is kind of pricey and base is kind of weak, any alternatives?

Anything but a fucking Dell.
Get Apple.

Literally anything is better than macshit.

You guys are so blinded by your hatred of Apple that you fail to realize Dell is worse.

Sure you save a bit of cash initially, but you get a piece of shit that either doesn't work or will break in the next few weeks and then you will have to deal with terrible customer service. And since time = money, you will end up spending more on that piece of shit Dell than on that Apple.

I'd rather you drones recommend Lenovo instead of Dell.

None of what you said is true.

I have a Dell laptop from 2006 (Inspiron 640m) that still works well and I use as my mpd music box.

Dell customer service in my experience has been great. I needed a new charger a few months after I bought the laptop and I had it within 24 hours.

What is your price range?


t. apple shill

Pick one of these.

t. Dell shill

I'm also looking to buy a laptop. My price range is 400$. I want to use it to learn Information Security, other kinds of IT and maybe play some League of Legends on it(LoL optional but not really important).

It would be really nice if you guys could help me out

What's wrong with DELL?

I also want to know that

So anyone? What's like Sup Forums approved laptop to do some programming, webdev and run Linux on?

Sup Forums always told me to stay away from acer. HP, ASUS and toshiba.
Dell, Lenovo are the best laptops to buy.

Used Thinkpad.
There is literally a general for it.

HP Elitebooks are good. It's the consumer grade stuff that you should watch out for. They're built horribly: plastic hinges, flexing everywhere, terrible keyboards, etc.

HP Elitebooks, Dell Latitudes, and T, X, W series ThinkPads are all highly recommended.

alienware 13r3 with oled

run ubuntu or fedora. everything will work stock except the gui controls for brightness- just use the keyboard keys. the oled panel is literally god-tier.

i have a retina macbook pro and the alienware 13 r3 is way better. movies, tv, youtube, text editing- everything just looks better on an OLED panel.

Eh? Asus are the best for midrange price/performance while maintaining decent quality, stay away from Acer and MSI too

also you get your choice of a i5-6300hq or i7-6700hq and a gtx 1060.

10 rupees have been deposited into your bank accounts.

t. Dell High Command

>HP Elitebooks, Dell Latitudes, and T, X, W series ThinkPads are all highly recommended.
All are overly priced unless you get refurbished, or used.
I meant for consumer laptops.
Not with the recent models.
It's on par with Acer.
What do you suggest?

what happened?

Is ASUS usually reliable?

Elitebooks are not nearly as long-lasting as Lenovo Thinkpads.

>unless you get them used

No shit. That's the allure of them. You get used modern hardware that's easy to repair for the price of a new Chromebook. Buy the consumer grade shit if you want. The hardware in laptops now has practically peaked. The only real improvements in the last few years has been battery life.

They're of similar build quality, and you can get them cheaper than ThinkPads.

>Buy the consumer grade shit if you want
I'm using a T420 right now, it's the other people who believe new=better.
IMO the newer models are cutting corners on the build quality to afford muh newer CPU.

Wait for 1050 laptops then buy cheapest

Any Thinkpad, visit \tpg\

VAIO Z. ThinkPad X62 mod.

Thanks anons and sorry for spoon feeding me but thankfully you're not like those f/a/ggots. So which series would you recommend and which distros would you recommend to run on them, I kind of like the look of pic related some user posted yesterday I think, how to achieve it?

>someone likes something I don't like
>must be a shill

Never change, Sup Forums.

Shameless bump, are thinkpads a valid option? What's the appeal behind them, why are they called differently than just laptops?

its hilarious how you people will sacrifice quality for specs. Got a bunch of Brand new kabylake 16gb HP laptops at work this week for the new year.

out of the box they are cheaply built mostly plastic. The back cover where the logo is is so thin that it flexes into the body with pressure from a finger.
The screen although it's HD is completely washed out and low quality. Trackpad is mediocre.
Of course all that doesn't matter around here because of much specs and much price.
there a ton of intangibles that are more valuable then specs when buying a tool you will be using day in and out.

Even T420 chassis's bend with a finger pressure.

if you wanna take a risk with the chinks go ahead and buy a Xiaomi Mi Notebook Air, they're *supposed* to be really nice and they're pretty damn cheap too

Packard Bell.
Not chink, but not AMERICAN as well.

>although it's HD
is that a typo and you wanned to write FHD?

and should have go for probooks
they are decent, even in 400 series
theres 600 series and then elitebooks 800 series which are on pair thinkpads and latitudes

I'm typing this on my Dell Inspiron 15R that I've had since middle school, that still functions like the day I bought it. Oh, also, because lithium batteries eventually lose functionality, it's nice to be able to replace my battery once every couple years. Try doing that on a macbook