Hey Sup Forums

Hey Sup Forums,
why are you not using the best OS available?

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is this the new desktop thread

I am though.
It's great

Thats not freebsd user.

Doesn't devote enough vertical space to taskbars. I demand less content on-screen.

you misspelled Manjaro, user.

Fix this shit graphics performance fag.

I get smooth as fuck window transitions on KDE and wayland.

Welcome back Kevin

Those low uptime distros, they only fire up their VM to screenfetch and go back to windows 10

But I am.

Solus is pretty good but i'm giving deepin a try right now.

Solus really needs more software, It's inexcusable that solus doesn't have chrome in the repos.

It's a good thing it isn't, installing a botnet should be made difficult.

solus isn't a botnet. Deepin may be though but im using it anyway because it's literally the nicest linux distro UI wise.

I was, before I fell for the install FreeBSD meme

nice macOS theme, what version of linux are you using? I heard you say you're using the best OS available so that obviously isn't actually MacOS

because budgie is ugly and solus won't let me install gnome

Budgie isn't ugly though

You poor illiterate people really struggle to understand basic enough? Me pities you.



Go away Kevin

Sorry your too autistic to understand sarcasm

This sounded a lot funnier in your head.

I am though.


post wallpaper please


>that background

fucking kys, trash.

no bullying aloud

I am.

t. Window XP Pro master race

Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded fucking faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.

not even my reply lmao

How much do they pay you to shill this piece of shit OS?

wew lad that doujishi

But I am, user