/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Previously: Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.
Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread. ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources[*].

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or Mac.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

* Resources:
$ man
$ info
$ help

Your friendly neighborhood search engine:
Try to use a search engine that respects your privacy such as qwant, searx, ixquick or startpage.

Check the Wikis (Most troubleshoots work for all distros.)

What distro should you choose?

Break out of the botnet:

Learn more about Free Software:

Try GNU GuixSD:

/fglt/'s website:

/fglt/'s copypasta collection:

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games:
Part II: Part I: archive.loveisover.me/t/post/707928/

/t/'s GNU/Linux Training Videos:
/wg/'s GNU/Linux Wallpapers:
Part III: Part II: archive.nyafuu.org/wg/thread/6767536/
Part I: archive.nyafuu.org/wg/thread/6743571/

Other urls found in this thread:


hey, quick question about repos, I'm running ubuntu with apt, I know how to add repos to sources.list - what repos can I use apart from the default one? Can I just add the Kali repo or whatever to grab a couple of tools or will there be issues with compatibility?
Is there a way to search for compatible repositories?

Use your search engine to look for 3rd party repositories for your distrubiton.

Yes there will be incompatibilities.


>Can I just add the Kali repo or whatever to grab a couple of tools or will there be issues with compatibility?

You're better off using PPAs

So I fell for the Arch meme. Spent the whole morning and half the afternoon trying to setup everything the way I like it.

Still, half the shit doesn't work right :(

1) When I "sudo vim ...", vim doesn't load up my vimrc or use any of the plugins. Not sure what the issue is... under Ubuntu, vim loaded up my local vimrc and plugs.

2) dnscrypt-proxy was a huge bitch to install. I still think it doesn't work right since I didn't properly edit the service file and just edited it directly because it was failing when I tried to do it properly. I'll have fun updating I bet...

3) lm sensors can't pick up my Nvidia fan and GPU temperatures. I tried running 'sudo sensors-detect' but for some reason, when I type 'sensors' I don't see nvidia at all

4) ran into some minor issue of not being able to install a package with yaourt... i
yaourt cinnamon-applet-system-monitor
1 cinnamon/cinnamon-applet-system-monitor 1.2.0-2
Display system informations in Cinnamon panel, such as memory usage, cpu usage, network rates
2 aur/cinnamon-applet-system-monitor r53.abff13d-1 (0) (0.00)
Cinnamon applet displaying system informations, such as memory usage, cpu usage, network rates. Ported from gnome-shell extension
==> Enter n° of packages to be installed (ex: 1 2 3 or 1-3)
==> -------------------------------------------------------
==> 2

==> Downloading cinnamon-applet-system-monitor PKGBUILD from AUR...
==> ERROR: cinnamon-applet-system-monitor not found in AUR.

Any advice on the issues above?

Should I install arch or should I fall for the guix meme? Also, how easy is systemd to use compared to the standard sysv init system. Coming from FreeBSD here

You should avoid adding third party repos and PPAs like the plaque. They may (and mostly do) cause dependency hell. If you want something from outside the official repos, either use repos/PPAs your really trust or (better) compile it yourself and create a package for your distro (checkinstall).

>Should I install arch or should I fall for the guix meme? Also, how easy is systemd to use compared to the standard sysv init system. Coming from FreeBSD here
How much Linux exp do you have? Do you have an SSD? Do you have a laptop?

Getting basic Arch up and running is fucking easy. You can consult Arch install wiki for a quick rundown.

But, getting more complex shit up and running and getting things done right will take you a day at least. Yes, shit breaks and doesn't work like Wikis tell you it does.

start over with ubuntu

How does /fglt/ defend itself against Black Arch hackers?

I have the time. Also, I was really dead set on arch anyway. The archwiki is really usefull, even when using another distro.

Lads.... I did a meme haha

good luck then. have some fun but be prepared to start over... so don't be an idiot and do it on a HDD/SDD you have some important shit on.

also, disconnect the fucking SATA cable from drives you have important shit on. just leave a disposable HDD in.

or... just use virtualbox/vmware.

>You should avoid adding third party repos and PPAs like the plaque.

>either use repos/PPAs your really trust

>compile it yourself and create a package for your distro
What do you think a PPA is?

>They may (and mostly do) cause dependency hell.
Maybe if you're a retard. Every PPA i've ever seen gives you a list of dependencies on the page. Never had an issue with them.

> 1) When I "sudo vim ...", vim doesn't load up my vimrc or use any of the plugins. Not sure what the issue is... under Ubuntu, vim loaded up my local vimrc and plugs.
Because it loads it as if you were the root user, if Ubuntu can do that then Arch can too, I guess you'd have to change some permissions, just Google it.

>3) lm sensors can't pick up my Nvidia fan and GPU temperatures. I tried running 'sudo sensors-detect' but for some reason, when I type 'sensors' I don't see nvidia at all
Make sure you have everything set-up properly, if it doesn't work then create a post in the Arch forums explaining your issue.

>4) ran into some minor issue of not being able to install a package with yaourt... i
Tried installing it from my side and it worked with no issues whatsoever.

I've been distro hopping recently since getting a new SSD, so I have no worries about starting over. Also, I have a 240 GB drive, but can only partition 220GB, wat do gee?

>What do you think a PPA is?
A repo which contains program(s) compiled by literally who, which, depending on the PPA holders competence, may hold additional dependencies which cause breakage, which again cause crying newcomers.

Trying your best to burn it quick huh?

N... no ;_;

>literally who

Everytime you format and reinstall shit you're doing alot of writes. Good luck with that. If I had an SSD I'd pick something and stick with it.

im about to try to install linux mint on a mac. this will be my second time using linux, first one with some chroot distro on a chromebook.
i have a spare copy of parallels laying around and was wondering whether it would be easier to use VirtualBox or Parallels (desktop 8) for mac (if it's even compatible)
anyone know?

use ubuntu

easier to set up?

also, i only have like 20 gigs of space left on this peice of shit so idk if that would even fit

I want to strangle the faggot who ruined opendesktop.org sites with my bare hands

good lord i doesn't even have a functioning "search" anymore.

No, go with Arch. You'll actually learn something by installing your system.

>mfw there are freetards in this very thread using google botnet captcha to post on a closed source proprietary software imageboard

I pay my GIMP to make posts for me.

Seeing how modern ssd's last around 1 PETABYTE of written data, he has little to worry about

>I've been distro hopping recently since getting a new SSD, so I have no worries about starting over.
You should be warned that installing Arch on an SSD so it doesn't trash the shit out of it is not trivial. I spent 2 days reading all the Wiki pages trying to figure out how to install FDE with SSD. There's also an issue with TRIM and how to properly enable it.

>Also, I have a 240 GB drive, but can only partition 220GB, wat do gee?
Don't tell me you have Windoze or your current OS on that thing and you want to add Arch partition... that's just asking for trouble.

I ran LM under Parallels for years. Works well. Do it.

And LM is so much nicer than Ubuntu.


Yeah, it's just an SSD for shitposting and learning Unix

You're an idiot.


Fucking hell... I had to reboot the computer and now Arch boots only in 640x480 resolution. I think GRUB is the culprit. Also, when I do xrandr it only shows that shit resolution. Fuck. I thought the issue was with the GFX card but i booted Windows and it works.

How do I fix this? How do I get my resolutions back?

like what, setting up an anime wallpaper?

Off the top of my head, how to control system units, set up a WM or DE, etc..


how to be an IT person. that's basically what you'll learn. if you want to just program or use the thing, don't bother with that bullshit.

you'll basically track down errors and issues, paste the output into Google and then read Stackexchange on how to fix it.

Use your gfx card control panel

>Use your gfx card control panel
It's an Nvidia card. Can I do it from the command line? What would I use?

Thanks user!

install nvidia-settings

>install Steam through software library
>Error you are missing a font package
>manually install font package
>confirms it is already installed
>Steam still fails to launch
Pls halp Sup Forums, I have been using Linux for like three days

for fucks sake since when window manager themes are lgbtqpbrbbbq unfriendly?

fc-cache -vf

I already had a Linux OS installed. Oh well, I'm not going to be a NEET in a couple months, so I'll be able to buy a brand new laptop with a fresh Hard drive

Thanks user. Gonna boot into arch now and give it a go.


I think you mean Systemd/GNU/Linux.
Get your terminology right, son.

Fite me IRL

SystemD/Busybox/Linux/Xorg display server/gnome/bash

you're trying too hard, it's just gnu.
the guy who creates it, names it, which was rms back in the 80. linux is just one of the kernels which are used with gnu, which was added in the early 90s. installing nt and bonzy buddy in windows doesn't change the name to windows/nt/bonzy buddy; it's just windows - and it's just gnu

But i dont use the gnu userland at all

I'm more of an XFCE man myself

kek, now I truly see

>guy who creates it,
Linux created it. If gnu didnt exist he would have used another userland that was avalible at the time. stallman just happen to be lucky at the time.
You dont have to use gnu at all on your system.
You can use the Linux kernel with various other userlands.
Its Linux

>Last updated on Feb 28 2015
It's dead, Jim.

>You can use the Linux kernel with various other userlands.
That systems obviously aren't GNU plus Linux systems, so why use that argument?

Why update perfection?

You're forcing people to say its gnu,when in reality it isnt. You deny any other possible outcomes.This is a linux thread,i can use busybox/malloc/qlibc and the thing in common is Linux, not gnu

Does xfce have a compositor already?

Too bad it isn't perfect.

You can use any compositor you like.

Well, following your "logic" you're forcing people to say it's Linux when they don't even use systems with Linux as kernel. This is a GNU/Linux thread, I can use GNU plus kFreeBSD, GNU plus Hurd, GNU plus Linux-libre - but does it change the fact that the most commonly used combination is the GNU system with the Linux kernel?

The most common thing is that you're using the Linux kernel sweetheart.
What loads first?
Oh right, the KERNEL, which then loads everything else
I know its hard for you to accept this.
Go walk bare foot outside and eat the dirt like your "saviour" does.

stop replying to him you dumb faggot.

you waste time arguing him and he'll come here tomorrow and will shit up the thread once again.

just don't reply and see how quickly he'll go away

I always thought GRUB loads first.

>What loads first?
then the bootloader


guess what runs the kernel

How can non-GNU software EVER compete?

>*** Please be civil, notice the "Systemd" in every Friendly Systemd Thread. ***


freetards btfo
lincucks btfo

But windows before NT was just a DE

Different thought: The system is always a combination of different programs, so there isn't a technical correct term other than naming every single program by itself, or more sane, the distro name.
So, but when it comes to naming the thing as system, why not using a name that makes people aware of the initial goals, the whole thing started for instead of using a name that tries to hide them?


in the early days, people feared that "free" makes people think of low quality freeware, so they coined new words and strategies to hide the "free" terminology, in order to boost free software. sadly it ended up in a divided community. I highly recommend to watch "revolution os" on that topic.

... and Open Source was born.

The unwritten convention goes like this
>you call it Linux majority of the time in all environments, especially among normalfags who have no clue what you're talking about but somehow cornered you into pronouncing the word
>you call it GNU/Linux when differentiating between the kernel and the operating system(s) is relevant to the discussion
>you call it by the distribution name when it's irrelevant to the discussion

There will be two groups of people who will not agree with what I have written here:
>People who insist on using GNU/Linux in every opportunity
Autistic faggots that should reconsider their lives
>People insisting on calling it "Linux" and you refuse to accept other names and who seek to actively defend their stance on the topic
Contrarian faggots that should reconsider their lives

I actually agree. Except that saying GNU/Linux among normalfags isn't really bad, bad is correcting/interjecting them since it's just pissing people off.

Trying to get this straight. On Ubuntu, apt-get just downloads packages and checks dependencies, but dpkg is the program that actually installs the package?

apt, apt-get, aptitude are frontends to dpkg.
dpkg by itself cannot resolve dependencies.

same goes for
fedora and derivatives where yum/dnf are frontends to rpm
and opensuse where yast/zypper are frontends to rpm

Different user, how's on arch?

>Different user

Can somebody help me install Debian?

As far as I understand there are like...three versions? Testing, stable and unstable? Their website seems awfully confusing.

Which one do I want? I see even the Stable has two versions a BT hybrid version an ISO hybrid version, just wtf?

you want stable
unstable is for betatesting software
testing is ubuntu without the fun stuff

Welp Sup Forums I installed ubuntu Gnome 16.04 on my gaymun desktop (i7 6700k r9 Fury nano)

I have installed steam but when I click the icon it doesn't run. I am also trying to install the fglrx drivers but I click run on the executable script it does nothing. (I have allowed scripts to run in the permissions)

Any help would be greatly appreciated, not sure what else to do.

Power Grid/Local power network/House power grid/power conduit/power supply/motherboard/cpu/ram/pci/sata/pata/ide/bios/bootloader/Linux>Xorg display server/Display manager/Window manager/terminal emulator/bash


>do i fit in yet? XDD


Debian and apt are shit


you want testing, except you're a server or bloody new and need something rock solid, then use stable

setting up mpd on my r pi 3 with raspbian os
the music in on an external hdd plugged in with usb
I can connect remotely to it with ncmpcpp and see the connection established message just none of the music loads
I'm not sure what the issue is
the music is in /media/pi/ff7c6aef-93b8-4909-adf6-46f810d1d480/Music

did you put that in .config/mpd/mpd.conf?

you have to update your library

I'm trying to write a script that fades out the brightness of my screen except for the mpv windows, but I can't find a solution with xrandr. Is there an option for exluding a windows or something that I'm missing or is there a program that already does the job?