>he isn't rich enough to afford Apple Products
>he thinks other items are even comparable to items made by Apple
The only reason to own any other products than ones made by apple is if you are a neck beard, autist, or a GAYMUR kiddo1!!1
>he isn't rich enough to afford Apple Products
>he thinks other items are even comparable to items made by Apple
The only reason to own any other products than ones made by apple is if you are a neck beard, autist, or a GAYMUR kiddo1!!1
You seem obnoxious and immature but I agree with you.
Anyone who shits on Macs have never actually used one intensively for productivity. Once you have mastered keyboard shortcuts and set up trackpad gestures you really can't go back to a substandard cheaper product.
It is a premium experience, for those who can afford it. Those who get butthurt about brand names have either mental issues or a chip on their shoulder over not being able to afford premium products.
Apple bastards, what can you possibly do on an ApLOL product that you will never ever have on another computer?
>that you will never ever have on another computer?
lol what a bizarre extreme goalpost to set up
whoops, meant to post more:
i would love to see a PC manufacturer put out a laptop that didn't have a serious, crippling shortcoming in some way. it seems like manufacturers just can't put out a laptop that has a good keyboard, an excellent large trackpad, a good high density display, and competent battery life.
i would love if some linux distribution community could get its head out of its ass and do proper usability studies when they design and implement shit. if you think usable interfaces just fall out of the fucking sky then you probably also think people just code complex projects in a stream of consciousness with no planning or evaluation. nobody is ever course correcting except on the basis of their already-formed beliefs about what would work, without any input from the real world.
hell, i'd love to see linux adopt pixel scaling support on par with OS X. if they could just get that sorted, that would be enough. i'd put up with a shitty graphical interface if linux just got displays and scaling sorted out 90% as well as os x or better.
windows is a dumpster truck on fire. maybe in 5 or 10 years, but not now. in 2015 i interned at MSR and they didn't even bother to force us to use the windows machines (thinkpad carbon x1's, if i remember correctly) they issued.
They're more of fashion statements now, they've completely abandoned their business market for business applications and founded a more aesthetics direction to their products.
It yields a worse product whose only real advantage is that its good looking which who really gives a shit but self conscious losers who want to look good in front of other people
>everyone who doesn't like my toy has never tried it long enough
I use a MBP and a Mac Mini at work. I don't like the OS and I can get the same shortcuts on my XPS13. Grow up and accept not everyone has to agree with you.
I'm rich enough to afford gucci and Chanel but that doesn't mean I'm stupid enough to waste all my money on an overpriced brand name.
>I'm rich enough to afford gucci and Chanel
interesting that the first luxury brands you think of are women's makeup and accessories companies.
Sorry kiddo, but you are no match for my Surface
Maybe because he wanted his examples to be relevant to the OP?
I both can afford and like Apple products, but I have no need for them (yet) since I'm still a manchild who play videogames, I have every iPhone since the 4 tho.
The aesthetics of Apple products really is something.
>dat inconsistent off-angle color
do they use TN panels? kek
yea they do
i heard that apple products are for fascists
You set yourself up for that one macfag
>neck beard
So almost everybody on this site and this board in particular should not use apple products?
Apple is proof that the holocaust isn't real. If so many people can be deceived by such blatant lies, it stands to reason that you can reproduce the effect anywhere if you just repeat your lies often enough.
As whatever software you could possibly need from Windows that is not available in OSX and is not a game is not taxing, it can run on a virtual machine without issues (parallels is fucking gold) so I would say that yeah, you need to be either a gamer or have some mad baby duck syndrome that wouldn't allow you to switch to any other OS and not just OSX. Apple products are very pricey, but not really that overpriced, you're just paying for something that -is- more expensive or at the very least, doesn't have a direct alternative for a lower price.
Still it's true that in the last years their Mac Pros have been a failure and that the newer MBPs aren't just as good as they should be.
mfw this thread
>he is poor because he buys apple products
>meanwhile i drive home to my 300 m^2 house with my german car
I disagree
For what you can get anything that windows can't do is sort of defunct. Proprietary software through operating systems is so rare now that if theres not a version on another OS theres a similar software regardless. Apple has become a lot more exclusive in terms of what ever market they want to appeal to and recently it seems like they're just riding the steam that jobs put them up on before his death. Their newest magic mouse is beyond retarded which the usability is great the way they decided to have it charge isn't. their "apple pen" is equally retarded with how it sticks out the bottom of the ipad. Even then ideas like removing the 3.5mm jack from phones makes all legacy support for things like normal headphones fucking worthless. Apple went ahead to remove functionality then advertise a feature that is more flawed than before suffering performance and usability. Their most recent venture is their new MBP which has absolutely no market standard ports that work. You need an adapter to use your own ports and it really makes the MBP look like its not versatile at all when you need additional hardware just to make it function semi-normally.
What I've noticed is that everytime you point out these glaring flaws it always turns into "well this product wasn't made for you" or "you're not the target market" Like when apple removed the ethernet port and the ability to change out your RAM in your laptop, removing functionality from people who do use those features and suddenly "you're not the target market (anymore)"
The current big blunder is their MBP, its lack of ports and the fact that you can't use USB and wifi at the same time consistently and throughout other problems of just plain lack of functionality in favor of aesthetic pleasure.
Apple hasn't redone their imac or macpro in a very long time and they have absolutely no desktop support or market hold
I have an iphone and it is fucking garbage
>$2-4k laptop having a TN panel
fuck me apple fags are dumb
their excuse for not adding an SD card reader for things like cameras and stuff was "we want a thin laptop" even though the SD card module itself is thinner than the mbp for what ever reason they just didn't put it in
youve obviously never owned one that wasnt 8 years old
Nobody can touch the MS surfacebook. Because it gets so fucking hot.
The only people that own apple computers are only Djs and hipster faggots.
Sure normalfags have iphones but litteraly no one has a mac they have a normal windows computers.
>giant touchpad
Disgusting normalfag trash
IPS is literally a dogwhistle for know-nothing bigmouths. The use case is literally uninvited shoulder surfing.
nice meme, mid-2012+ macbooks are IPS displays, the camera OP used is just garbage.
I wonder who could be behind these threads?
>premium experience for those who can afford it
Almost correct, it is a basic experience for tech illiterates who can afford it.
I've had their products in the past and have friends with their current products. I won't get them because they won't speed up my life, help me in any way and aren't even 'fun' to own. That's just me though, I like flashing roms, having full access to my own devices, setting them up the way I like/need them and paying far less for a more enjoyable and efficient experience.
I know how locked down and annoying apple is from owning past products, they treat you like an imbecile who can barely breathe and it sucks trying to do anything I need to do using their way or nothing (its often nothing).
My friends who have apple stuff complain incessantly about the programs for work they can't use, the abhorrent setup for those that are 'cross compatible' and never end up actually working. Doesn't fill me with confidence that I can complete my work when I don't have access to programs I need.
>the same applies to loonix tho
Ironically most times there are loonix alternatives, and its also free so installing it doesn't become a $1k+ mistake.
I'm sure there are plenty of normalfagits who will readily pay for a glorified facebook and text editor machine, it makes sense for them because they are often tech illiterate and need babby guidelines from applel to help them complete basic tasks. The fact that it costs more just means they can boast to friends. Just like buying an expensive car often is just for boasting. You are the equivalent of tech illiterate if you need to drive a fancy big engined automatic with cruise control, lane departure warnings, sensors up the ass and a media centre for watching a film or playing angry birds while your car runs over pedestrians for you.
You have no idea what the word "literally" means.
What does Stallman qualify as?
Best GNU dancer
Dude there are dirt-cheap german cars.
You DO realize that only EXTREMELY MENTALLY ILL (ie homosexual) so called "people" use apple products, RIGHT??!
>41 replies
come on, guys.
Volkswagen Golf, one of the most sold cars in all of Europe.
Apple isn't good, I just don't know anything better.
I'm trying to pinpoint the year everything went to shit.
Hardware, software, the net: a lot of it is literally worse now. If I had to buy a new phone or computer I wouldn't know where to begin. I don't want any of this crap.
They aren't cheap when compared to other european cars
OED redefined it to easily trigger losers like you you youre fuckin wrong.
like NASA?
The 8 year old ones are good though. It's the newer models that are a joke.
They're at the same price point as comparable Renaults, Citroens, etc. My point was "I have a German car" means nothing in terms of quality. It's like saying "I have a Japanese watch" => Seiko 5
you probably meant Polo. a black VW Golf is the car of choice for Pakistani boys who want to appear hard.
Is he drunk?
>t. mactoddler
lol sure
I'd rather have a noisy laptop than this shit.
it's a good thing we have a free market and the only thing you have to do if you don't like a product for which there are competing products is not pay for it.
oh, and post about your disappointment with large corporations on the internet. apparently that's also compulsory
No one uses macbooks or imacs anymore.
>No one uses macbooks anymore
lol what? who's telling you this?
Apple is fine sure.
But it has way more issues that I should be able to solve simply than I'm able.
> t.Apple tech support.
like what?
do you mean more issues in the sense that there are more categories of issues, or instances? by that i mean that needing to reformat and reinstall is a category of issue, but having to do that every week is 52 instances per year. not being able to replace the RAM is a category (maybe arguably 2, because needing to replace the RAM in your laptop is sort of its own problem), but if it only happens in the lifespan of 5% of the product line (for which a lifespan is ~3-5 years) then that's a different story.
Facebook normies have switched to Chromebooks and artists have hopped on to the new surface books. Who else is there?
I don't like the fact that if I attempt to get warranty work they won't do data recovery or anything. they just wipe it and return it even though the data recovery is super easy
Apple's products are good, in some ways. Bad in others. The hardware is proprietary and frankly you cannot out match Apple's hardware.
But the software is a little worse.
You see, after Sierra came out on the first patch (10.12.1) it caused a problem with something. I'm not even sure which part of the software failed, but the sympotms were Black screen with cursor upong loggin in.
Apples answer to this?
Safe mode. If that doesn't clear the issue, reinstall the OS. This shit happens all the time. I could rant all day about it.
no i'm not asking you to elaborate. i'm asking you who's telling you this. who has told you that lots of facebook normies have switch to chromebooks and that artists have adopted surface books en masse?
did they offer you any relevant statistical evidence (significant or not) of this?
i'm not trying to be combative. i know that the surface studio is a nod directly to digital artists, but it's *just* come out, and the surface pro has a competent stylus, but i haven't heard anything about a big exodus of photographers or other artists moving to windows (that is, the distribution is largely the same as it was 5 years ago).
is it annoying because now you have to restore from backup yourself?
No it means if I suffer an issue where my drive is compromised but the data is salvagable apple simply won't fucking do it
Apple has an entire policy on their drives. They won't fucking touch customer data. Liabilities and what not. We refer them to Data recovery specialists or erase it
>everly other manufacturer will recover data
>apple won't tho
I fall into the gaymer kiddo crowd I guess. I dont care if I make 6 figures, I'm still gonna play games and refuse to buy inferior products in shiny cases
this is an awfully vague complaint for an apple support tech. i'm assuming you're level 1, right? does safe mode usually work? does reinstalling usually work?
doesn't reinstalling only overwrite the system files (that is, leaves user data safe)?
does it happen a lot? like can you quantify how often this happens on a machine that starts to exhibit it, and what proportion of machines exhibits it? i realize you have sampling bias because people aren't randomly bringing their laptops in to report that their computers are fine, but can you hazard a guess?
The sales for Chromebooks have been growing higher each year and there are more and more apple hate articles like these popping up.
I'm not sure exactly why. We have pages and stuff at work which can only be viewed after signing into the employee site. It has alot of "How to handle this" kinda shit in it that customers aren't allowed to know about
Yea, I'm just some grunt.
And yes, safe mode usually works. It clears the User, system, etc caches and seems to clear up whatever happened.
Reinstalling the software installs the base level of OSX, which means the user data shouldn't be affected. But it usually ends up being a restore from backup or format and install.
Exhibit it? Unfortunately all I was able to conclude was that if you upgraded from El cap or Yosemite it'd happen, models for computers didn't matter. After they released 10.12.2 it stopped happening. Only people who update to 10.12.1 would seem to get it.
i'm not understanding why this is annoying for you except inasmuch as you have to restore your own backup. if that's the issue, what is it, like 40 minutes of your time for the confidence that they don't touch your data (even though it's encrypted i don't like the idea of anyone handling it in any way except to securely destroy it).
i don't like that other manufacturers recover data. there's no porn on my laptop or anything like that; it's all about sensitive and proprietary data.
i guess i can understand if these are not concerns for you, but apple not being in the business of analyzing and selling my data to advertisers removes the troubling incentive other companies seem to have to track, record, and report on me.
>Exhibit it? Unfortunately all I was able to conclude was that if you upgraded from El cap or Yosemite it'd happen, models for computers didn't matter. After they released 10.12.2 it stopped happening. Only people who update to 10.12.1 would seem to get it.
you're not understanding my question. it's not 100% of MBPs that upgrade to 10.12.1, so what percentage is it? and how often did this happen to that subset?
or are you telling me that every apple computer that upgraded to 10.12.1 did this?
enjoy your inconsistent battery, OP
>frankly you cannot out match Apple's hardware.
Not even Acer can make something as utter shit as the Throttlebook.
Sadly I don't have that kind of information.
Maybe if I bothered to notate it as I was working. But case by case, it was just something that occured frequently, not to mention that if safe boot didn't work, we just shove it to our Senior advisors.
What I know. Sierra caused an issue with the Sleep/wake function on the computers, causing the screen to go black and not load the environment. Only happened with Sierra after release. No idea how many affected.
So, what I do happen to know
that's your evidence of your initial claim?
do you really think those articles support what you originally said? even if you ignore the fact that those articles are (justified) criticisms of apple's latest macbook pros, i'm not seeing any data in there indicating substantial changes in market share. there are examples of better computers (the XPS 13 and the surface book, in the second link, have a few paragraphs), but you know that's different from concrete (or even suggestive) evidence that sales of those are coming at the expense of sales of MBPs, right?
i fully agree that the MBPs released in the last 3 years have been about as incremental as tectonic plates, but don't claim that people are moving from one thing to another based solely on a few articles complaining about how apple has lost the spirit of so and so. i still see people posting about having tried switching to PC laptops and going back to MBPs after finding that, at least to them, MBPs have actually just been years ahead of PC counterparts up until the last few years, when apple started stagnating and PC makers got their act together and started catching up.
PCs today are more competitive than they have been, but that just means that if you're buying your first computer today you could probably flip a coin; if you're already invested in one platform, then you probably have sufficient incentive to stay put.
compelling case you make, brother
lol ok
Why aren't you capitalizing the first letter of your sentences?
I never understood this. Why do people assume apple is for rich people? I'm poor as fuck but can still afford any apple product I want because I still have a job.
There's also the paying monthly option, but I've never been a fan of that.
Does this help you understand me?
Does a bear shit in the woods?
>Why do people assume apple is for rich people?
Only extremely mentally ill people (ie homosexual poorfags) think Apple products make them rich.
Just as with your capitalization concern, does it matter?
sometimes autistic people have trouble dealing with imprefect spelling and grammar. it's like their robot brains hit a syntax error and crash
Who said anything about Apple making people rich?
Sometimes people let their own emotional baggage seep into otherwise unrelated tantrums.
>Defending over-priced trash
xiaomi had a mac clone
>Caring about the English language is bad.
caring is fine. if this was a formal setting, sure, grammar nazi away. but avoiding the point of the post on the pretext that you can't understand it without proper capitalization is so nuts that you look either insanely autistic or desperate to stop defending a point of view that you know doesn't make any sense.
>chinese company
>knockoff of a high end product
Holy fuck BTFO "I c-cant hear you m-macfag"
Serious question: Is there actually any other laptop that does this? My i7 Lenovo laptop starts spinning it's fan rather aggressively when I compile code but it never throttles. I honestly don't know any laptop that does this.. so are there any other laptops that are this bad?
No. Not even Acer.