Screen tearing

real question:
Has anyone ever managed to fix the linux screen tearing? If yes, how?

something something wayland

instal win10


Already tried wayland and compiz. Doesn't fix shit

> not wanting to experience the raw power of your GPU

update your drivers
I spent so long messing with compiz and shit, when the actual solution was updating to a certain revision of Nvidia drivers.

>wayland and compiz
Do you even know the difference?

why not just have windows on a seperate drive and then just game off that?

don't talk back to me, boy!

op is just trying to watch frozen with mpv

you shouldn't need windows for that

No. I just did what the people on the forums said :^)
I have 367.57. Do you recommend a specific version?
I'm not gaming, the pic is from google images. The tearing is noticeable when watching movies

I get no tearing with
compton --backend glx --paint-on-overlay --vsync opengl-swc


But I still get tearing while playing youtube videos on firefox.
Though scrolling and watching videos in mpv work fine.

install gentoo

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called “Linux”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project. There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use.
Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine’s resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called “Linux” distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

Edit you xorg.conf (Google it you stupid fuck, there are many guides atleast 1 of them on the Manjaro wiki) or use up-to-date software. KDE stoped to have screen tearing for me some months ago.

Unity/Compiz or Xfce/Compton

never experienced screen tearing in both mpv and Firefox. i can safely say that compiz renders fonts and videos better than windows 10 at this point.

meanwhile KDE and Gnome3 shit themselves when I run 10-bit chinese cartoons. Even Youtube videos in Firefox experience screen tearing in other distros.

Just mess around with different versions. I have a 610m and some give me black screen and others give me tearing. The one that works for me is 304.132.
Performance is still subpar in most games, tho.

Only way to prevent screen tearing in *all* scenarios is to use a compositing window manager, standalone composition managers exist such as compton and Xcompmgr but aren't sure proof ways of completely removing it.

This is required because X Server is a shitty pile of deprecated garbage and doesn't support any sort of synchronization between rendering and displaying a window on a screen by itself. Therefore it will always tear without composting or hack jobs.

X Server should have been dead years ago, but people in the free software world keep enabling it to exist. Only now have people realized this and are fixing the huge embarrassment that is graphical desktop UNIX-like systems.

using radeon or amdgpu driver the solution literlly is called tearfree

Can attest this works. Haven't got any problems since.

never had this problem

Freetard logic:
If I never had this problem, then it doesn't exist.

I get screen tearing on W10 when I scroll through images in Windows Explorer

Threads and posts like these are subtle shills. Literally corporations are behind this to discourage people who don't know better from switching to linux. Bullshit and lies.

Yeah, corporations, sure. Did you forgot to take your meds for today?

They'll be forever stuck in 1% marketshare because they refuse to fix or even acknowledge most issues. Feels good man.

Fucked with some driver settings, I fixed it years ago so I hardly recall.

>this is what freetards actually believe
I had problems with screen tearing on Linux Mint about a year ago. I managed to fix it, (can't remember exactly how) but then a few months later my distro bugged out and broke itself.

Linux is literal shit. It's nice if you want something to fiddle with besides your pecker every day but for the most part it's garbage as a desktop OS because it will always break for no reason.

disable your compositor when using fullscreen apps.

>compton --backend glx --paint-on-overlay --vsync opengl


> corporations
Yes, user is referring to the literal corporate logo in the picture of rms.

>It's nice if you want something to fiddle with besides your pecker every day but for the most part it's garbage as a desktop OS because it will always break for no reason.

There it is again. Bullshit and lies. How much do you get paid? I've been using the same Arch install for years with ZERO issues.

I agree, this mentality is one of the biggest problems with Linux/BSD users and is largely why trivial problems like screen tearing never get fixed.


The problem lies with driver manufacturers who do not help or support Linux devs. So they have to reverse engineer open source drivers which sometimes do not work with all devices perfectly.

You should be happy that there is an alternative to Windows which is free. It takes very minute effort to get a working Linux install on most desktop/laptop systems.

Ubuntu has the highest success rate of all distros.

>The problem lies with driver manufacturers who do not help or support Linux devs
False, the problem lies on Xorg, which should've been replaced back in the early 2000s.

Install compton and run compton --replace

Then how come it performs better than Windows on my laptop? I only have Intel iGPU and there is a huge difference in font rendering and clarity of display.

We actually acknowledge the problem here. There are multiple workarounds for the problem that are mentioned here.

The reason it isn't fixed at the source of the problem yet is because it can't actually be fixed since xorg is a piece of shit that has to be replaced hence why Wayland is being developed. Until Wayland is production ready you can either use a workaround or deal with it.

No screen tearing solely exists because X Server is decades old trash and has no way of syncing the rendering and displaying of windows being drawn.

This problem has existed for ages yet nobody talks about because they either act like it doesn't exist, it's perfectly normal, or that "drivers" are causing the problem.

That's because Linux isn't just xorg and even though xorg is shit Windows is at least just as shitty. It's going to be a lot better in 1 or 2 years when Wayland has matured a bit.

What is the alternative? With the amount of manpower behind Linux projects, a few people could write up a better display manager?

What about mir? I heard 17.04 will be a complete makeover with Unity 8. Is it just hype or something realistic?

>everyone that disagrees with me is a paid shill
That's fine man, I don't have the patience for Arch. I go back to Linux every few years to see if it's any better but I'm still not impressed. Keep in mind I've been building PCs since around 2000.

After all of these years it's still a buggy piece of shit for desktop use that takes hours to get working properly and then you have to be cautious updating anything because the system will break without warning.

Also, protip: People don't give enough of a shit about Linux for people to be paid to shill against it. Maybe mac vs pc but I'm sure companies know that only autists use Linux regularly so you can drop the tinfoil shill act, it makes you look more autistic than you already are.

No it's basically Canonical saying "We're gonna do the same thing as you guys but slightly different" which is a shame since there is less manpower per project because of it. They could have helped Wayland too but didn't. Not that I hate Mir but we need to focus on 1 thing for now.

Messing with my compositors settings fixes the problem.

>After all of these years it's still a buggy piece of shit for desktop use that takes hours to get working properly and then you have to be cautious updating anything because the system will break without warning.
This is not true shill

I don't personally know how do you compare both but Windows have *always* performed better than Linux for me in UI performance, and I blame Xorg. Of course I hope you're comparing apples to apples and oranges to oranges: the valid comparison is between Windows and KDE, Unity or GNOME i.e. full featured, composited DEs, not against something like Xfce or MATE.

>huge difference in font rendering and clarity of display
that has nothing to do with "performance".

Sure compositing does provide a direct solution to the screen tearing but it doesn't actually address the real problem which is X Server itself.


xorf is pretty shit

wish wayland got good already but until then no tearing in openbox+compton i guess

Windows 10 or MacOS.


If you have Nvidia go to Nvidia settings and enable vsync
If you have Intel graphics then it should be enabled by default
I don't know about AMd but see in their settings.

AMD has no tearing if you're using mesa and no compositor is needed - just enable the tear free option.

>take autism medication to get over your irrational fear of the botnet
>install windows 7
>use aero theme

Every time this thread appears, I snicker. Back in the day we struggled to figure out how to make this happen in order to get a higher frame rate in games.

Hint: vsync

>implying neo-Sup Forums has a clue about Vsync.

I had it the other way around my g75w (laptop for gaymen) can't get vsync at all on Windows. Tried everything I can think of.
On Linux it just werks.

Shame it's pointless because all my games are on my Windows boot anyway.

I had tearing on an external monitor for a long time and couldn't figure out how to fix it.

It turned out I had a shit and/or damaged monitor.

Anybody know what hardware issues cause monitors to not into vsync?

linux is a kernel, it doesn't have a graphical interface, which also means no screentearing

Switch to apple, it just works

>Has anyone ever managed to fix the linux screen tearing?
Haven't had any screen tearing since I switching to Gnome 3. Granted, I only use the free drivers.

That game is shit

Option "metamodes" "nvidia-auto-select +0+0 { ForceFullCompositionPipeline = On }"

Fucking this, I can't believe this took 64 replies

In the latest drivers you can turn it on with the X Server Settings

that has nothing to do with how screen tearing works jesus christ. if your gpu is drawing frames at a greater rate than your monitor's refresh rate you will get screen tearing unless it is a multiple of your monitor's refresh rate

I swear you people who manage to fuck up using any os wether it be windows, mac, or any flavor of linux autism don't know jack shit. though if you choose linux it seems to shit itself all on its own

Never had this problem on mint.
Try installing mint?