Is HVAC technology enough for you?

Is HVAC technology enough for you?

Does this look "above and beyond?"

Read the youtube video description for details+more proof.

I'm looking for people's opinions on the job, whether its unsatisfactory, or if I'm nitpicking.

Pic related is after cleanup...thats supposed to be a "brand new wheel"

Christ is that rusty

That's what all the kids from high school with no talent ended up doing

Who cares if its rusty.
Who cares if its dirty?
Hose down the exterior and go back to running it unless it needs freon.

Thats it. You don't need to look inside and complain about the rust and ERRRUHHGG ITS DUSTY!

Jesus christ.

This is the blower wheel that pulls air through the evaporator coil. The air enters the (rusty, dirty, moldy, chemical covered) blower assembly, and the air is sent through the ducts, directly into the home. This dirty thing is supposed to be providing clean air.

Why is your air not circulated from inside the house.

Not to mention, the unit had shiney, nearly brand new parts (3 years old) in it. It simply needed a cleaning, which we paid good money for, and did not recieve. They also damaged our parts in the process and didn't tell us until after the job was done.

This is an all-in-one unit, good for modular homes like mine which do not have large attics or basements. If it was a regualr 2 part AC, the evap coil would be installed under the house. F-that.

I'd call to complain. If they can fix it all for you, good. If not, then thats what happens with you trust slimy mother fuckers.

Send them a letter you will take them to court.
See what they do.
Then serve them.
Then see what they do.

I barely had enough money to pay this 500, no way I can afford a lawyer. I don't think I can win without one. And I'm sure there are more court costs other than a lawyer...On top of that, lots of time will be wasted with hearings, email, letters, and phone calls...

The unit is rusty because it's fucking outside and the metal isn't rust resistant.

Anyway the AC unit really shouldn't be drawing air from the outside to cool the inside that's just wasteful.

The outside part should be the condenser which is cooled by outside air. The pump compresses the vapor into a liquid which heats it up. That waste heat needs to be vented.

The liquid refrigerant is then transferred to the evaporator which should be inside and have inside air passed over it to be cooled. You drop the pressure and the liquid will flash into a gas cooling off.

Houses leak enough air that for single family occupancy you don't need a dedicated air exchange to supply fresh air. Only a dedicated exhaust port for the furnace if it's gas fired.

As for cleaning, did you expect them to magic away the rust?

Sir, you don't understand the AC system I have, and you didn't read the description.

>Sir, you don't understand the AC system I have, and you didn't read the description.

The description you gave was confused and you mixed up the evaporator and the condenser.

No AC unit will draw pure outside air to be cooled. At worst you get makeup air that can get passed over a heat exchange of venting inside air to outside then mixed with filtered cool air. Although that is only for large buildings with high occupancy and huge cooling needs.

Mixed up the evap with the condens? Sir, this is an all-in-one, the evap is directly behind the blower. Directly behind THAT is the Return duct, which sucks and filters air from the home into the unit, it goes through the evap coil> through the blower> into the home.

Read this post

Your video is shit to try and figure out what the fuck the set up is, but from the looks of it the unit is split in two.

The stuff to the left is the condenser which should have it's own fan to cool with outside air.

The part to the right is the evaporator and has it's air intake from the hole near the bottom which I guess leads to the house. When the cover is on the right side will be sealed against outside air and will be drawing air from inside the building.

The white residue looks to be antifungal spray that will be forced into the ducting once you start the unit up.

Better than being a loser neet with no skills like yourself

After re-watching the video again your unit does draw air from the hole, which should go into the house.

The question was asked:
>Why is your air not circulated from inside the house.
To which a reply was made
>This is an all-in-one unit, good for modular homes like mine which do not have large attics or basements.

The air is coming from the house.

Sorry that your fucking sideways video is hard to figure out what the parts are. I'd love to see you try and figure out some cunt's AC unit from a video as bad as the one posted.

You are correct, the blower in the video IS for the evap. The condenser is cooled by the top mounted fan on the left side.

You are a moron if you think a cleaning job is going to do anything for removing rust. The mold was sprayed and will die off once you start running air into the unit.

Was it cleaned? No.
Was it treated for mold? Yes.

You're getting it slowly but surely. My unit had NO RUST. It was all shiny with rust-resistant coating on it, with some bacterial growth--It was the same color as the mounting brackets.

The only rusty thing in there now is the used blower wheel, which they provided.

Was it cleaned? The coils, yeah.
Was it treated for mold? The coils, yeah.

Look closely at the inside of the blower when i put the camera in the detached unit. You will notice remaining bacterial growth.

Never said anything about the blower being swapped out in the first post.
Why would you replace the blower?

If their is still mold growing it will be dead soon once the unit starts to draw the fungicide into the system.

Go for free counselling with a lawyer, they might do everything for free if you split the winnings.

I did tell you to read the youtube video description for details. Please, I typed it out there as clear as possible, along with important points to note in the video with Time markers.