ITT: technology you will buy in 2017

ITT: technology you will buy in 2017

I'll start, can't wait for pic related

Other urls found in this thread:

>edge-to-edge screen
>Rose Gold

Yup, the next iPhone will be the best one yet!

this will be the year.

>literally every post is a meme so far
Come on, guys.

This user gets it.

it's 2017 and you're still shitposting? fuck off

I currently plan to buy absolutely nothing.

My x220 won't get here for another week. Does that count??

Fuck yeah Nintendo Switch

Don't judge, I wanna get some spectacles!

>32gb of storage

Zen processor

Zen and Vega. Because fuck Nvidia for being too superior

i hope you get punched in the face and robbed by some nigger

new imac update (or mac pro if they decide to update that instead of letting it die)


I unironically want the Nintendo switch

That's going to be a meme. I bet the battery wont last 20 minutes.


Probably a new monitor. Something IPS and 4k with at least 30'.

I like doodles


x34p, if it's ever fucking released

There is a headphone port on that mock up

It's a semen canal

Ryzen if it's at a sane price. Used Xeon workstation if it's not.

You'd better watch out once I've got one of these fuckers

why even have a body then, just have your brain in a vat with spinal cord attached like in robocop 2, ultimate comfy.


>just have your brain in a vat with spinal cord attached like in robocop 2, ultimate comfy.
one day user...

Get the thinkpad if you can, user.
Chromebooks are pretty shit 2bh.

Please don't reproduce
I met many retarded people in my years on this site but you easily made it into the top 10 with this

You actually don't understand shit, so please let me give you this one advice, and please take it:
You are horribly stupid and it hurts, don't ever try to spread the shit you believe to know about anything ever again.

Now please try to think about the shit you're telling us here for at least 5 minutes and maybe you find the giant flaws in your logic all by yourself.
No one is here to give you private lessons. Maybe google "How does the human body work?".
If you still don't get it then, just kill yourself

Nice pasta. Mind if I save it?

crap, I don't have any pastas to reply to this, I saw one a while ago, but didn't save it :(

anyway, sure, it's yours now


btw, you have to contextualize and change the google part before posting

I will buy a girlfriend(boy)

>look at someone with google glass
>eww stop looking at me i want my privacy

>look at someone with snapchat spectacles
>wow thats so cool get a pic of me!!!

ergodox ez or a mattias ergo pro?

I definitely want a Nintendo Switch, I hope it's good and Nintendo doesn't screw us over.

>or a mattias ergo pro
>>Dedicated keys for... Undo, Cut, Copy, Paste
I'd go for the ergodox just because of those semi-useless keys. Plus the staggered grid layout looks more interesting than mattias' split normal layout.

but I'm mostly going to use it to run chrome on it, and the battery life + browsing will be shit, guaranteed.

I'm almost at the point now where I want a streaming web browser, like a game, just to browse the web.

RX 490

That thing looks really stupid though. user, why are you buying stupid things?

>buying a glorified tablet
>tfw wii u taught people nothing

Enjoy playing inferior ports of 6 year old games and more recycled nintendo crap

>there are people who will buy that to play 4 hours in 720p
Nintendo is cancer.

With the popularity of 21:9 monitors, i wonder if 21:9 TVs will make a comeback this year.

Womens doodles?

I wonder how radically difference mobile and docked mode will look on the Switch.

I have a feeling Nintendo might eventually add the option to disable mobile's "power saving" mode and run it at full speed on the go.

Enjoy the shittiest screen I have ever seen on a laptop this new.

Seriously, why couldn't it be 1980x1080

Its like the only thing that makes the laptop suck.
t. X220 owner

the Wii U was a marketing failure above all else

PS3 didn't sell well at the start either but it has grown to outsell the 360 later on in some regions

You can blame it on marketing, but in reality the Wii U was just a crap toy with no good games. They promised being able to play games on the gamepad, turns out it was fucking underwhelming and made games run like garbage in 2 player mode unless Nintendo themselves made them.

Switch is basically Wii U 2, exactly the same concept, slightly different execution. If you use it in tablet mode, games go low rez to conserve power and it holds charge for like 4 hours tops. The tablet's battery also has to charge the detachable controllers reducing it even further.

People are gonna fall for it because it has a cool, marketable gimmick that most likely doesn't work in real life. Just like the Wii U.

Eh, I think it'll do reasonably well. Google wanted Glass to be taken seriously. Spectacles seem more like selfie sticks, in the sense that they're a dumb but sort of acceptable novelty.

By the way, for a point of reference, what kind of battery life does the Shield Tablet get while gaming?

>exactly the same concept
Wii U was just a console with a big controller
The Switch is a handheld that can be overclocked and be played on the TV

let's not forget the lack of backwards compatibility because muh cartridges

Id like to get a ps4 slim and switch, not sure I czn afford both and being part of 2 ecosystems

>12.5" display
Either you have telescopic eyes or you sit with your face about 6 inches from the fucking screen?

Just about the only /practical/ resolution would maybe be 1600x900 max.